Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bishop Joshua Banda partners with Rwanda to promote unity in Zambia


Global Frontiers International Trust Limited (GFI), a Zambian faith-based organisation has expressed commitment to replicate Rwanda’s unity and reconciliation model to Zambia and other African countries.

The commitment was made on Tuesday during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the organisation’s founder Dr Joshua Banda and Rwanda National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC).

The agreement aims at building collaboration in respect to the Commission’s mandate towards preserving peace, unity and reconciliation ideals thereby contributing to the global cause of achieving social cohesion, socio-economic development, good governance, conflict prevention and resolution.

Prior to the agreement, the organisation conducted study tours to different parts of Rwanda for two years to learn more about Rwanda’s unity and reconciliation model in communities so as to replicate it in Zambia and other countries.

Bishop Banda said the agreement will enable his organization to contribute to the greater pan-African goals of both the African Union as well as many other institutions that act at the pan-African level to be able to bring African people together.

“Rwanda has achieved a lot in unity and reconciliation among its citizens and, as a result of that, there was a desire to see how we can collaborate and maybe extend some experience and mutual efforts towards building greater cohesion not just in Rwanda but in many parts of our continent,” Bishop Banda said after signing the MoU.

“There are still conflicts and tensions across the continent and there is need to be able to grow some levels of cohesion and more peaceful coexistence of our great people of Africa,” he added.

The collaboration envisaged under the memorandum will involve the Commission using the services of GFI in conflict resolution, peacebuilding and reconciliation.

Bishop John Rucyahana, the president of Unity and Reconciliation Commission, thanked GIF for their commitment to extend the model towards building a United Africa.

“This is a call of deeper challenge not only to sign but to also ensure what we sign is put into action to create awareness among Africans of what Africa is and the purpose for which Africa exists,” Rucyahana said.

He, however, insisted that the agreement was not meant to bring Rwandans living in Zambia and other countries back to Rwanda but a campaign through which the world will know the truth about the Genocide against the Tutsi and share the Rwanda’s journey to build unity and reconciliation among their citizens.

“We want our people to be healthy, productive, honorable and exemplary wherever they are and have a clean and clear conscience. If the campaign becomes successful, then the world will hopefully know the truth about Rwanda’s past and become open to extraditing Genocide fugitives hiding out there because they will have no more excuses anymore,” he said.

There are an estimated 4,000 Rwandans living in Zambia.


  1. This man also. Another unfinished project loading. What happened to Lazarous project, Operation Paseli, New Northmead Assembly of God church building, National House of Prayer? The only reconciliation he was intrested in was between Lungu and Scott. He failed to reconcile Bwezani and Nevers. Good luck Bishop. We love you

  2. In 1999, Rwanda began its National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) in order to work towards a reconciliation of the conflicting parties involved in the Rwandan Civil War and the Rwandan genocide, with the eventual goal of reunifying the country’s citizens.[1] The passage of the Government of National Unity Law No. 03/99 provided for the establishment of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission, which became a permanent body in 2002, and continues its function to the present day.[2] As its name suggests, the Commission is intended to promote unity and reconciliation amongst the former opponents present in the Rwandan population.
    Global Frontiers International Trust Limited (GFI-Its has the blessings of who? The MOU being signed is sanctioned by who? Who are the…

  3. Rwanda is a marvel to watch in terms of development but not in terms of Peace. We still have people who wont face Kagame for fear of being killed. I would have thought copying the model of development like the priority of Solar power installation to Presidential Jet.

  4. This does not make sense. Rwanda’s success regarding peace, unity and reconcilation is based on the context of tribal, ethnic factionalism that led to the genocide. What from that context will be transferable knowledge or experience to Zambia. We do not have any such factionalism. The political tensions in Zambia which do tend to take on tribal undertones can not be compared to the Rwanda context to warrant an exchange of lessons. Infact maybe Zambia can teach Rwanda something about tolerance when it comes to multi-party politics. What Rwanda can definitely provide inspiration to Zambia on is prudent economic management. But then again, that is function of the political leadership!

  5. In Zambia we have a very vibrant democracy and tolerant to each other. Of we differ vehemently on political lines which is an health aspect of Democracy. VIVA ZAMBIA & VIVA LUNGU AND VIVA HH, KAMBWILI, KALABA, MUMBA, etc.


