Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The PF government must man up,shape up and end gassing terror


By Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

It has been nearly Two (2) months since acts of terrorism against citizens started on the Copperbelt.

The PF and their surrogates have continued emphasizing the narrative that THEY KNOW who the gassers are and yet, for Two (2) months since the first reports in Chingola, they have done nothing to stop this war against our citizens – apparently by individuals and agents whose identity they have had knowledge of , and have known for Two (2) months.

The President, EDGAR Lungu has gone about the last Two (2) months as though nothing is happening in the country. When people were under attack in Chingola, he spent most of his time politicking in and about Chilubi.

After CHILUBI, he only spent a night in Lusaka and hopped into the air for more PF activities on the Copperbelt. The day he left Lusaka for the Copperbelt, there were riots in Mandevu and Kanyama; and throughout this entire period, the PRESIDENT has failed to address the nation and provide the right kind of assurances to the country. Instead, he had joined the bandwagon of waging outlandish accusations towards the opposition.

And the country is now seeing an increasing number of government sponsored individuals and organizations, being covered by state sponsored media, heightening the war against Zambians by peddling innuendo and lies about who the perpetrators are.

This is indicative of a government that has failed to do its job and now want to deflect attention and apportion blame towards other innocent citizens as though not enough terror and death has been occasioned on innocent people.

The public has NOT been availed with any information pertaining to the identities of these terrorists, the source or name of chemicals they are using. But crucially, there has been ZERO assessment of the security risk by Law Enforcement Agencies to ensure that citizens go about their daily lives intelligently.

This intentional, reckless information vacuum created by the state has exposed citizens to not only death by also injury.

What we know so far, from Press Reports available in the public domain, is that 2 named senior police officers have been questioned on the Copperbelt on allegations of being involved in the now countrywide gassing incidences. A senior member of the ruling Patriotic Front, also named, has been questioned on the Copperbelt.

The kind of organized terrorism we are witnessing against our country by a group with a very clear and deliberate political agenda must not be underplayed.

The terrorists we are dealing with are organized, they have a mass of resources on their disposal, they have the ability to do deploy rapidly which means they have access to aircrafts. The fact that no tangible arrests have been recorded could also mean that those sponsoring these acts of war are enjoying the protection of some very high authority in the land.

The PRESIDENT and his government must sober up and bring the nation together, and decisively end this war against innocent citizens.

This is not a time to cry, but a time to man up and deal with this crisis.


  1. There is no way PF can stop this gassing and purported ritual killing. I am very sure that if Seer 1 did not come on the Zambian stage, this gassing issue would not have been there. Some PF leaders need cleansing. We are certain all those who got Do as I say juju are fully aware of what is going on. I wish Zambians could burn those people who were mentioned by Seer 1 as having obtained his juju.

  2. This is being orchestrated by the government and it will only stop when their objectives are fulfilled. It seems to me though that the whole thing is not going according to plan. The president’s silence on the matter clearly demonstrates there is a clandestine motive behind the fracas. My heart goes out to the innocent who have had their souls taken because of one king rat’s selfish ambitions.

  3. Seer 1 in one of his videos said that he acts like a parasite and that he doesn’t stop his acts of parasitism until his job is done. Why are we ignoring his warning and questioning the people that he mentioned as having obtained his powers? He also claimed that he makes artificial rain, is he making the gase that people are talking about? How could gassing happen in a broad daylight at Evelyn College?

  4. We need to have early elections. It looks like the state is preparing for war. We have seen battle gear roll in. War against it’s own citizens? I have a premonition about my country. Can we please seek peace not suppression and violence. An early election is the answer to end all violence.

  5. Very important issues raised here. The lackadaisical attitude of our govtleaders to this issue from the beginning is difficult to explain. To say the president is waiting for complete information after 2 months is insulting our intelligence. And why has the National Guidance minister gone mute on this? There is a serious security CRISIS in our country- don’t weep – deal with it!!!

  6. When we don’t take arbitrary action and instead pursue a strategy of investigating and obtaining ample evidence before acting, we are criticised by cadres like this small boy. When we take action we will be called evil. You cannot win with these scumbags. I am currently in Russia worked with that country’s secret agents to resolve the problem in Zambia caused by those I cannot mention at the moment. The doors are closing in on them. In the next few months a lot of serious charges will be presented with ample evidence. Let this be a warning. This is treasonous. Kz

    • Look at this level of incompetence, do you need Russians to solve this simple puzzle. A well trained, disciplined and non polarized Police can sort out this issue.

    • @ kaizar Zulu. watch your back. Zambians are extremely mad at you and ecl. Zambians are looking for you, they will soon corner you and you will be history.

  7. KZ your comments are always cheapening the presidency and are always an insult to our security intelligence agencies in the country. As far as the country is aware of, u were fired from government and holds no elective position. In what capacity are u in Russia and at whose expense? Are u not abusing state resources? On another note why are we using army tanks that consume so much fuel to patrol compounds when GBM and co know the gassers? Is it not cheaper to investigate GBM and company? Otherwise GBM and company may one day up end being attacked for hiding information when the nation is bleeding.

