Sunday, October 6, 2024

MMD President Nevers Mumba calls for an Economic Indaba


MMD President Nevers Mumba
MMD President Nevers Mumba

Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) President Nevers Mumba has called President Edgar Lungu to emulate the late President Levy Mwanawasa and call for an economic Indaba following recent events such as fuel and tariff increase that has cause many Zambians to lose hope in the country’s current economic trajectory.

In a statement released to the media, Dr. Mumba said that waiting for a regime change in 2021 is just too far for many Zambians to just sit back and watch the country be overtaken by economic and social problems, but suggested that President Lungu, being in charge today still has an opportunity to positively effect this change.

“My view is that #2021 is too far for us to just sit back and watch ourselves get overtaken by economic and social problems. I suggest that President Lungu is in charge today, and therefore, still has an opportunity to positively effect the  change,” read the statement


Below is the full statement

Following last week’s fuel price increase and the announced power tarriff hike, I wish to make the following observations.

The price hike may have worked to further fuel the idea that most Zambians have lost hope in the country’s current ECONOMIC trajectory and unless the PF government does something DRASTIC and SOON, the OPPORTUNITY to overturn the problems that we face as a nation may LAPSE, and in that case, large sections of Society will feel that the only solution to this is a #regime #change in #2021.

However, my view is that #2021 is too far for us to just sit back and watch ourselves get overtaken by economic and social problems. I suggest that President Lungu is in charge TODAY, and therefore, still has an OPPORTUNITY positively EFFECT change. However, I also believe that this is NOT a task for the President ALONE. Rather , it requires a CONCERTED EFFORT, not just among political players but ALL STAKEHOLDERS across industry, business, The Financial Services the civil service and the general citizenry working together.

We MUST, open up our minds to the idea that #together , we can come around the table of dialogue and create a national solution that ensures a win for the people of Zambia.

I wish to challenge His Excellency, President Edgar Lungu to emulate Late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa and consider calling for an
#ECONOMIC #INDABA drawn for all major economic players to sit and resolve the factors that are eroding our Fiscal and monetary performance indicators. In order to do this, we need to start from a point of to genuine dialogue and trust, calling on participants from across this political, and regional divide to consider the following key points:

Key Economic Points to Consider

The #Fuel #Price #Hike and the #ZESCO power tariffs hike which are upon us were #Expected . There is no hiding away from the fact that a weak kwacha will ultimately lead to higher prices of major imports.

As a nation, we need to strive hard to bring down the #Exchange #Rate if we are to have any chance of arresting these price increases.
In fact, we expect that following this fuel hike, all other goods and services will go up because transport costs are an input cost in across all sectors of the economy. This, unless addressed, and soon, may lead to #hyperinflation .

It is time to #dialogue as a nation. Time to sit around the table with all key stakeholders from across the industry. This economic Indaba should include the major players such as the #Mines and #Road #Contractors .

We must find a way to arrest capital flight arising from the rampant externalisation of #FOREX .

Somebody, somewhere must provide temporal relief by keeping Those dollars within the local banks. The PF government must pro-actively NEGOTIATE this and put this on the table and make sure it works.

It is my humble submission that these suggestions are looked into away from the lense of partisan allegiance and supported by ALL WHO LOVE ZAMBIA.

We have no other choice.!!!!

We remain focused on the idea that even though times are hard and the future seems bleak, we have Hope, Hope that together we can find solutions where previously we only had fights.

I thank you, and God Bless Zambia.

Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba
President, MMD


  1. Letting Lungu take charge of this proposed indaba to prevent economic collapse is like letting a drunk driver be in charge of traffic safety.We need a new & different mindset at statehouse ,a clear-out is needed now.

    • The only solution to Zambia’s current problems is for Lungu to resign and allow the people of Zambia to decide through an early election. Anything short of that will be a band-aid solution.

    • Lungu is too humble to ask for help. Only proud and arrogant people who know what they are doing and have a vision of their own ask for help. Ba Lungu is too humble and has no vision of his own but that of late Sata so since ba Sata balifwa, he has to carry on where the old man left off.

    • An economic conference aimed at making a real difference is no joke. To start with u don’t just call it suddenly. U quietly ask experts and policy wonks to put their numbers and research papers together and then call the conference. It’s hard work. For example, the conference that led to creation of the World Bank and IMF to set a new economic and trade agenda for the world after the second world war was preceded by 24 months of preparation.

  2. Kanabesa Dr Sekwila Mumba your article alone can bring confidence in our markets and stabilize the economy. Your suggestions are purely sensible and humane. I hope President Lungu is listening.
    This is the opposition we want!
    I support you Ba Sekwila (weeding) Mumba.

