Monday, March 10, 2025

Bowman Lusambo promises to destroy more illegal structures in Lusaka


Lusaka Province Minister  Bowman Lusambo
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo

Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo has said that the Lusaka Provincial administration will not hesitate to demolish any structure built illegally in the province.

Speaking when he featured on Hot FM’s Hot Seat Programme Thursday morning, Mr Lusambo said this year, the people should expect to see a lot of arrests for individuals involved in illegal land allocation.

“I can assure you that the people involved in the Munali illegal land allocation will be arrested. I can’t demolish an illegal structure without dealing with the person who sold that land to the developer,” he said.

He said for as long as he remained Lusaka Province Minister he will not tolerate lawlessness in the management of land.

Mr Lusambo, who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament, said he will soon be moving in to demolish all illegal structures in Lusaka.

“I was just about to demolish a structure that is next to Football House, that structure has encroached, the one that is next to the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). And I was telling the council (Lusaka City Council) that this building should be demolished,” said Hon Lusambo.

He added that for him, it is not about how much has been spent on constructing any structure but that if it was built illegally, it would be demolished.


    • Iwe kabova how about moving in to forest 27 and demolish those illigal structures affecting climate change you mappet? You are busy abusing poor people and keeping a blind eye on forest 27? Your time of reckoning is but around the corner you coward. You have forgotten how you used to langwish in poverty you moron?

    • If for a minute you foolish Lusaka people elected a Mayor other than that boy Sampa, do you seriously think that Mayor would tolerate such nonsense from Bowman? Sampa is their lapdog they just shut him up by reminding him who put him in that office when he was crawling on fours for a position back in PF after campaigning with HH in 2016.

    • If for a minute you fooli$h Lusaka people elected a Mayor other than that boy Sampa, do you seriously think that Mayor would tolerate such nonsense from Bowman? Sampa is their lapdog they just shut him up by reminding him who put him in that office when he was crawling on fours for a position back in PF after campaigning with HH in 2016.

    • If for a minute you fooli$h Lusaka people elected a Mayor other than that boy $ampa, do you seriously think that Mayor would tolerate such non$ense from Bowman? Sampa is their lapdog they just shut him up by reminding him who put him in that office when he was crawling on fours for a position back in PF after campaigning with HH in 2016.

  1. You have the backing of the PF party you hardworking servant of the people. Do not hesitate to contact me for any help with logistics. Kz

  2. What a govt of morons, imagine a minister an elected Public official in any properly functioning govt stating ‘I can this…’ and ‘I have instructed..’ or ‘I was just about to demolish..’ or ‘ I was telling the council …’ He thinks he is in his own Bailiffs company or a running a Katemba in Kabushi, these ruff raffs need to be removed from office. This is what happens when you have a useless laid back man as a President, he appoints former MMD stone throwers like this big heap of manure Bowman who thinks he is the Sheriff of Lusaka.
    Kick this Kabova moron back to CB!

  3. People in power should seriously consider sanitising the population about cremation.

    Though Zambia has plenty land , it has no land near urban centres.
    Costs of transportation to far burial places can be saved and those cemeteries are eventually encroached upon and also there is the constant danger of human remains seeping into the water systems

  4. When these leaders do things without proper planning then the common man follows their wrong examples.Blame your own Bowman Lusambo.

  5. Yes of course, all illegal structures must be demolished – supported!
    But Mr President of Lusaka, have you consulted Hamble? Or do you feel that you can make a better candidate for PF? You have been summoned by PF discipinary committee with Chiteme, haven’t you? I saw your comments on that.

  6. Kudos to Bowman. We need Sanity in Zambia. Zambia is ours and will only be developed by Zambians. Forget the whining by unpatriotic economic refugees making noise on Social Media. All they want is things to deteriorate so that their ka small god can capitalize on the situation and sneak into State House.
    We know them, they have been parking bags whenever there are elections to return home and get jobs currently being occupied. If you are a civil servant and working against Government and you are not one of them, Be careful. Being forewarned is being forearmed

  7. @3, Dear Kz ,
    please assist LCC with your logistics to solve the flooding that my people suffer at Kafue and GNR roundabouts- We will let Eagle 1 know about how well your money is spent!

    Yours Faithfully,
    Miles Sampras

  8. Lusambo, in Ermasdale individuals, have ganged up together to seal off Gazetted Roads to public use claiming security as a reason, those roads are public roads which are supposed to be freely used by everyone, when are you going to demolish those gates on this one I can address you as Sir so that you act.

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