Friday, October 4, 2024

C. Nichole discusses Pan African Think Tank


C. Nichole Founder of Pan African Think Tank

C.Nichole, a businesswoman and Urban Pop singer from the United States. She recently started a non-profit called “Pan African Think Tank“. A “think tank” is a research institute that performs research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture.

Pan African Think Tank is a non-profit with the mission to bridge the gap between Africa and the African Diaspora through Pan African forums that assist with research as a means to collectively advocate. “During my November 2018 trip to Rocinha, the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I learned not all schools taught History and World Geography. At that moment I thought, “You can’t plan for your future and thoroughly understand your present, without knowing and acknowledging your past.” That event gave birth to Pan African Think Tank.”

C.Nichole’s mission is to:

  • Have Africans and North Americans of African descent see themselves as one; no longer allowing the media to portray stereotypes with the intent to widen the division that they instigated.
  • Have more Afro-Latinos connect with the diaspora and be proud of their African ancestry.
  • Stay connected with the Diaspora that resides in or plans to immigrate to Europe.
  • Raise awareness of the Diaspora within Oceania to build a sense of community.

The plan for Pan African Think Tank is to;

Travel throughout Africa and Pan African regions within North America, Europe, South America and Oceania conducting research via forums (a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged).  Forums will be conducted per:

  • Talk Radio (Terrestrial, Satellite, Internet)
  • Talk Shows (Terrestrial, Satellite, Cable, Internet)
  • Public Access TV
  • Community Meetings/Town Halls
  • Conference Sessions
  • Expo Booths
  • University Seminars
  • Online Discussions
  • Live Streams
forum in Gaborone, Botswana

Asked what she hopes to achieve, Nichole had this to say; “I’m hoping with Pan African Think Tank, we can educate, while helping eliminate prejudice throughout Africa and the African Diaspora; coming together as one. The end goal is to assess, evaluate and solidify the top 10 issues afflicting the Pan African community. Hone in on the top 3 issues plaguing the Pan African community during this lifetime. Implement chapters (a local branch of a society) throughout Pan Africa as a means to establish leadership and tight-knit communities, so they can continue working on the other issues during the next lifetimes.”

Through the many interactions a repeated common issue is rampant corruption that runs through countries, especially within Africa. In terms of government, political instability and the lack of women that hold power within the institution. But the major issue has been the side effects of Imperialism; Africa needing to stop trying to compete with the Western world and become its own entity that puts its people first, by no longer letting the Western world have a say so in Africa’s affairs.

There is seemingly a gap between Africans on the continent and those in the diaspora. They face difference day – to – day issues thus find it difficult to have a common stance various topic.

“I’ve been to 85 countries and I would always recall many conversations I’d have with Africans and the African diaspora it was always comedic to me that they thought they were so different. Yes, some issues were different, but they were actually mostly the same. I believe that oceans, language barriers and different lifestyles make Africans and the African Diaspora feel that they are not one in the same, like they’re so different when they’re actually just distant cousins that haven’t seen each other/met up in a while.  Pan African Think Tank plans to bridge that gap by educating both Africa and the African diaspora during the forums of their common issues so we can come together and combat these issues on a global scale. Treating Africans and the African diaspora as one body of people called Pan Africans; citizens of Pan Africa. In the long run, Pan African Think Tank wants organizations that we partner with, to also partner with other organizations with Pan Africa.” explained Nichole.

For more information visit the links below:

Pan African Think Tank


C. Nichole Founder of Pan African Think Tank


  1. Very intelligent woman. I spent a few days in America with nichole who hosted me and catered to all my needs. Thank you for the time and imparting your knowledge. Love kz

  2. How many African diplomats in India are aware that there are people of African descent in India who are citizens but enjoy few rights? Does Judith Kapijimpanga know it? India wants to spread its influence in Africa. This is the right time to engage the Indian authorities to do something about these people. They hv been in India longer than the Indians the British brought to Africa as indentured labourers.

  3. I like her way of thinking , really Africans have been mistreated In so many ways and have been robbed of their values and been divided or shared amongst nations through out the whole globe.
    Indeed it is time for Africans to pickup pieces and mend them for their own good , it will be good to trace them where ever they can be found and talk to them and let them be assured that they are not a lone in this journey to recovery.
    I support this young lady what she has brought up is good especially to some of us who love history and the past events on this world.

  4. These are the stories we should be reading on LT. Decent people with progressive ideas to move our people forward and not some good-for-nothing deportees with strange visions from the depths of hell. No time and space for them, no time, no space at all.

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