Friday, October 4, 2024

Another Police Post get burnt by Residents


Residents in Kakaindu area of Solwezi District in North-Western Province have burnt down a Police Post after word went round that police were holding suspected ritual killers.

Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said the riots erupted early this morning.

Mrs. Katongo explained that it all started when some people went to report to Community Crime Prevention Unit in Manyama area that they heard some people planning to gas people and CCPU officers apprehended two people who were detained in Police custody at Kakaindu.

She said when word went around that some people were in custody, a mob went to the police and demanded for the suspect and ended up damaging Kakaindu police post leaving some officers with injuries.

Mrs. Katongo said reinforcement was sent and calm has been restored and police are still on the ground monitoring the situation.

She has appealed to members of the public to desist from acts of venting their anger on security infrastructure because doing so may just worsen the security situation in their localities.

Mrs. Katongo said members should find better ways of bringing their concerns before authorities than damaging infrastructure which built for them to get security services.

She said the current trend of destroying government structures is worrying and is a drawback for respective communities as security is meant for the same people destroying property.


  1. What is happening in our motherland ?

    The country has invested over $17 billion in infrastructure and other projects to uplift the lives of Zambians , yet we are seeing sparks of unrest every where ???

  2. Zambia needs to create an FBI independent type Police Department detached from Home Affairs ministry which able to independently investigate such cases…there is so much distrust for ZP.

  3. It seems like people are hungry and angry. Too much superstition. Unprofessionalism in the leadership who can’t deliver a clear and sincere message to reassure the people.

  4. People have lost faith in the police. They act fast in clamping down rallies for opposition and arresting opposition members but can’t do anything when it comes to solving crime.

  5. It’s true people are very angry and hungry for the rise of staple food in Zambia. pf unfortunately are blinded by the loot they have stolen. pf go ahead and blame UPND as usual. The police have become useless because for the past 10 years, they have become used to receiving instructions and threats from kz and state house. They can’t function right now.They are useless like a used condom and that is why people think taking the law into their hands is the solution. The bottom line is that pf has messed up and must go as soon as possible.

  6. I agree with @Tarino Orange. Zambia needs an strong investigative wing.

    Where is @KZ to look into this? He has been active online ever since the demotion.

    I do think we are at a brink of an episode of sporadic in stability, which the authorities need to take seriously.

  7. The PF government has not allowed peaceful protest after getting a police permit to become a culture in Zambia. This is the price we’re now paying for that. It’s no solution of course but people will find a way to vent their anger somehow. But wht I know is that Zambia is in a financial and economic tight spot. It can hardly afford this sort of thing.

  8. This is unacceptable. These people will face the stiff arm of the law. You cant burn public property and put at risk the lives of our men in uniform. A full investigation will be launched soon encompassing secret service and our commandos. This is too much you people. This is spoiling my weekend

  9. Are these people going to be safer without the police , I have always known the police to be the defenders of the communities where ever they but attacking the police is the worst mistake any one can make .
    This may show that there some politicians who inciting people to brake the law but the ramifications are there for them no one goes free when they brake the law.

  10. KZ just the picture of your face makes my blood boil. You and your type are the cause of this.

    Keep hiding because a citizen arrest is on your head. Mon justice awaits your fate

  11. In proverbs 6 :16 -17b Bible says there six things the Lords hates, one of those is a lying tongue, hands that sheds innocent blood, and a person who stir up conflict in the community, a heart that devises wicked scheme……….police are working hard to stop this wicked scheme of always lying, lying and bring conflict in our communities it’s my pray that this people will be exposed in jesus name !!

  12. @ nonobo you have anger issues. Please seek help for anger management. You remind me of a good friend of mine from childhood who killed himself due to mental and anger issues. I genuinely concerned. Kz

    • Comment: Don’t all of us need anger management at some time or other. Just wondering. But your comment is not bad…kikiki

  13. Ritual killings in the country are signs of a wicked government ruling the country every thing hidden will be exposed for Zambia belongs to God this shows that people in power are not clean have you ever heard something like this in Zambia since independence there is evil in the country the country needs deliverance politically and spiritually these guys in government are ready sale their souls to the devil in order to remain in power there is evil in the land and only God can clean it nothing is impossible with God let’s pray for Zambia.

  14. I agree with Dr Nevers Mumba now that Zambia shall be saved and I would like to encourage MMD to adopt this slogan for Zambia since it’s their leaders vision of Zambia being saved spiritually, economically and politically this is now the chance for all these small political parties to take advantage of this situation and preach the message of peace not tribalism so that the Zambian people can trust you there is no need to preach hate now people are tired of listening to kaponya type of language from leaders who are supposed to be examples to the country they open their mouths and talk dirty they go on social media and write dirty things insult but there leaders who suppose to lead by example what is the meaning of the word leader can somebody explain to us please the time of cleaning is…

  15. The citizenry is on edge as the belt tightening is cutting deep in their bodies and are seeking to loosen belts for some comfort! Well and good for all the infrastructure but what good is infrastructure to a hungry and health care deficient citizenry? Most of what had been promised is yet to be delivered but its the basic needs that have to be met first before venturing into huge projects that have no relations with daily living!

  16. From road accidents now to the actual ritual killing whoever is behind this will be exposed by God accidents were not enough for your sacrifice now you go physically for the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but now it’s flesh and blood we are in trouble does player Zambia still exist we need intercesors in Zambia if you say you love Zambia pray for Zambia pastors stop loving money too much the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil if you love money politicians will use you and God will take his power away from you as a pastor and you will stop making sense you will be controlled like a remote control.

  17. You created the ministy of religious affairs what is the work of this ministry is it only to deport pastors who don’t agree with you its like the woman is confused she doesn’t know what to do again if you say you are a ministy of religious and you are a Christian country then you suppose to get intercesors to pray for the country even if there are three God will hear them and let government pay them so that their duty will be to hear from God and advise the president and the country of what God is saying not to go and put people like Kaizar Zulu as adviser what can Kaiser hear from God instead he gona hear from Satan and advise the president wrong things.

  18. I am seeing a situation coming soon where pipo will through stones at their leaders at a meeting in protest. Thanks

  19. People are frustrated as the as the PF thugs so called commandos have got more power than the police. I could not believe an incident last year where the traffic police was kicked out of the road by the pf commandos..PF has taken advantage of Zambian Peace, but we are at a stage where enough is enough and PF needs to be reminded that there is nothing as powerful as a changed mind. Does not matter if anybody is using Seer 1 Power. Remember what happened in 1991? There seem to be no rule of law and you cant blame the police who have been undermined and paid peanuts! Burning down any property is retrogressive, but any body who has an ear can read the mood in the country! I suspect the people were making a statement as that is the only way they can shed light on the problem. Its a shame that…

  20. LT why is only one blogger able to receive responses…have you given in to this blogger that you cant update security on this website.You let this KZ AKA N£z run your website and hold you hostage.

  21. @ Jones I am not being given any preferential treatment. To the contrary, I cannot comment on any of the posts here too. Don’t make baseless accusations without evidence. I am currently liaising with lusaka times owners and editor in order to resolve these issues. Let us give them a chance to fix these technical issues.

  22. This is the high price Zambia is paying for destroying Education! An Educated nation is an informed and safe nation to live in. Instead of investing in Free Education for all, you have leaders wasting state resources building houses of prayers as if God lives in houses built with human hands. Are these not conduits and cover-ups for stealing state money? Citizen ignorance coupled with superstitions equals doomed nation! Zambian a now spend most of their precious time in fantasy island and very little time doing real work. No wonder the country is full of able-bodied poor citizens!

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