Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Lungu breaks Holiday to attend to Eastern Province Flood Victims


President Lungu Visiting Flood Victims in Eastern Province
President Lungu Visiting Flood Victims in Eastern Province

President Edgar Lungu yesterday took some time off his four-day holiday to enhance relief support to flood victims in Eastern Province and toured some sites which have been flooded, and assured flood victims of quick response to their plight.

During his tour President Lungu went to Lumezi District where he advised flood victims to relocate to higher land away from river banks to avoid such calamities next year.

Later the Head of State paid a courtesy call on Chief Mukanya and Chief Jumbe of Mambwe district with the view of Government and Traditional Leaders working together to find lasting solutions towards natural calamities.

“So, as we provide relief, I think that we should put our heads together. My permanent secretaries are here so we can work together to find a lasting solution” President Lungu stated.

The President was accompanied by the Minister in the Office of the Vice President Hon.Olipa Phiri, Eastern Province Minister Hon.Makebi Zulu, Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries of Defence Mr. Stardy Mwale, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Mr. Chanda Kabwe, Infrastructure, Eng. Charles Mushota, and Local Government, Bishop Dr. Eddie Chomba.

Meanwhile President Lungu told flood victims at Mpata Primary school that he was in the Province to ensure that relief support was reaching the targeted beneficiaries.

“I simply came here to share solidarity with you after the tragedy you went through in December when there were flash floods in this district and ensure that the goods which were sent have reached you and also to encourage my team that you are not alone we are together,” said President Lungu.

He further encouraged the gathering at the school to heed to the advice that the technocrats give them to overcome challenges that come with natural calamities.

Meanwhile Minister in the Office of the Hon. Olipa Phiri said the President’s visit in the Province was an encouragement in efforts that are being made in mitigating natural disasters.

And Eastern Province Minister Hon. Makebi Zulu thanked the President for visiting his province and the relief food and material support to the flood victims.

The DMMU National Coordinator Mr. Chanda Kabwe said the total number of households affected in the Mambwe District was 300, while 60 were from the Chibande ward of Lumezi district.

He announced that President Lungu has distributed assorted items ranging from tents, food, blankets dignity kits mosquito nets and chlorine to all the affected households.

The flooded Villages in Eastern Province
The flooded Villages in Eastern Province

The flooded Villages in Eastern Province
The flooded Villages in Eastern Province
Nsefu Chiefdom of Mambwe District in Eastern Province has been cut off from the rest of the District following heavy floods that broke the banks of Msandile River.

Nsefu Chiefdom of Mambwe District in Eastern Province has been cut off from the rest of the District following heavy floods that broke the banks of Msandile River.


  1. Thank you Your Excellency for your hard work. You deserve the holiday please relax and enjoy it. We suggest that you apply some austerity measures by extending your holiday for another six more weeks. We shall donate the money saved to fight climate change.

  2. A loving humble president willing to sacrifice his own well deserved break to deal with others misfortune. This is what we call leadership. Kz

    • It’s not about being humble and bla bla Kaizer, but it’s all about having a President who understands economics and free from corrupt practices. What Zambia Needs sooner than later is an a experienced driver to take Zambia forward. Unfortunately, it cannot be you because State House could be turned into a boxing ring.

      God bless Zambia.

    • This w@nker ati humble, this id0it has brought the country to its keens with all the dander heads from the Pfoools party of thieves and robbers, he himself is a useless worst ka president on earth, humble my foot, the chap is just a common thief in a stolen suite which he couldn’t even buy for himself. The chakolwa doesn’t even know what going on in the country all he know is teal and plunder with his baboons in his ka party of thieves….. the chap has filed, he is a failure….

  3. This is the working President for the people. Kudos!
    Meanwhile Akainde (HH) has offered to step down from UPND in 2021 due to mounting pressure of his gay agenda.

  4. “Italy contributes US$ 610,000 to help drought hit Zambia.”-LT
    “UN Food Program welcomes $2 million contribution from Sweden to fight Hunger in Zambia.”-LT.
    Shhhh, it’s like You don’t deserve recognition You and Zambian tax pair, I need votes.

    “He announced that President Lungu has distributed assorted items ranging from tents, food, blankets dignity kits mosquito nets and chlorine to all the affected households.”-LT

    Artificial intelligent looking at bank accounts around the world. before the flood artificial intelligent already predicted the weather. let’s be friends with people with big toys like cobra Dane.

  5. Our president need good advisors who takes a holiday beginning of a new year. This is a time to plan for the new year, you had the end of the year to take a break holiday season to relax. Lusaka is flooded and you on holiday this reflects very bad on you.

  6. I feel for all those affected in these terrible floods. Without saying that he shouldn’t visit the flood area, I think ECL’s numerous outings are always opportunistic and populist endeavours. There are so many officials employed to deal with these kind of situations (hopefully with plans and strategies) ECL still has to be there to ‘ensure that things are working’? What do all the hoardes of people in various roles do?

    “President Lungu told flood victims at Mpata Primary school that he was in the Province to ensure that relief support was reaching the targeted beneficiaries.”

  7. What work was the man doing during the holiday season that he should take leave when others are returning to work? Theres the comedy right there!

  8. There is everything seriously wrong with Lungu, have you noticed how everybody in his huge delegation in only Nyanja or Bemba? And when Lozis want to secede you accuse them of secession! It’s this tribally bigoted behavior that’s destroying the country, not HH!

  9. The President was accompanied by the Minister in the Office of the Vice President Hon.Olipa Phiri, Eastern Province Minister Hon.Makebi Zulu, Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries of Defence Mr. Stardy Mwale, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Mr. Chanda Kabwe, Infrastructure, Eng. Charles Mushota, and Local Government, Bishop Dr. Eddie Chomba.

  10. Lets see if it makes sense
    he President was accompanied by the Minister in the Office of the Vice President Hon.Oliver Munkombwe, Eastern Province Minister Hon. Stephen Mweemba, Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries of Defence Mr. Kenneth Moonga, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) National Coordinator Mr. Justine Hibajene, Infrastructure, Eng. Musanje Haabasankwa, and Local Government, Mr Ephraim Belemu.
    I wonder how the Easterners and Northerners would react if it was HH with this type of entourage.

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