Thursday, October 3, 2024

President Lungu arrives in Northern Province on a four-day working visit


President Edgar Lungu has reiterated his call for Zambians to remain united and maintain the Spirit of oneness regardless of ethnic groupings. Speaking upon arrival at Kasama airport this morning, President Lungu said there is a need for Zambians to embrace the spirit of unity and love.

The Head of State said his government will not entertain tribal talks aimed at dividing the nation, adding that Zambia belongs to everyone hence the need for people to remain proud of being Zambians.

He also reiterated his government’s commitment towards upholding the one Zambia, one nation motto.

The President praised the police for maintaining law and order in Chilubi district ahead of the parliamentary by-elections, saying enforcing of law and order is imperative if sanity is to be maintained in the country.

Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya said campaigns in Chilubi have been peaceful. Mr. Bwalya said the people of Chilubi are ready and eager to go to the polls next week.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has asked traditional leaders to help defuse the tension in North Western province between the Lunda and Luvale people. President Lungu who knelt before Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said that the Litunga, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, Kalonga Gawa Undi, and Mpezeni should help the government to find a lasting solution on the matter.

President Lungu said that the situation in Zambezi District is bad and that it can lead to tribal war if nothing is done. The Head of State said that Government did not want to use force but wants the situation to be solved through dialogue and agreements.

President Lungu said that security officers have been deployed to ensure there is peace and stability. The President said that the confusion arose when the Lunda’s attempted to exhume the remains of the Luvale headman who was buried on the East Bank of the Zambezi River.

President Lungu says tribal conflicts should not be allowed in Zambia. President Lungu said he met Chief Ishindi of the Lunda People at State House last week and encouraged him to engage his subjects on the need to promote peace.

And, in response, Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people said he will engage his counterparts Paramount Chief Mpezeni and Kalonga Gawa Undi to chat the way forward.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has assured the Bashilubemba that he will secure a bus for them. He said the government will also ensure that the bus station in the area is completed.

President Lungu said the government wants projects in Mungwi district to be completed before 2021.


  1. What powers do the Chitimukulu, Gawa Undi, Mpezeni and the Litunga hv over the Lundas and Luvales? Edgar Lungu should invite nation-building scholars to give informed talks on this subject through various European embassies. They will gladly oblige him. He will be surprised by the commonalities of the problems we’re facing and some European countries during the early days.

  2. David Livingston died on his mission to Northern Province, Chilubi island and surrounding.
    If Ba Edgar die of malaria, don’t blame anyone.

  3. Further to my comment above, the Bemba, Chewa, Ngoni and Lozi traditional rulers hv not studied the Lunda Luvale conflict. Membership of a nation-state as represented by citizenship hasn’t been given importance by the PF govt itself. It’s membership of a tribe that has been counting. Anyway, Gawa Undi and Mpezeni hv their own conflict to deal with btwn Chewas and Ngoni in some parts of Eastern province.

  4. Why has ECL not commented on the Bizwell Mutale and Nkandu Luo tribal utterances? Is it part of his “humility”?

  5. @Nemwene
    Why always find wrongs for the president? The president is saying that Chief Ishinda paid his visit to state house definitely they were discussing peace in North Western Province. The mentioned para mount Chiefs were being asked to mediate peace truce in the region.Bashilubemba obviously shall spearhead the matter amongst them.

  6. Too many comments here are powered by hate and malice . When we all should be supporting the head of state on his mission for peace and stability in our country. You don’t want to experience the disastrous effects of tribal war. Just look at how long some countries have been fighting each other within their borders and still can’t find no peace. Zambians, we’re blessed to live in peace and let’s not take it for granted.

  7. It is a puzzle for UPND supporters to cast scorn on President Lungu’s efforts to engage the most senior Chiefs in Zambia to mediate and find lasting peace between the Lundas and Luvales. This is a fine approach that has never been tried before by past Republican Zambian Presidents. A very good idea worthy national support.

  8. Chasing your opponent from campaigning and should be talking about peace. This is the hypocrisy the bible talks about. Love your counterparts stop abusing power and the police. Even if you win this is not going to be considered free and fair when you don’t allow your counterpart to campaign

  9. The whole office of the President is going to be camped shamelessly on Chilubi Island for half a week as if there is nothing to do in Lusaka….BUFFOON CK was right in his speech to villagers that these people are stealing from your through grossly inflated GRZ contracts to Chink Contractors then throwing mealiemeal and 20 Kwachas at you.
    This Lungu is the most wasteful President Zambia has ever had…our country is running on auto-pilot even when he making a speech about Spirit of oneness he knows who it is that is doing it in his cabinet but he is fearful of them.

  10. No Nonsense: To address u direct, u hv no idea hw govt policy in education since KK’s time has hurt the self-esteem of some communities in Zambia. You will never know because it doesn’t affect you and u probably don’t care. I’ve looked for information on nation-building and found it. It’s wht is backing my commentry.

  11. This moron Edgar will be in Chilubi for 4 days that gives opposition will only have 48 hours to do their campaigning before polling day as Police will not allow any other opposition parties. These naive opposition have to start pushing for reforms of ECZ as they will face more of this next year learn from Raila Odinga’s strategy complaining to the media will not help you!!

  12. I am in Durban having a good time after my sleepless nights ensuring victory in chilubi. I spoke with the president this morning and he is confident of a white wash win .kz

    • @ kaizar Zulu. FYI you are being watched. We know what you’re doing, we know what you’ve done and also know what you’re planning to do in terms of intimidation, harassment, torture or false imprisonment of innocent Zambians. Everything you’ve done in your name or in Lungu’s name is well documented

  13. Just window dressing when he says no tribalisim…. fyonyooo …..fyonyoo ..fyonyoo

    He knows and who does and encourages tribal attacks from within his GRZ and PF…

    In the meantime he preaches peace while the opposition are banned from campaining in chilubi

  14. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    This dude is a clown… if he’s really serious about his no tribal talk lip service, he would have started by firing those PF sycophants Sunday Chanda and the other morons who were disparaging the Tongas the other day.

    He kisses the Bembas’ a$s because he knows too well their sheer numbers and tribalism has ensured we get the most useless presidents like him since Independence. What a hypocrite!

    By the way I didn’t know the Bembas squat and clap as a sign of respect like the Lozis? So why do they make fun of the Lozis? Or is this another Chitimukulu being a wannabe and trying hard to be like the Litunga, the real authentic loyalty of Zambia and Barotseland. Was Lungu visiting as a President or as Bemba ‘sl@ve’, cousin Easterner? Just asking.

  15. Madison Asset Management has refused to pay back my deposit of K54,000 for over one year. Why is BOZ not directing Sikutwa to sell his mansion on Kwacha road to pay my deposit? Madison Finance has not paid salary to my cousin for 5 months. I have no sympathy with him. He put me in this financial trouble by selling asset company deposit He is now telling Madison life and general insurance are also insolvent and will go under within months.

  16. I hv come to know something about the Litungaship from my Lozi friends. I can therefore say wth confidence that the Litunga will not be part of this peace mission. To start wth the violence is btwn ordinary Lundas and ordinary Luvales. That makes this a great deal more difficult. The problem lies wth failure to put a premium on the Zambian identity inside Zambia.

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