Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Catholic Bishops saddened by nationwide disrespect for human life


The Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops is saddened with what now appears to be a nationwide disrespect for human life manifested in gassing of the people as well as incidences of mob killing of individuals suspected to be behind the rampant gassing of homes and institutions.

The ZCCB say what Zambia now have are criminal and subversive activities which seem to be well planned, coordinated and seemingly sponsored aimed at inducing fear and disturbing peace among the citizenry to a point that people cannot sleep peacefully or go about their business.

George Lungu, the Bishop of Chipata and ZCCB President said these are typical acts of “terrorism”.

Bishop Lungu regretted that Zambia has reached such alarming levels of disrespect for human life and the destruction of property both private and public.

He said at a media briefing that Institutions of security and order such as the police and police stations have been attacked in the process with suspects subjected to mob justice in full view and participation of children and young people in committing such atrocities.

“Irresponsible recording, posting and sharing of such atrocities on social media to the unsuspecting public has further worsened the situation. Furthermore, the scarcity of timely, adequate and credible information on the matter from relevant authorities has fuelled further speculations and rumour mongering”, he said.

Bishop Lungu says it appears that Zambia has found itself in this current scenario due to a number of factors, including but not limited to the erosion of traditional, religious and moral values of society, polarisation of the nation on the political front which is evident in such areas as intolerance of divergent views, hate speech, tribal overtones, and selective application of Public Order Act.

He added that Zambia’s current economic downturn with the result of unemployment, hunger, general high cost of living, mistrust and declining confidence of the community in the
Police Service have also contributed to the current situation.

Bishop Lungu has since called for an immediate end to the shedding of blood and urged members of the public not to take the law into their hands as everyone is innocent until proven guilty by the courts of law.

He said for the sake of posterity, youths and children can no longer be subjected to witnessing and/or participating in the murder of suspects in cold blood nor used as tools of violence saying doing such is tantamount to breeding a generation of citizens that are not going to respect the sanctity of human life.

Bishop Lungu said those behind the said crime of gassing people should stop forthwith and repent and has called on the political leadership across all political divide to denounce all forms of criminality and subversive activities in order to guarantee peace, tranquillity and harmony.

He has asked for objectivity and responsibility when commenting on matters of public interest saying careless and irresponsible comments are bound to bring further anarchy and confusion.

Bishop Lungu said the security wings should be proactive in detecting and apprehending perpetrators of crime and ensuring the due process of the law is carried out and as a way of deterring criminal activities in society.

“Every Zambian must uphold our traditional, religious and moral values with regard to the sacredness of human life and inviolability of human rights.Irresponsible recording, posting and sharing of graphic materials on social media to the unsuspecting public should come to an end forthwith”, he added.


  1. Christian nation was declared by a thief. Most Zambians are backward people who believe in witchcraft and fake miracles. The picture of a fake jesus in most homes in Zambia is proof that most Zambians are ignorant blind followers. Even Seer 1 Nigerian 419 con man could trick Zambian politicians to believe that he has special powers when he is infact just a common swindler

  2. Minister is very right. Lawlessness shall never be condoned.

    People shall avoid Madison life insurance and Madison General Insurance. Madison General owes Atlas Mara K55 million plus interest and costs of K23 million. It’s an insolvent company. Evans Chibiliti, the chairman of Madison is dead scared of his personal assets being attached as are his board members for not resigning and informing public of continuing doing business when it has been insolvent since 2015. It’s books are cooked up, overstating assets and understating kuabilitues.
    Meridien bank 2 is what Madison is. Copied property fund model to skim public and it swallowed Meridien and now Madison baby of Meridien bank is going same route.

  3. I’m glad the well spoken priest is a Lungu. He has spoken for many voiceless Zambians. The naked truth that governance in Zambia is rotten.

    If he were from another region, the PF thugs would be spewing out vile tribal remarks.

    One day PF shall be history and sanity and security will reign in our nation again.

    Something has to change in 2021.

  4. Every one knows who the gassers are,this is a highly organized syndicate by selfish individuals who once promised AMAGEDON in Zambia.Why do you run away from the truth you people.Some one as been threatening to bring AMAGEDON and you are supporting rubbish.The Bishop as spoken well and we should help the govt to make sure the rule of law is observed by all loving Zambian.The rule of law is broken because of these same people who think 2021 will be their chance,this not a game of chancers but it is given by God.

  5. A PF cadre on the Copperbelt was found with the chemical used for gassing people. Isn’t this enough information that the PF Government is involved? PF is good at twisting information. A couple of days ago, whilst in parliament, Kampyongo expresses ECL’s desire to meet HH but this was later twisted to make sound as though HH is the one who desperately wants to meet ECL. It is obvious that top PF officials got help from Seer 1 but because Seer 1 has recently talked positively about HH, the information is being twisted to make HH look bad.

  6. A very sober message from a sober Church Leader. This criminality isn’t spiritual to warrant a call for prayers as we’re being misled by these prayer merchants. The back stood at ECL2021, he should take responsibility of all that’s happening and assure the nation that he’s in charge

  7. A true Christian is not a Christian by name but by deeds. A nation that is declared Christian but acts contrary is a fake. Who are fooling as a nation by doing mob justice, ritual killings, corruption, hate speech, political murders etc certainly not God. If you have been involved in a mob justice you are a murderer it does not matter if you didn’t actually take part in the beating but as long as you stayed silent and watched or incited others to commit the act you are a murderer period and you will go with that tag to your grave.

  8. A lot of truth in what the Bishop has said. The Zambian people have been repeatedly warned that allowing the PF government to erode the rule of law and compromise the Police and Judiciary would be disastrous to everyone. Now we are beginning to see the manifestation of that.

  9. Take heart and remain hopeful. My investigation into this with our friends in Moscow has now reached advanced levels. We did not want to act without solid evidence in light of the serious charges these illegal acts will carry. We will soon begin to consult with the attorney general for legal advice before proceeding with arrest warrants. More than likely to be allegations of treasonous acts. The guilty ones are panicking and have been very vocal recently. This time the commonwealth secretary general’s pleads will not persuade us to pardon anyone. Have a good weekend. I cannot wait to come home, very cold here in

  10. Its good that the political figure YOU thought would bring Absolute form of democracy has disappointed you.President Lungu was rebelled a bad leader because of practicing democracy and socialism politics.Catholic Canons have observed that this move is calculated and well funded by some disgruntled citizens.
    Where is mr Telesphor Mpundu..?

  11. Dear Bishop,
    Under this government we have the worst human rights record.Even the colonialists may have been better.See how we have lost young lives shot dead in broad day light like the Kaoma incident. Review for yourself the shameful comedy that was performed after the extra judicial killings.Hand bags placed near his body to accuse the dead.The young girls that have been lost.We wont have a press conference soon even just to express sympathies for the innocent victims of mob justice.The church can hold hands with traditional leaders.The shameful tribalism is now a norm and the civil service is its haven.The reality of our time is sad indeed

  12. My friends in Zambia, I am an American who has visited your country. Turn away from all other gods and turn completely to the only true God. It saddens me greatly to hear of this violence and hatred. The Bible says that in the last days that men will be lovers of self and commit acts like these. Don’t be part of it. I will pray for Zambia for peace and prosperity. If God is for you, no one can stand against you. Love not hate.

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