Friday, October 18, 2024

Reduction in salaries for President Edgar Lungu and his Cabinet is a ploy to Hoodwink Zambians


The Peoples Alliance for Change  President Andyford Banda
The Peoples Alliance for Change President Andyford Banda


The Peoples Alliance for Change says the reduction in salaries for President Edgar Lungu, his Cabinet and other high ranking Public Service Workers announced by State House is a ploy by the PF government to hoodwink Zambians into thinking that they care for them when in fact not.

Party President Andyford Banda says the money that will be realised will be nothing compared to the pain already caused to the Zambian people by the increased cost of electricity and fuel announced by the Energy Regulation Board on 26th December 2019.

Mr Banda says the pay cut which is said to be voluntary by Ministry of Information Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo is a mockery of the highest order on Zambians who are not even aware of the amounts that Ministers and highly paid Public Workers cited by President Edgar Lungu get per month.

He said if the President is serious about the welfare of the Zambian people he should take away all the incentives given to the Ministers and highly paid public service workers such as personal to holder vehicles, fuel, their children school fees, talk time and other allowances they are entitled to.

Mr Banda said the President must also ensure that your 64 Ministers who illegally overstayed in office payback the money they owe the Zambian people, take action on the FIC and auditor general reports including Civil Servants that have been cited to have abused public resources in the past such as the K34 million at the Ministry of general Education for education development in 2018 pay back the money to the Zambian people and Sell the Presidential jet procured at an exorbitant price and channel the money to the needy areas aimed at easing the burden on poor Zambians.

He said the President must also reduce on your travelling which and reckless spending which have gobbled millions of dollars at the expense of providing service to the Zambian people and stop borrowing and corruption which have seen most of the borrowed money go into people’s (Politicians) pockets instead of projects that would have created employment for the majority poor and unemployed Zambians.

Further, Mr Banda said the President must Institute independent investigations in the export of Mukula and procurement of the fire trucks. Institute independent investigations in the expensive construction projects including the toll gates.

“We have time and again said that there was no leadership in the Patriotic Front and Zambians will do well to vote for PAC that has visionary leadership to take up the mantle and manage the economy in 2021. It will be suicidal for the people of Zambia to vote for the PF in 2021 as they do not care about them.
Zambians must rise and through the ballot vote out the PF and their mediocrity in 2021. Why didn’t they reduce their salaries earlier and channel the resources towards subsidizing fuel and electricity before increasing the prices? This makes it difficult to understand the criteria used by President Lungu and his advisors to arrive at the decision”, he added.

He has since challenge the President to tell the nation how the so called money that will be realised from this so called salary reduction will be accounted for and how it will be used to cushion the burden on Zambians caused by increases in electricity tariffs and fuel prices.



  1. Nothing can ever please our moribund opposition which doesn’t deserve our vote because they literally have nothing to offer this country except their egos. Criticising anything and everything is their modus operandi, Lord lift the curse and give us better opposition….

    • Pwahahahahahahahahaha!
      Yaba! LT is good news!

      I can read African Liberal Network (ALN) in the background.

      How many Zambian polical parties are affiliated to and benefit handouts from ALN? Head count is needed fast fast. Electorates need to blacklist these homosexual groupings.

      I immediately stopped reading the rest. I am allergic to homosexuals.

    • it is true to say there is and will always be biased opposition. But this act of reducing their salaries is so insignificant and even a mockery of our intelligence, considering they steal. To argue against this is truly been irrational and even paradoxical of your statement

    • Look at the first 2 koswes at the top ……

      Hehehehe…. ekosa bolla bane

      The die has been cast, only an exceptionally good rain and farming season can make like easier for lungu and his PF rats,

      I am so enjoying this “ we told you so “

      I think I will get a T-shirt printed


    • Lungu has other sources of income. Questionable as these sources are, they exist. And they dwarf his salary vastly.

