Saturday, March 1, 2025

7 fishermen arrested for illegal fishing


Seven Zambian Fishermen have been arrested on lake Kariba in Siavonga District for illegal fishing activities by the Zambian marine security.

Siavonga District Commissioner Lovemore Kanyama has disclosed that the seven were arrested on Monday this week.

Mr. Kanyama said this serves as a warning to fishermen in Siavonga and vessel owners that fishermen going against the rules of the fishing industry will be arrested and the owners of the vessels caged for failure to adhere to fishing regulations.

He has directed security personnel in the district to ensure that even those found fishing when the weather is not conducive for fishing are arrested.

Mr Kanyama said it is regrettable that vessel owners have no regards for their labour force and wondered why they are sending their employees to go fishing when the district is experiencing heavy rainfall and strong waves on the lake.

He also urged the police command in Siavonga to be on alert and ensure that those found wanting receive good punishment.

Mr Kanyama said intensifying security on the Lake is one way of reducing the number of deaths being recorded of fishermen dying on the lake.


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