Sunday, March 30, 2025

Amos Chanda and Zindaba Soko in Court on allegations of receiving bribes


Amos Chanda in the company Chilufya Tayali after Appearing in Court
Amos Chanda in the company Chilufya Tayali after Appearing in Court

Former special assistant to the President for press and public relations Amos Chanda and Road and Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA)  CEO Zindaba Soko today appeared in the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court before appeared before Chief Resident Magistrate Lameck Mwale, on charges of corrupt practices and possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

In the charge read out in Court, it is alleged that Mr. Chanda jointly charged with former RTSA Director and CEO, Zindaba Soko received a sum of $11,000.00 and  $10,000.00 respectively from the promoter of speed cameras project, Mr. Walid El Nahas, from Intelligent Mobility Solutions (IMS), the firm he owns.

On the first charge,  it is alleged that Walid El Nahas on dates unknown but between August 1, 2017 and May 31, 2019 corruptly gave US $10,000 to Soko, a public officer, as an inducement in order to facilitate the award of a contract to Intelligent Mobility Solutions Limited by RTSA.

In the second charge, it is alleged that Walid El Nahas on dates unknown but between August 1, 2017 and May 31, 2019 corruptly gave US $11,000 to Chanda, a public officer as an inducement in order to facilitate the award of a contract to Intelligent Mobility Solutions Limited by RTSA.

Both Mr. Soko and Mr. Chanda denied the allegations that they possessed money suspected to be proceeds of crime, and will be back in court on January 28th



    • I see Amos Chanda getting acquitted. Wht powers did he hv to award the contract? This will be interesting to watch. Did the prosecutors interrogate this charge? Anyway, they hv better information than someone like me who merely relies on press reports.

    • President Lungu doesn’t condone corruption. If you are dirty he kicks you out so that the law enforcement wings can do their job freely on you. Watch this space.

    • What is Tayali doing there? This guy seeks fame right? I hear Amos owns AMSONS trucking business which has a fleet of more than 100 trucks. If that is true then we need to give this fleet back to the Zambian citizenry wallowing in abject poverty. Enough is enough. We ask the electorate to give (UPND) a mandate to rule next year so that we can embark on recovering some of this embezzled public funds and also bring back normalcy in this richly endowed and blessed nation. Remember what the scriptures say about f00lishness? A f00l and his wealth are soon parted.

    • Tayali the rat, he wants to make a killing on this one…am sure he has told is naive gullible teenage wife that he is gone to work to make money today.
      This case is just the tip of the iceberg…these are clear examples of why corruption is killing our economy make millions in inflated single sourced contracts.

    • I am also perplexed, what is Tayali dong here? Is he not supposed to be in Australia looking after the Marsupials? Oh, he must have received something from Amos from the deals and he is worried.

    • Nahas not arrested for a reason that I think I understand. It will become clear during trial, assuming my understanding of the prosecutors’ thinking is same as mine.

  1. This will be very common in 2021 after UPND win elections.
    1. Edgar Chagwa Lungu – IMMUNE from prosecution
    2. Jean Kapata – Mukula issue/Acquiring land forest 27
    3. Kaiza Zulu – Assualt
    4. Bowman Lusambo – Assaulting Kambwili
    5. Tasila Lungu – Mukula issue and unexplained wealth
    6. Kampyongo – Abuse of authority and many other issues
    7. Inonge Wina – Forest reserve 27 (will be forgiven due to age)
    8. Alexander Chiteme – safe
    9. Brian Mushimba – safe
    10. Mwale – safe
    11. Malanji – source of police post donation
    12. Dora Siliya – Cases from MMD will come back to haunt her.

    • This is the reason why UPNDEAD will lose again next year because Zambia will spend a lot of time chasing after PF leaders while the economy will be run by foreigners masquerading as investors

    • Shu Shu Shu
      Ikaleni fye naimwe,jnsala kapondo and your humble leader right now has failed to manage even FISP,meanwhile he keeps promising Zambians that mealie meal prices will reduce next year.I must confess i feel sorry for Lungu, he has no capacity to run a nation, now the citizens want him to pay for his sins,meanwhile the people who abused his naive character(they call it himble”must be 50 steps ahead of him in cleansing themselves whilst he believes he will remain in power to save himself…

    • What’s you think Brian is safe just look at those contracts for communication towers and the $30 for pointless airline include flying to SA for one month for treatment of a bruised arm after drink driving accident.

  2. These can be summed up as “tip of the iceberg” and child play. Indict these chaps for the mega cases for stealing from the people of Zambia.

    H.H will be mentioned, H0mos3xual!ty will be dragged to the forefront, to ensure Citizens are hoodwinked, so they Donchi see the REAL EVIL IN J0N4 CH@GWESA CHALO MUKULA’S EVIL REGIME.

    • Look at that C0ckroach ka T@yali, a s!mpleton without an ounce of ethics or morals, in company of plund3rers, coz they will give him some leftovers for his “support” that lazy insect!
      I Don’t put it past Zambians to vote this amoeba in Plot No1, then wonder down the line why all State institutions have ground to a halt, whilst ka T@yali ends up THE RICHEST ZAMBIAN!
      This guy I’m sure is hiring out his Eth!opian wife out to P.F officials for “short time” in exchange for U$ Dollars.

  4. Na kandile tayali by his side what hunger can do to people. Amos were is your arrogance now? Hope they send you to jail so that you learn some serious lesson mappet.

  5. If really the might PF is a honest party HH would have been history…Chanda is in hot waters this will burn him really bad…he too knows that things are not well. how the might have fallen.
    In angola the so called richest woman (former presidents daughter) she is in hot waters because she thought her father would rule forever…that too will happen to Tasila. African Politicians never learn.

  6. Bane why more cases for stealing BEMBAS are involved ?can it be true that out of 10 thieves 6 are BEMBAS? Please change don’t destroy your tribal .

  7. Lungu it says a lot about your public appointments when you’re surrounded by so many scoundrels and dirty folks.Due diligence/background checks are very important.

  8. Innocent until proven guilty goes the saying. We will let the courts decide on these matters independently. We the pf have confidence in our legal system and this formed part of the reasons we were dissatisfied with mr footes interference in our internal issues.

  9. HH and UPND when they win the only development they will bring is to take people to court,mmmm what a shame and you think it is very easy to take some one to court.Dont be cheated how many lies have we heard from HH,zesco,zaffico,mukula,48 houses and on this one he said he had evidence,this freemanson is a very big liar what more if he gets into state house.He is on the gay network list,even on the list of freemanson is on level………come you people this land belongs to God and not Satanists.UPND give yourselves room for failure or else you be very disappointed like in 2016.

  10. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    What a shocker! of all the wealthy they have stolen, they charge them with only $11k… I mean where did the $$$ million go?

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