Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo says government is taking measures to bring to book culprits behind gassing incidents in the country.
Speaking when he addressed students at NIPA and Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka Friday afternoon, Mr Lusambo urged students and the general citizenry to desist from mob injustice.
He added that killing suspects would shield investigative wings from cornering the masterminds.
Mr. Lusambo said President Lungu is committed to ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book.
“The President will not tolerate this type of lawlessness to continue, we will not tolerate it.” Mr. Lusambo charged.
He said Government had already arrested a couple of individuals and was closing in on the master minds.
He added that Government would not look at the political affiliation or their stature in society when dealing with them.
Mr. Lusambo said the fact that the gassings are politically motivated should not be ruled out.
He maintained that the gassing incidents are politically motivated but was quick to mention that citizens should not take the law in their hands.

How many numbers should the days of the gassers have kanshi?
First, the president numbered them. And now, you. Please just restore our peace before you finish the whole number line.
How long have you tolerated this nonsense iwe kaponya? How many lives do you want to lose before you act.? Nsanya imwee..!
Days are numbered for the pompwes in power. They think we are foolish and don’t know they are the ones behind the lawlessness. We know that some of you are from katondo street.
What happened to the PF0lice officers that were warned & cautioned against shielding your own “G@ssers”???
Some of us ain’t BRAIN DEAD P.F CADRES! We can read between the lines.
These lusambo et al are just PF typical dimwits unable to comprehend the current situation nor make any logical conclusions based on facts ……..
These are the same lungu inspired Christian foundamentalist black magic spiritualist running the country……absolutely no micro of intelligence what so ever….
A member of the most incompetent and clueless regime in Africa. PF and Lungu should just resign. They should just keep drinking, and leave governace of the state to adults.
This situation has turned out to be a very complex one. regardless of who started it and the motive. Let ECL HH and all stake holders find a solution now before it gets completely out of hand if not already. This is where maturity togetherness and common good will be at test for us as Zambia. Its very concerning! Let all that have been involved face the full rath of the law in full view of all citizens to show them that breaking the law does catch-up. HH ECL and all stake holders band together now. You’re needed more than ever please
People like Tayali, Luo GBM and all those that have been preaching hatred have got there results. re introduce canning so you send them all to be whipped to bring them into line. Start somewhere please
Minister is very right. Lawlessness shall never be condoned.
People shall avoid Madison life insurance and Madison General Insurance. Madison General owes Atlas Mara K55 million plus interest and costs of K23 million. It’s an insolvent company. Evans Chibiliti, the chairman of Madison is dead scared of his personal assets being attached as are his board members for not resigning and informing public of continuing doing business when it has been insolvent since 2015. It’s books are cooked up, overstating assets and understating kuabilitues
It’s an insolvent company. Evans Chibiliti, the chairman of Madison is dead scared of his personal assets being attached as are his board members for not resigning and informing public of continuing doing business when it has been insolvent since 2015. It’s books are cooked up, overstating assets and understating kuabilitues
What days when GBM has been singing the song that he knows the gassers? Your plans have failed and you boast about days. The little temporary power you tested you want to turn zambia into blood shed.
Yes days are numbered starting with you Lusambo. You’ ve exibited a lot of ignorance and incompetence to effectively deal with the impasse in that former British colony!!!!!
Yes days are numbered starting with you Lusambo. You’ ve exhibited a lot of ignorance and incompetence to effectively deal with the impasse in that former British colony!!!!!
In life Zambian don’t ever give power to criminals like you did to PF, decent people are not desperate to hang on ,on power . PF are ready to kill or make alot of tricks just to remain in power.sole William.
After crying like a baby, who is going to take that threat seriously?
Cat Power: Laugh out loud
This approach you are taking Bowman is wrong focus on NO TO MOB JUSTICE first then after that deal with the alledged “gassing”.
Not until a Court or Parliament appointed Lab has confirmed that a deliberate act of gassing has indeed taking place should you say that there is gassing because you are only adding to the mass hysteria which is seeing more and more lives taken by instant justice gangs.
Right now the greater evil is the criminal instant justice gangs so let’s focus on arresting all ring leaders ot these terrible acts of violence they are commitng on innocent people then we will have peace then you can focus on alledged “gassing” incidents.
It’s your numbers that are numbered, this leadership won’t be trusted.
Sure their days are numbered and soon they will be caught and brought to book for the offenses they have committed.These people are terrorist and they should be treated as very dangerous criminals and should be jailed for life because they a danger to society.Like the minister as put it ,their days are numbered and soon they are going to be exposed.
Already we are able to see some quilt in some individual and organization who are commenting on the gassing issue,friends and colleagues wait and see the how God will do it for us and the devil will be ashamed.
Seeing that incompetence is often rewarded under the PF rule, it can only be concluded that IG and Kampyongo will be receiving the Grand Eagle when this madness is over.
How many people have died from this alledged “gassing” can someone tell me? Even if some have died of this “gassing” which I doubt that number is no where close to the number that have been brutally murdered by criminal instant justice gangs. What is wrong with people kanshi why can’t you see that these gangs killing innocent people are actually the real threat and not alledged “gassing”! Just because we are a third world country shouldn’t mean we are third place in thinking capacity, in any panic situation you first remove those who make the situation worse, you do not encourage them by promoting hysteria and fear!
Many people have have been asking why Zambians are listening to people like Seer1.
The reason is simple.