      The question is does Lungu expect these people to have similar sources of alternative income as his humble selfless self?

      Why is it that it is only Lungu that thinks this makes sense? Kaiser Zulu must be laughing his head off at the advice Lungu is getting. His decisions are becoming more and more bizarre. You can’t make this up seriously.

  2. Andyford is right. This so-ccalled Zambian Citizen will pay back the money he is eating from the government through dubious means. The better law will catch up with you and please stop commenting like a mad person when Zambians are suffering and you are enjoying the loot with them.
    Wishing you Disaster in the next government.

  3. In the first place why are we even paying him a salary? For stealing and running the economy to the ground? So annoying!

    • Yaba!
      The level of naivity is appalling.
      The level of civil disobedience is grave.
      The level of illiteracy is menacing.
      The level of impunity is absurd.
      The level of moral decay is dangerous.
      Go to Mogadishu, Eastern DRC, Wall ravaged Libya and Syria for you understand why he is on the payroll.

    • Every one look at this hopeless cader PF rats thorn …..

      Ati go to solamila , Libya ?

      Is that the best you can justify lungus salary with ????


      Mwayba ku funta ba koswe

  4. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
    parte after parte

  5. Who in their right mind would want to follow Lungu in cutting their salaries when things have become more tough than they were before?. I wait to see who stands with Lungu among his supporters to see if truly they are with their boss.

  6. Rowdy : Pls that they cut there salaries, isnt a problem for them, they have enough anyway, by all there stealing, corruption that they put in there own pockets, where is all the money ?

  7. Andy is right…..

    But the head corner stone of integrity that the builder lungu refused shall be the head Conner stone that comes back to haunt him ……

    The die is cast ….only very good rains and crops will make things easier for lungu and his gang , nothing more….nothing less…
    Their existence depends on this

    • Life is fun.
      Guard your heart against cardiac arrest.
      You have a lot of life ahead of you.
      Default voter spaka.

  8. Why criticise an opposition leader for opposing? That’s his role. Take him on the points he makes, if you can counter them. Some bloggers respond with no substance at all, just attacking the person.

  9. African dictators can be some of the richest people in the world and leading a country filled with the poorest. They can kill and starve their people with impunity while lining their own pockets. They treat the land and lives of millions as their own personal playgrounds, making people work to increase the fortune of their leaders……

    • @Kalulete
      You are too polite. Most dictators to which the head of the current Zambian regime belongs become very rich and because their wealth is ill-gotten they hire mercenaries and demagogues as their verbal and physical hit men to silence dissent and reward a segment of their countries for laundering their mess. Mobutu, Mugabe, Amin and Hastings Banda all sought to cling to power till death did them part. If you and me don’t pull up our sleeves and get our feet soaked by campaigning, the results for our children will be too ghastly to contemplate in 10 years’ time. Zimbabwe will look like child’s play when compared to Zambia in the year 2029. Mark my words.

  10. @Warlord. Your points make sad reading and what is frightening is that your words are the truth. Every Zambian(regardless of their political affiliation) should have their descendants’ future as a priority. These twats have ensured their descendants’ descendants futures at every Zambian’s expense.

  11. People like the so called thorn in the flesh dont know wat they stand for in life for them wen they just eat and sleep its life no vision cant even look at the future and its implications iyai not even realize that watever damage done to this Country may affect future generations including his own childern and grandchildren. U can even just see from the name or watever nickname ati thorn in the flesh to who? 4 wat ? wat do u gain? So egocentric mentarity. shame on u. think for your Children if at all u have.

  12. People like the so called thorn in the flesh dont know wat they stand for in life for them wen they just eat and sleep its life no vision cant even look at the future and its implications iyai not even realize that watever damage done to this Country may affect future generations including his own childern and grandchildren. U can even just see from the name or watever nickname ati thorn in the flesh to who? 4 wat ? wat do u gain? So egocentric mentarity. shame on u. think for your Children if at all u have.

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