Monday, February 24, 2025

Zambians must unite against Tribalism and reject those propagating tribal divisions


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

We were always raised believing, that if you work hard hard, are honest enough, kind enough and God fearing enough, you could and can be anything under the sun; irrespective of your family name or tribe.

However, the Patriotic Front (PF) are intent on overturning the narrative by making the nation believe that for a child to hold certain positions in our society, they must possess the right kind of name and hail from the right kind of tribe and province.

Today, children from Tonga households are being told, and in no uncertain terms, that they will never be fit to assume the highest office in the land by mere reason that they are Tonga.

This toxic sentiment is being actively generated, promoted and being spread by the PF through its high ranking officials – from the Presidency, and now by subordinates of the presidency; identified individually as Chanda Nyela and Bizwell Mutale.

It is patently clear, that the incessant and systematic attacks and tribal discrimination against the Tonga is aimed at perpetuating the PF’s stay in power by driving dangerous tribal fear into the hearts of Zambians.

This continuous and reckless propaganda by the PF against the Tonga people is meant to benefit PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu. It is being done in his name.

The UPND cannot stop tribalism in its deathly tracks. It must be Zambians themselves who must rise and defend the sanctity of our national unity by sending a strong and unequivocal message to President Lungu and the PF, that we shall not stand by and watch them destroy our peace and unity for purposes of fleeting political lattitude.

There is nothing holy about the tribal hatred and division being peddled by the PF.

There is nothing Christian about the PF’s tribal agenda.

The tribal divisions we are being subjected to can only be the works of the devil and his unholy agents of destruction, whose sworn alliance with forces of darkness is aimed at destabilizing our nation for individuals’ personal interests.

A Tonga child can be a PRESIDENT just as much as Bemba or Kaonde child can, and all must equally be encouraged to aspire towards being the very best they can possibly become in service of God and country.

If President Edgar Lungu is indeed a President for all Zambians, he must do Two (2) things:

(1) Discipline both Chanda Nyela and Bizwell Mutale for propagating and promoting tribal hatred contrary to our Christian national values of oneness and…

(2) Apologize to the Tonga people of Southern province for the unprovoked, targeted, ethnic verbal attacks they have continued to endure at the hands of PF operatives in the name of discrediting the candidature of Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, while promoting that of President Lungu himself.

We cannot and must not sit and watch while the PF sets up in flames the country we all love.


  1. What’s happening in North Western province? Are the Luvale and Lunda at it again? It’s heartbreaking to hear of tribal conflict in this era

  2. In Progressive nations, We would say the Ruling party distancing itself from such rhetoric by removing him from the campaign team. That would send a strong signal about their resolve for Unity…Alas we are in Zambia where Tribal is Kambwili is telling the indian dump track driver to abide by the immigration laws of job creation

  3. Comment: My message to the PF is that these two power hungry and ignorant cadres you have picked as mobilization committee members are a disgrace! They are effectively decampaigning the party and there thinking is backward. I don’t understand why PF has developed such a huge appetite to choose *****s in strategic positions. This video clip will do more damage to the party than even Seer1.

  4. Let us unite against Akainde (HH) and Ackson Sejane who made statements that UPND will never…???
    Fill in the blanks.
    (HH) is headed nowhere in 2021 with twits like this Anthony Bwalya advising him. Kainde has no image builders!

  5. Anthony Bwalya, yes tribalism is bad and should not be embraced in our nation. But let me advise my brother Anthony Bwalya to balance his thoughts and remain objective as he try to advise Zambian people. My brother your observation may be correct on PF tribalism sentiments again Tongas. But on the other hand, you may be wrong. Wrong in the sense that the issue of Tongalism was not started by PF or Edgar Lungu as you put it. Is it PF or Edgar Lungu who said that only Tonga should takeover from Mazoka or is it PF or Edgar Lungu who beat up and displaced non Tongas living in Southern Province after HH lost in 2016. Today IF I go to Choma or Monze and talk about any political party apart from UPND I will be beaten but if a UPND supporter goes to Eastern province of any other provinnce which…

  6. Is being a President the biggest thing in Zambia?

    What matters to your children is what you inside the house inculcates in them, not what that riff Raff outside the house says. Period. This is the simple truth that didn’t call for so much wastage of ink and paper.

  7. Can one defame a group or class of people?
    A group or class of people cannot sue for defamation. However, if a defamatory statement is made about a group or class of people and the group is small enough or the statement is presented in such a way that it is understood to refer to an individual or individuals who are members of the group or class, the individuals may have a claim.
    Whether a defamatory statement identifies a particular person or persons is determined by the understanding of the recipient of the statement.

    This is nothing about tribalism, the same nyelas and chandas are marrying and getting married to tongas, this is a pure case of HATE SPEECH, and there laws in this countries to pin down neanderthals with such traits.

  8. The HATE SPEECH in the PF is consistent with the lack of diversity in the public service.

    Over 80 percent of the Permanent Secretaries and heads of parastatals are from Eastern and Northern provinces.

    No surprise here. They are just putting their actions into words.

  9. Even the dead knows that UPND is founded on tribalism and violence.what you saw is what you reap….
    Nowadays to mention a “ tribalism “ has be come a profanity they have forget how they torched houses and businesses stands for non- UPND people in southern particularly in Namwala.The government had to evacuates victims to their respective provinces.
    Unluckily other people knows mastered it that UPND is a tribal party.Sorry say it.

  10. We have charlatans who pry on people’s misfortune. It is sad that some Zambians have employed themselves to talk ill of others in order to seek recognition and popularity. Their notoriety is so evident that they have lost shame in whatever they say or do…..Unfortunately weaker souls have fallen prey to their antics

  11. I am glad a tribalistic union will never win an election in Zambia. This guy is doing what is called “Projection” in Psychology. He knows what his party is very well.

  12. Very rich coming from a party whose president is known to have stated explicitly that only a Tonga can rule upnd. Are these the people you want in charge of your affairs? Make the wise choice of voting pf in 2021. Kz

  13. I which one is bad between xenophobia and tribalism? At least South Africa doesn’t suffer from tribalism idiocy

  14. All those peddling will live to regret it and they should know they are cursing their offsprings.

    Zambia shall remember:
    1) Sunday Chanda
    2) Bizwell Mutale
    3) Kaizer Zulu
    4) Edgar Chagwa Lungu

  15. All those peddling TRIBALISM will live to regret it and they should know that they are cursing their offsprings.

    Zambian remember these people:
    1) Sunday Chanda
    2) Bizwell Mutale
    3) Kaizer Zulu
    4) Edgar Chagwa Lungu

  16. Anthony Bwalya, you will soon see the rot in your trible UPND. Then you will be accused of having been bought by the equally rotten PF.
    But none of the two parties are going anywhere beyond 2021 so save your energy Mr Bwalya.

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