Sunday, February 2, 2025

Put an end to cadre violence – Chisanga


Former Law Association of Zambia President George Chisanga has called for an immediate end to cadre violence in Zambia

Mr Chisanga described the high levels of cadre behavior as tragic.

He said those in leadership have a duty to put an end to the rise in cadre violence before the situations moves from bad to worse.

“In 2016 the Council of the Law Association of Zambia of which I was President made a call to the political parties to tame their cadres against violence,” he recounted.

“We demanded that the parties especially PF and UPND disarm their militias (security wings) and instead instill a sense of national duty in the Police Service which was trained to maintain law and order in the Country.”

He added, “l expressed the fear that if political party cadres were not tamed they would become a law unto themselves and clothe themselves with the power to do as they pleased.”

“This in turn would give rise to community vigilanteism as people would seek to protect themselves and their property since they would lose confidence and faith in the police.”

“Today we have reached the stage where cadres can elect to disrupt a legally and properly organized gathering intending to discuss matters of grave national importance.”

“On the other end citizens have given themselves powers of extra judicial killings of people suspected to have committed crimes on the reasoning that the police is too politicized to offer protection to communities,” he said.

Mr Chisanga said this tragic development needs a resolved national effort to address and correct it to enable the country return to normalcy.

“Putting partisan politics at the Centre of this calamity will serve only to make things move from bad to worse although we are currently polarized as a nation because of our cheap politics,” he said.

He said government must take leadership on this matter and bring all stakeholders to the table to objectively assess the problem and exchange ideas on what must be done to resolve this problem ahead of the crucial election set for 2021.

“We cannot move forward as a nation in the face of division, crime mistrust, disrespect for each other and such other vices which are a recipe for unbridled anarchy,” he warned.

“We owe a duty to maintain law and order to ourselves and our children whom we chose to bring into this motherland which was handed over to us peacefully by our fathers and mothers.”


  1. Cadres in combat and weapons and we are mute? I once was dismayed by way a group of about 20 PF cadres in Soweto area were ordering motorists to give unto them. They gave looks that can kill to any motorist that tried to resist. Where do we think PF is leading us?

  2. The only time this government will earn any form of credibility is the time they will ban cadres. Caderism needs to be banned for a start to get back some law and order. This goes for UPND too but if the law enforcers ban it its illegal across the board. Now they have lost control due to giving thugs power. Never has this happened. Going unabetted for the sake of support will lapse the country in total chaos that is irrecoverable. Please people even if you think you may loose and end up in courts for the Zambia do the right thing. Time is now. All this is spill over from poverty and people having an excuse to steal. Correct me if wrong. Stand to listen!!

  3. Dream on Mr Chisanga. How can the PF stop cadre violence? That’s the only way they can win any election, by bullying others. Without cadre violence the PF is nothing

  4. S.t.u.p.i.d.i.t.y is alleging that pf cadres have illegal arms using a picture of army soldiers who have every right to carry arms to protect your sorry a.s.s.. very pathetic reporting by lusaka times. I think it’s time we regulated online websites in Zambia to clamp down on such mediocrity

    • @KZ there two police officers in the picture and your alleged soldier who looks 1. Drunk or smoked up 2. improperly dressed for operations like no other I have seen even from Turgagan or Kalewa where I grew up, 3 wearing full PF regalia T shirt. Sometime just check your posts as they will show continued insensitivity now you’re constantly on the platform. Explaining some things that don’t make sense make one look s1lly as next one has to explain why soldiers are being given PF dress then who is allowing them to wear that. Find out what a Pandora’s box is . better fix the problem the whole thing wrong and it stinks.

    • Iwe kapuli kobe ka @KZ. You can also see what George is talking about with regards to politicizing the police and by extension defense wings. Do you see that your soldier has a vest labeled P.F. Security we mbwa we!?

    • Their cadres who have been trained to be unruly by their own party clobbered their own MP Given Lubinda not long ago, this is bound to continue. In bye elections they are at the fore front formenting violence, in general elections they position themselves in Shiwang’andu and stone helicopters ferrying opposition parties and are never arrested. What a culture developing in this country

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  6. @ Kaizer Zulu, you’re stup!d and devoid of substance. You beat up and intimidated (with guns!) countless people for no worthy reason at all, and you think you can come here to display your fake morality to us?! Useless! It’s because of cadres like you that this country has degenarated to where it is.