  6. Wht does Joshua Banda know about the causes of conflict, especially of the kind that rocked Rwanda and other post-colonial nations and even led to partition of countries such India, Sudan and Malaysia etc? I hv heard some members of the Zambian military also speaking out on this issue and basing their comments on the suffering they hv seen in countries where they hv served on UN peacekeeping missions.

  7. Another pastor on Kagame ‘s payroll to disturb poor and vulnerable refugees. Zambia has nothing to learn from Rwanda about peace. Zambia was ranked 5th among the peaceful nations in Africa . Rwanda was ranked 5th among countries with unhappy citizens. Instead of hiding behind an MOU for peace, Bishop JB should reveal the motive behind this MOU. Kagame has been president for 25 years now , has changed the constitution to be president till 2034. Is that a recipe for peace? Kagame is funding this project . Why? Rwanda should learn from Zambia not this distorted picture.

  8. How ironic. this is the most divisive clergyman who believes in wako ni wako. Why would a tribalist cheat us that they’re interested in the unit of Zambia? The reason a tribal clergyman like him will try to champion unit is when they want something to use when they’re indicted for genocide. They want to come and show people the sort of efforts they were involved in for unit. it’s a sort of insurance for them. Meanwhile, he will continue championing tribalism on behalf of people from eastern province

  9. Zambia today is on a cross road. When other people are busy dispising other tribes as tribal when they talk in their mother tongue when them who are tribal only know their own tribe and could not talk even a small sentence. Dr. Banda what I could say is that bring someone who can unite the two big Leaders namely President Lungu the so called humble president as other people call him when he can not accept to hear the views and sit down with HH. What is so frustrating in Zambia where you Clergy who are so closer to the president and have got their personal mobile number remain silent without giving guidance to the leader who is in leadership and you wait for the last minute to talk. You are the same people who always attend the so called National day of prayers but alas what comes out of…

  10. Zambia today is on a cross road. When other people are busy dispising other tribes as tribal when they talk in their mother tongue when them who are tribal only know their own tribe and could not talk even a small sentence. Dr. Banda what I could say is that bring someone who can unite the two big Leaders namely President Lungu the so called humble president as other people call him when he can not accept to hear the views and sit down with HH. What is so frustrating in Zambia where you Clergy who are so closer to the president and have got their personal mobile number remain silent without giving guidance to the leader who is in leadership and you wait for the last minute to talk.

  11. You are the same people who always attend the so called National day of prayers but alas what comes out of it is not pull reconciliation but added hatred.
    I always see as though you just go their to ignite bad works. Look at two occasional things if you can remember well, on Thursday on the day entering the passion week- Eaters, that is when HH was harassed and almost lost his life if he was found – arrested, On 18th October Chishimba Kambwili was arrested. Now where is Christianity?

  12. No Sir, the context is totally different. Rwanda went to war on ethnicity line, Tutsi and Hutus, Hence, reconciliation had to start at community level. In Zambia we do not have this problem but poor leadership and corruption. Let’s not confuse Zambians. If you do not understand the issues on Rwanda, it is better you consult. There is nothing to learn from Rwanda but yes, discipline of leaders, we can say, Kagame has done well. Our leaders in Zambia are corrupt and do not understand unity of the Country. PF is dividing he nation, in short, reconciliation should start with PF leaders!!

  13. This pastor is a complete joke! Reconciliation, truce commission for who? Our cohesion intact. tufikili tumo I fail to understand. PF Government careful aka kacikili is an alarmist!

  14. The words from the Rwandan pastor are not clear. He says this is To create awareness of what Africa is and the purpose for which Africa exists
    And he goes on to say that this is not meant to bring Rwandan living in Zambia back to Rwanda . I do my own analysis
    1. Kagame voted with the western countries to oust Kadhaffi who was a panafricanist. They are not panafricanists
    2. Refugees have rights protecting them , what powers is this pastor relying on to talk about refugees . Bishop Joshua Banda has never involved himself in any activity regarding refugees. Why now? But he never said anything about refugees only the Rwandan bishop did. Is he a pawn ?
    3 . When was this global body formed and who are the sponsors . First time I hear of it. What are their previous activities and…

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