Saturday, March 29, 2025

Former Cabinet Minister Andrew Kashita has died.


Former Cabinet Minister Andrew Kashita has died.

Mr. Kashita died in his sleep early this morning.Mr. Kashita held the positions of Cabinet Minister in Dr. Frederick Chiluba’s and Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s government.

He is survived by his wife, who migrated from Yorkshire, Northern England to Zambia.

She is author of a famous book; “This is My Africa-Love across the Colour Bar”

An engineer by training, Mr. Kashita became Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture and then managing director of INDECO (Industrial Development Corporation of Zambia).

He was appointed Minister of Mines and Industry in 1973, and was also given a nominated seat in the National Assembly and was later dismissed from both positions in January 1975.

He later became executive director of ZIMCOM.

In 1990, Mr. Kashita returned to politics as one of the founder members of the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy.

He was elected to the National Assembly in the Bwana Mkubwa constituency in the 1991 general elections, and was appointed Minister of Transport and Communications.

He was later moved to become Minister of Works and Supply in a cabinet reshuffle in January 1994, but was relieved of his duties on 17 July 1995.

He did not contest the 1996 general elections.


  1. May his soul rest in peace.
    RB should learn from such people not messing up political parties like PF and MMD. Rupiah Banda please retire the house you have is better than Dr. Kaunda becuase of wako ni wako nangu ni ya nyoko!

  2. Sorry, Andrew was such a gentleman. Last time we met was at Shoprite Cairo road shop where he was shopping. He’s the guy that proposed that we phase out Toyota Hiace minibuses by not allowing new registrations as public service vehicles. He proposed to give a 6 month grace period to allow those that had already ordered not to lose out. He only wanted a minibus of 26 sitter on our roads as PSV. Rest in peace son of the soil

  3. These are great engineers. He was very practical and one of the best engineers to have come from our free education. Him and physicist, Dr Machwani, were the force to reckon with in Chiluba regime. It is just that these bright brains were forced to vacate MMD owing to corrupt elements who invaded the party. Otherwise, the first cabinet that Chiluba had was full of intellectuals who knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, most of them became frustrated because the platform on which MMD was voted for, was eroded. Curruption became the order of the day.Rest In Peace son of the soil.

  4. He is a damn fool who liquidated Zambia Airways when the airline was clearly still a viable ongoing business concern only because he wanted to form his own airline. So many families suffered as a result. For all I care, it’s one dead this one fewer around! Good riddance.

  5. Thank God, I had an opportunity to speak to him directly as we ran into each other in pick n pay woodlands. He had appeared on radio phoenix’s let the people talk about 2 years prior to us meeting. This was during banda’s time, when he was invited on the show as former minister to discuss among other issue the tarring of the mongu road which the MMD had been grappling with for 20 years and failed in every respect to fulfill. He came across as a very intelligent gentleman man.
    I was surprised how he humbled himself, took the time to listen to me, a person he had never met before. He did not consider the clear gulf in ages between him and I, to bow down to me attentively.
    Told him that since that interview, I had been a keen follower of his interviews and contributions to governance and…

  6. governance and politics. He smiled and beat his chest in gratitude.
    I encouraged him to keep talking, because many of us are listening. I ended with a bemba proverb.”ngo umukote aluba pamushi, na chimbwi alinye enfwi”. English; when a community is lacking in old wise people, even a fool appears to be wise.

  7. Thank you for your contribution comrade. You served us well. Pf will ensure that you and your estate are taken care of. We wish jokers like nakacinda would take a leaf out of your life. Kz

  8. You are the damn fool, you have no idea what he has improved in this world and if you can’t appreciate it then keep your mouth SHUT.

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