  8. KZ says that in the next few months bra bra.. But how many lives will be lost in those few months? I wonder how ECL could have such an advisor! Cry my Beloved Country.

  9. The once beautiful country is rotting away slowly. Let those with eyes see. This lawlessness has been championed by those threatening the judiciary to allow them stand in elections they are not eligible, those who stayed in office illegally and not paying back showing total lawlessness, your own agency Financial Intelligence center gives you glaring reports of grand theft and you cheapen them with mfwiti mfwiti, your opposition colleagues are been targeted daily and even stopped from assembling whilst you say campaigns cant be perpertual meanwhile you are country trotting every other week campaigning. Please introspect, and the problem with unemployment is that you cant hear a voice of reason of progressive divergent view in what is called cabinet because of the boot licking threshold


    By G L
    State House is struggling to pull President Edgar Lungu out of his cocoon to address the Nation on the continued loss of lives.

    There is also panic at State House on what those arrested for gassing will say should they be secretly released from jail or procedurally be taken to court.

    Meanwhile investigations conducted by our staffer George Lemba reveal that these cases of gassing and rituals are in fact terrorism that was cited as being financed using government funds through exaggerated loans.

    The Financial Intelligence Center disclosed in the 2019 report that huge sums of funds from government were being diverted to sponsoring terrorism crimes with Intelligent Mobility Solution Company owner Walid El…


    By G L
    State House is struggling to pull President Edgar Lungu out of his cocoon to address the Nation on the continued loss of lives.

    There is also panic at State House on what those arrested for gassing will say should they be secretly released from jail or procedurally be taken to court.

  12. ” these cases of gassing and rituals are in fact terrorism that was cited as being financed using government funds through exaggerated loans.

    The Financial Intelligence Center disclosed in the 2019 report that huge sums of funds from government were being diverted to sponsoring terrorism crimes with Intelligent Mobility Solution Company owner Walid El Nahas being at the epicenter.

    Government security wings had confiscated Walid’s passport and other travel documents but on instructions from State House, the court has since directed that he be given so that he can travel to Lebanon, a country that from time to time is facing terror attacks.

    He is also a friend of President Edgar Lungu.

  13. Lungu and pf are behind this mass hysteria sweeping the nation…..

    They did it with the myterious fires burning markets and the opposition got blamed, they were hoping for the same results only this time their scheme to have the public blame UPND has backfired , as the public are very aware no UPND can gass anyone in PF strongholds where unemployed PF thugs loiter on every road…..and PF cader police force that is ZP are watching…

  14. Anthony Bwalya you are equally part and parcel of this mass hysteria, you are an evil person for adding to this mass hysteria that is killing innocent people! Mr Bwalya have you confirmed any of these so called “gassing” reports have been verified by any lab? Don’t cheat and add more hysteria to this! Focus instead on the killings of the innocent people at the hands of the criminal gangs you have incited with your fear mongering! Same applies to some in the ruling party and many media outlets. Guys let’s stop this mindless violence over fake news on alledged “gassing” which has not even caused the same level of damage that this mass hysteria is causing.

  15. Too much believing in superstition in Zambia. In the past when we didn’t have these so called ngangas advertising everywhere and anyhow deceiving people we never had such confusion in our country. The lies perpetrated by such evil men and women promising wealth by charms is what is causing this confusion. People go to these useless lazy people for charms to win elections, charms to win court cases, charms to boost fake churches, charms to boost business, charms to get wealthy etc. When will people use their brains, all who go to such people lack brains that’s why is is easy to sway them. A Christian nation would not encourage or allow such things or perpetrators of divination this space, freedom and authority they enjoy in order to mislead people.

  16. When the government chooses to do nothing about such a disgraceful crime, there is only simple reason – they are either benefiting from it, or they are involved in it. For the PF? Probably both.

  17. Mama Inonge, please tell Edgar Lungu to bring these terror attacks to a halt. There’s too much uncertainty at the moment in Zed.

  18. Yeah, tell him to also address the nation,n let him know we not going to bite him, all we want is to hear first hand information on this issue.

  19. Breaking News!!!!!!!
    Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo, Keizer Zulu and Valden Findley have been identified as the people masterminding the project to destabilise the country through gassing of citizens, Zambia State Intelligence sources have revealed and President Edgar Lungu has been fully briefed.

  20. HaSpaka and HaPatriot cannot see the wood for the trees or is this just ignorant indifference?
    Zambia is experiencing a terrorist attack in broad daylight!! Remember the closure of a particular group of schools recently? Local agents are doing the dirty work for the terrorists. A coup d’etat to bring down their government failed. Talk your leaders out of complicity in this heinous crime. They can successfully compete democratically with a few changes. The major change would be the getting rid of the Sejani qualification for the party presidency and of course the ejection of the current Sejani president.

  21. Ummm….Kampyongo, Zulu n Findlay are the 3 front runners in the Seer 1 saga, please guys we want peace in Zambia not this seer 1 backlash.

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