Thursday, February 20, 2025

Council of Paramount Chiefs is welcome – NGOs


A consortium of Civil Society Organisations has welcomed the proposal by traditional leaders to establish and enshrine a Council of Paramount Chiefs in the Constitution of Zambia.

During a media briefing held at Mika Lodge on Sunday, the Constitution Reform and Education Coaltion (CRECO) Chairperson Hyde Haguta said any proposals to amend Bill 10 are not late and have encouraged the Litunga, Kalonga Gawa Undi, Nkosi yama Nkosi Mpezeni and Mwine Lubemba Chitimukulu Kanyata-Manga II to take steps by engaging MPs who can submit a notice to amend the Bill in line with Order 110 (1) of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly of Zambia.

Mr. Haguta has also called on Cabinet, through the Minister of Justice, to submit a notice of amendments before the Bill is read for the second time in line with the same Order 110(1) to show which amendments Government intends to bring at the Committee of the Whole House stage.

“By taking this route, Government would demonstrate to the public and instil confidence that indeed, Government is ready to take a lead in amending the Bill in accordance with recommendations from the Committee,” said Haguta.

CRECO has since called on Members of Parliament to give Bill 10 a chance to be thoroughly debated during the Second Reading and to allow amendments to be done after the second reading of the Bill.

“The main reason why the Constitution require two-thirds at Third Reading of a Bill to amend the Constitution is to allow Members of Parliament to scrutinise whether the amendments made during the Committee Stage reflects what is generally agreed,” said Haguta who is also MISA Zambia Vice Chairperson.

Meanwhile, CRECO has welcomed the move taken by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to consider its proposal to have citizens of Zambia who live in the Diaspora to vote in 2021 elections.

CRECO Spokesperson, Andrew Ntewewe, said the voting by any citizen is a constitutional right which must never be denied of all citizens.

“Equally, we support the implementation of the Constitutional Court decision to have prisoners vote in exercise of constitutional right to vote,” said Ntewewe

CRECO is comprises the Media Institute for Southern Africa – Zambia Chapter (MISA Zambia), Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), Southern African Center for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD), Common Grounds Network (CGN) and Chrisma Democracy University.


  1. people living in dispolar should not be allowed to vote because of the following few reasons. 1, they are not interested in Zambia’s development that is why they are out of Zambia. 2 , freedom of expression they enjoy in other countries may not be same in Zambia , this is one of the source of confusion ( importing other countries model of expression).3 , those who will be organising votes in those countries can even organise other people of that nation to add numbers of votes.4 ,it will be a big cost to ecz than the cost of sending steak holders to monitor the printing of ballot papers in Dubai. 5 we need to be patriotic Zambians by coming to vote in Zambia not in foreign countries.

  2. Trying to buy chiefs so that Bill 10 can go through. This will be another recipe for confusions. What about other Chiefs?. This is not the way to run the affairs of the country. Edgar has continued to manipulate things just to pass Bill 10. What is wrong with the current House of Chiefs?

  3. The clause on Chiefs must also empower the President to declare one Chief from each province as Paramount. The idea is good but we must have each province have one Paramount Chief

  4. Reason I support amendments is to remove such clauses from Constitution and not add them. The nonsense of women wanting Conmissioms, the youth, the bricklayers, plumbers, etc must be removed together with House of Chiefs

  5. What’s important is to define the role and level of authority of the chiefs in the governance of the country. Sub Chief, Chief, Senior Chief and Paramount Chief, at which level are they? Is it HOD, Deputy Director, Director, Deputy PS or PS? This will matter especially in land administration, they all can’t have the same level of authority

  6. We actually must be advocating for reducing the size of the constitution by removing unnecessary details such as House of Chiefs, Commissions, functions, nomination procedures, parliamentary procedures, etc than increasing. So MP have a duty to amend this current Constitution. Make the Constitution smaller than it is now

  7. Us the Nkoyas will support this clause but it must empower Minister to gazzette more paramount Chiefs. We deserve to have our own senior most Chief at level of Paramount

  8. Chieftaincies, kingdoms and sects are inimical to modern democracies. So what will your council of paramount chiefs do? Just because you got away with the creation of a Ministry of Religion and Affairs does not mean you need more senseless things. Awe shuwa.

  9. Our traditional leaders are a source of wisdom and knowledge. I prefer chiefs than politicians. So for one to ascend to that title of Litunga, Paramount, its the highest achievement for a chief. We must have that Council

  10. All Zambian Chiefs are important. stop the colonial mentality of divide and rule by making some tribes superior than others . we should simply strengthen the council of chiefs.

  11. We already have a house of chiefs that does nothing. So why create another council of chiefs which again will do nothing.

  12. Nonsense , you are even calling it council of paramount chiefs , my foot !. how many are they? Zambians why do you like dublicating things . we already have House of Chiefs, again you want another office? You shall bring a big fight between the Chiefs and the Paramount chiefs . Are they Paramount Chiefs for Lungu or what? In Zambia if you want to eat money, Just ceate some thing to support the Gvt of the day , then, you have reached home already.

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