  3. Ba Mumba thank you for igniting thoughts on this important subject. I agree with you that something urgent needs to be done by all well meaning Zambians with the capacity. We have lots of Zambians who can impact for a better change in our economy than just complaining and watching or waiting for 2021. That is burying our heads in the sand. Even with the regime change in 2021 may not turn around the fortunes if we allow to get into great negatives. Remember starting on zero is better that starting on negative 20

  4. Lungu and his cohort of sycophants are at a different level. This kind of reasoning to made good of their mistakes is way beyond them. We need to an overhaul of the leadership and send the incompetent occupant at plot one packing. He has overstayed his welcome and only succeeded in bringing untold misery to our people. When that day of reckoning comes he must not go scot – free for all the thieving and corruption which will be his legacy.

  5. This is a good call by Nevers as a stakeholder, a government-in-waiting. However, he is rather vague on some points that need addressing. Eg “Somebody, somewhere must provide temporal relief by keeping Those dollars within the local banks.” It was your MMD that signed those mining contracts to allow capital flight, but Nevers can do better by actively supporting the KCM takeover which will ensure those dollars from the copper come back. A country without assets cannot control its economy. Nevers must equally lobby other opposition leaders to sit down and propose an economic plan to GRZ.

  6. Zambia need a well vested leader in Global business acumen…ba Mumba may sound sensible apa because its pure logic that’s what need to be done…calling for an economic indaba….not that he even understands what’s to be discussed at such a forum…the man is just an artisan from a ka trades school from back in the days…talking has earned him respect but not that his well vested to lead in today’s world….ala Zambia needs a whole new crop of people to lead it into prosperity with the respect it deserves!

  7. Pointing out problems is not the same as solving them. Your job as opposition is to educate us with your policies to counter what the government has done and to convince us that your strategy is superior. We are sick and tired of the same kind of politicians who loiter only for survival. This man destroyed a party which could have given the PF a run for their money and still clings on without shame. What does this man have in the tank that we don’t already know? You sir, and your friend HH are the real reason why this PF government has misbehaved. You persistently try to be a parallel government rather than a credible opposition. Your hunger for power has not gone unnoticed. We are watching you.

  8. Although mmd is finished, thanks to my competence in winning elections, atleast mumba is more mature than that little boy HH. The indaba is a good idea to get us all talking and formulating ideas and development together. The problem with many opposition parties like upnd is that to them everything is based on what they can gain politically. They have no interest in the progression of the common zambian man or woman. Kz

    • On point, KZ. I bet you hh and upnd would set preconditions and boycott such an indaba. Not that they don’t want to sit down with PF but they simply have no solutions!

    • Mudala and you think PF is the party that has the interest of common man at heart? No, your pro poor manifesto has backfired in your faces. People have less to negative money in their pockets, not only have you not created employment as promised, you have caused others to lose jobs and close down businesses. You see you can’t just make pronouncements without having a plan on how you will achieve it. Now the borrowing of loans to make your promises happen was not the way to go because there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    • Winning elections should never be predictable, one might confuse competence with arrogance or rigging. We need maturity to ensure we compete on ideas and how to make our country better, rather than manufacturing ways of destroying other political parties to pave the way on no contest. Calling for indabas or prayers every time we experience self-inflicted economic challenges just makes a mockery of an innocent proposal. We know that some of our leaders like to talk and attend events but when it comes to pragmatics, the tanks are empty.

  9. This is what I call constructive opposition: seeking solutions to the country’s problems collectively and not just complaining about what government has not done.

    A very good start for the New Year.

  10. Nice piece ba busa. Economics is a complex thing and has nothing that is constant. You see, now that prices have gone up would be the ideal time for investors to make money due to a favorable exchange rate for foreigners. On the other hand other factors like high tax rates, rising inflation, high interest rates make business running costs high thereby rendering the economic environment unattractive then you couple that with unstable political environment. For Zambia FDI is reducing and not increasing, agriculture is not well supported, the mines are operating below capacity, SME’s are closing down something needs to be done urgently.

  11. More than a economic indaba, a national indaba instead. And early elections too. We don’t have to wait until the country is destroyed. It’s our country. Let s save it now.

  12. How do you invite a chap from Chinsali and his rival from Malawi to discuss the economy and hope to find a solution? It’s an illusion because the nearest comparable Chinsalilese have to an economy is Katanga, where there is none while Chagwa’s Malawi is nothing but a big village.

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