  7. Exactly my sentiments in another post….

    The maruding gangs killing suspects get their inicetives from PF cader violence and pf mob justice they see around and no police would touch the PF caders….

    Lungu and pf have destroyed the fabric of this once great nation

  8. The PF gain by having unruly cadres… that is until those cadres turn against them. They have time and time again taken a very relaxed stance against cadres. The funny part is when it’s a definite UPND incident arrests are made in a matter of days but when people in PF regalia show up, they never make arrests and they “investigate” to no avail. The airport incident where a while truck with P.F cadres even bypassed a security check point but no arrests were made is a clear indication that the P.F have reduced the police to nothing but kamulondas carrying guns.

  9. I am PF but an objective one. The country’s lawlessness has reached very alarming levels because cadres are ruling. This cant continue, the absence of leadership is crystal clear and very visible. The country needs a Mwanawasa type of leadership, your humble man is humble yes but capacity is not there.


    By G L
    Police sources have disclosed that they are under strict orders not to take any of those caught gassing people to court for trials.

    And Police say the current happenings have nothing to do with the opposition but the ruling party (PF).

    “We have arrested several of them and people have been so helpful in arresting these people but we cannot take them to court because if we did that, we can lead to an early election and serious loss of trust in the Head of State, so we will never take anyone to court and this does not matter whether they (PF) reach their target of the demanded blood countrywide and ask us to arrest opposition leaders as their scapegoats,” said the sources.

    Asked on what is the reason behind this,…

  11. …the sources stated that there is no crime that they together with other security wings in the country can fail to detect but that this is being done with their knowledge and top PF officials including President Edgar Lungu.

    “At first, there were several who didn’t know about this and these were serious but after top officials in the command were seen even in North Western parading and stopping Zambians from burning those caught, junior and professional officers retreated and an instruction was given not to kill those caught but protect them and never take them to court. Currently, we have a problem as we are planning on releasing them but the fear is that people in communities can descend on them and even in cells they are under strict instructions not to disclose the true…

  12. ……offenses they committed to inmates but just say they stole household goods,” added our sources.

    On the K250, 000 from Lungu, the sources stated that it is only meant to blindfold Zambians that he was concerned but this is for his political expediency adding that no money will be released.

    So far, Edgar Lungu, Kaizar Zulu, Freedom Sikazwe, Stephen Kampyongo, Bowman Lusambo, Nkandu Luo, Chitalu Chilufya and Ronald Chitotela are said to be in know of this evil act from the PF top officials.

    Some paramount Chiefs are also part of it and that includes Litunga, Chitimukulu, Mpezeni and Gawa Undi.

    And the Police sources say in the next few days, the PF top officials will sponsor some pastors and cadres to go to the media and say it is UPND President Hakainde Hichilema behind…

  13. The problem with Leadership of today is that we have got people who have no passion on other human beings and not even one who thinks well. The TOP leader has no say of removing wrong doers in his leadership lest they will reveal most of it what is hidden.
    But to say something, people like Kaiza Zulu, Chanda, Kampyongo, Nkandu Luo GBM enchbag Kanganja, a list is long, When you see this vocal list, only Kaiza Zulu is from Eastern but these, these bad elements are northerners and they boast by saying ” We are the ones leading PF leadership”,
    Am I trying to be tribal -NOT AT ALL. I have good friends from Northern and Luapula who are well behaved with full restpect of others. My wife is partly Bemba & partly Lenje. Respect is their.
    These boesterious monisters sims to come from homes…

  14. ….behind this and call for his arrest including calling on Edgar Lungu to declare a State of emergency for 15 months and effectively lead to the cancellation of the next election.

  15. Going forward, all of us should post the same comment everyday. “Lungu has failed Zambia”, On his facebook, everywhere… because it is true.

  16. This is all wrong.
    Why is this man wearing an army uniform?
    Where are Zambia Army to teach him a lesson to never use their fatigue?

    When we were school army cadets he would have been taught a lesson a long time ago.

  17. ECL has no authority as president and the evidence is on display. The PF cadres are ruling the country. In KK’s time we had vigilantes, but they knew who was boss. Everyday, I feel sorry for ECL as he is terrified. Explains why cadres like Kaizer Zulu can have the courage to brag about whisky, trip to Russia. etc forgetting that its tax payers money he is wasting. I know of Government workers who have not been paid for months and these so called leaders have no shame!

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