Monday, September 16, 2024

All Grade 9s who fail Exams will have to repeat as Internal Candidates


General Education Minister DAVID MABUMBA says all grade 9 candidates who fail exams will now have to repeat grade 9 and sit for examinations as internal candidates.

Mr. Mabumba explains that the external grade 9 exams which have in recent years been held every August will no longer be there.

Mr. Mabumba says most pupils who fail their exams and sent back home are demoralized hence dropping out of school.

And Mr Mabumba further disclosed that next month the Examination Council of Zambia ECZ will embark on consultation meetings with stakeholders to make few changes on how exams should be marked.

He added that the changes will also improve efficiency in the education sector.

He also said the improvement in allowances for examination makers will also be discussed.

And Ibenga girls secondary school head girl Beene Musulwe praised government for the reduction of school fees.

She also thanked Mr MABUMBA for dealing with examination malpractices..


  1. Stop being quick in conventional & stick to challenges before any manipulation of that change.
    Many young girls and boys are doing nothing in societies due to that hence the corresponding services of internal pupils will motivate them .
    School is cool thanking you with mutual affiliations Mr mabumba. I’m proud of that embarkment sir.

  2. Improve the quality of education as well. Reduce the teacher – pupil ratio, provide text books, stock libraries, improve and increase school infrastructure, equip schools with modern teaching equipment (computers, tablets, etc.)
    We seem to focus only on exam results. Would students fail grade 9 if we constantly improve their learning?

  3. Meanwhile some pupils had already entered to sit for external. Can the minister issue a more comprehensive communication of this pronouncement to parents and teachers

  4. Should the country reallyy be holding grade nine exams?
    Are we so short of grade 10 places that weh have to use this seiving system when the young ought to be directed into vocational cources?

    PS Education, please look into skills training centres as an alternative line of education instead of labelling the young stars as grade 9 failures.
    It is the government that has failed to absorb them.

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