People feel neglected and cheated by their leaders who seem not moved by the suffering the masses have had to endure. They are not moved by the baby cry of the first one and Bowman. People want answers! Bible says ” When the righteous rule, people rejoice but when wicked people rule, the nation groans.” There is also a Bemba saying that says ” Ichalo, Bantu. Ichalo, tefikulwa.” Simply put, the Bemba saying means Human capital development is more important than infrastructure development! The standard of living for the people should be priority number one. By overborrowing for infrastructure development, the economy has been dislocated by the huge debt burden. Even BOZ is worried…
Even BOZ is worried by the huge debt Zambia has to deal with. Citizens have had their salaries reduced through direct and indirect taxes to help meet social needs like health. The health insurance deductions constitute indirect tax. NAPSA contributions have also increased thereby reducing workers disposable income. If you look at “time value” of money, your K1,000 today will have the buying power of K10 by the time you retire. But again, does NAPSA still give a lump sum payment? How much is GRZ borrowing from NAPSA and is GRZ paying back? The increase in NAPSA contributions seems to be there to cushion government growing appetite for more borrowing! Zambians are beginning wake up and are asking many questions. Since the information ministry and religious ministries have gone quiet and…
Since the information ministry and religious ministries have gone quiet and have not refuted allegations raised by Seer1, even the sudden taking off of black ring charms by many of our leaders, the people are now left with no choice but to suspect something fishy has been going on! The best policy in public administration is honesty when dealing with public affairs! Free flow of credible information is critical in a nation especially in this era of social media where bad news spreads like wild fire. Mobs are acting like that because they don’t have credible information. If us in cities don’t have enough information on what is going on, imagine those in villages? The Catholic Bishops have hit the nail on the head. The root cause of Zambia’s problems = Bad Governance! Those who have been…
Those who have been misusing Seer1’s charms please resign and spare the nation of the consequences of your misdeeds! The best would be to dissolve parliament and call for early elections to renew mandate! That is the wise thing governments do to save face when they see public confidence going down!
I haven’t seen a dead person through ritual killing by the alleged gassers but I have seen more die at the hands of a mob. Everything points to an evil government.
1. Govt was silent when it started until people started accusing PF.
2. Aluminum phosphide is highly regulated and cannot be easily found in drug stores. They are also marked for exports only how have the gassers acquired them easily?
3. The door to door blood tests why now. Was the gassing a ploy to have more people tested without their consent?
4. Unless you are trained you can’t extract blood from a person.
It is your days that are numbered PF. Ba Pompwe imwe!
My brother lusambo thank you for that message which I wholeheartedly agree with. My investigation into this with our friends in Moscow has now reached advanced levels. We did not want to act without solid evidence in light of the serious charges these illegal acts will carry. We will soon begin to consult with the attorney general for legal advice before proceeding with arrest warrants. More than likely to be allegations of treasonous acts. The guilty ones are panicking and have been very vocal recently. This time the commonwealth secretary general’s pleads will not persuade us to pardon anyone. Have a good weekend. I cannot wait to come home, very cold here in
A chingola PF carder appeared in caught yesterday and everyone is quiet. Kaizer can’t even talk about it. Yes, implicate the innocent and see what’s gonna happen. You’ve had your way for too long and now you’ll face the over 2million people. Moreover your name has been mentioned in this evil act, so don’t act smart. Dirty chap
you are talking , why would you go to Russia when you have Huawei of China all over you ???
Fix the economy and people will not have time for all hysteria.
No amounts of prayers , military , police or cancelling 2021 elections will fix the problem…..
After this mass hysteria comes to pass , with what ever arrests GRZ make, people will see that they are still hungry and unemployed…. I expect more trouble among the masses if lungu and pf don’t fix the economy
Just return the “DO AS I SAY” to the owner and all this will be history. You know whats going on here don’t pretend.
Spaka you must have a screw loose in your head. Have some respect for your own sake.
Respect is earned. Nothing worth respecting about you or your thieving govt.
Some mastermind should just face secret death without public knowledge.
For how long should the government wait and keep on entertaining someone with their evil motive of the country..?
Buy and large many innocent lives have been destroyed.Slowly this issue is turning into political ethics in some parts of the country.
You should have respect , you are issuing threats and an accusing finger at one person, we all know who you are trying to blame for your mess…..
And Zambians and not as dum as you think.
BTW why would you bypass the Chinese who own most of zambia and have most at stake and go to the Russians who have virtually no intrest in Zambia ?
Spaka there is a reason I am serving in government and you are not. We make the decision on who we partner with. Zambia partners with many countries including China. The details of our engagement with Russia are very sensitive and I cannot divulge information in relation to why they were preferred partners on an issue that I cannot disclose. Just know that this is for your safety as a citizen and be thankful. There is no need to argue about everything. We are one people at the end of the day. Politics aside , everyone is affected by this issue whether pf mmd or upnd. You are assuming that I am accusing some political leader but I have not stated a single name. Why are you scared ? We have our intelligence and all I can say is remain patient. Let our security forces do their job. I hope…
Continued: you will see sense after reading this. Kz
You will soon learn that this so called security threat is economic…..and you will find out that no amount of security measures or threats or pressure will fix this mess………it is an economic problem.
LT fix this website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waona manje chakolwa wayamba kulila.
Lusambo, you can PFool some people some time, but you can’t PFool all the people all the the time. We already know the PFools doing the gassing, They are trying hard to PFool us by shedding crocodile tears.
Ponse palya batampila kwena!
When you have riff raffs from Chawama and Chelston clinic in charge of the country you end up with such reckless loss of lives.
We as the electorate are also warning you in power that your days are numbered in political office. The elections are coming and we shall get our voters cards to go weed out those that have failed to attend to the interests of the voting masses. So help us God.