Monday, March 31, 2025

Mob Killings Triggered by Regime Change Agenda Setters and Civil Unrest-Thirsty State Enemies-Sunday Chanda


The Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) party has alleged that the acts of mob injustice and gassing that the country has witnessed in the recent past are being orchestrated by an enemy of the state.

Speaking during the weekly Patriotic Front Interactive Forum in Lusaka on Monday, Party media director Sunday Chanda said the enemy of the state had a very clear agenda to instill fear and trigger anger in the masses for them to lose confidence in a democratically elected government.

“In the recent past clearly what we are observing is that the enemy of the state is at work , clearly the enemy of the state is at work , clearly the enemy of the state has a very clear agenda and that is number one; to instill fear in the masses of our people , secondly that agenda is to trigger anger in the masses of the people so that they can lose confidence in a democratically elected government ,“ Mr. Chanda said .

He added that the enemy of the state has been pushing for a regime change agenda, adding that the recent events cannot be withdrawn from the notion that there is an aggressive agenda to trigger regime change and instill fear in the masses.

“Thirdly we know that the enemy of the state has been pushing and continues to push for a regime change agenda and the events in the recent weeks cannot be far from the notion that we hold that there is an aggressive agender to trigger regime change number one: by inducing fear in the masses of our people. Number 2 by getting the masses of our people to rise against the government,” he added.

Mr. Chanda said that a number of very innocent have been sacrificed by people who have an agenda to cause civil unrest in the country.

“We pray that God will rest their souls, we know that a number of them are very innocent but they have been sacrificed by people who have an agenda to cause civil unrest in this country” he reaffirmed.

Mr. Chanda has since called on security agencies to arrest those involved irrespective of their standing in society.

“We pray that justice will be done and that those who have died as a result of this criminality will have rest and that their blood can continue to and people of Zambia are looking up to the security agencies to bring the perpetrators to book irrespective of who is involved and to ensure that our people go to sleep at night with peaceful minds,” the media director indicated.


  1. Very true. They even sponsor a well known online news site that publishes fake news all day .I am talking about those dogs watchdog . I laughed when I read an article by them this morning claiming that I was attacked in Zambia at tbr weekend and yet I was on my way back home from Russia. Your lies won’t win you the elections. We will soon start sending warrants and charges for treason. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Kz

  2. The enemy of the state is within PF because it’s people are currently standing trial for the same violations on the Copperbelt. How is that for irony?

  3. Sad part is the people behind have low conscience and emotions.They are free even to go to tv platform trying to play innocent.even accusing the government that is refusing dialogue with them. I was reading their psychology it is very clear that dialogue in their mindset is the plot to host the country especially PF government at crossroads. The three church mother bodies to hold dialogue is priority to them.Their psychology depicts someone who enjoys their games and feels that are winners not losers after all those dying are not their relatives they have no my surprise they even have policing awareness.sad that politicians who are black villains.

  4. On spot, KZ. Lies won’t win them elections indeed as Chilubi and Western province spoke loudly 2 weeks ago. Cage these evil elements!!!

    • My foot! And you are proud of that victory in chilubi in which you bullied your opponents by strongly denying them space to campaign? Insoni ebuntu

  5. The same people that assured us that the police were on the ball and doing their job on this matter are now the same ones defying the IG’s call to desist from making unfounded accusations. Can we all just wait until we get a clear picture of who is behind all this? This is too serious a matter for careless politicking. Can the leaders on BOTH sides reign in their mouth pieces? This careless mudslinging only shows your selfish motives. Some of us have lost relatives in this madness and are looking forward to an unbiased, factual, revelation and conviction of not only the perpetrators but more so the masterminds. Stop muddying the waters otherwise you cause us to start suspecting your agenda.

  6. Sunday Chanda your shameless member GBM said it publicly that he knows who is behind the gassing. Why can’t your PF Police go to him so he can help with investigations so that this reign of terror ends? I really don’t understand this country…….no wonder people are taking the law into their hands

  7. what motive would the government or the ruling party have in gassing people? This thing is an agenda from the opposition. To sink to such low strategy is really desperate. 2021 is not far. Spare the lives of our people. One Zambia

  8. Zambians need to understand that when we quarrel amongst ourselves we continue to leave another day. When you involve foreign agents in squabbles you lose everything. Now is the time for Zambians to came together regardless of political affiliation and whistle blow on their leaders inciting violence. Let’s put a stop to this before it becomes too late.

  9. HH and his UPND are suspect number one, HH prior to 2016 election had declared that should election results not go in his favor their will be armageddon in this country. HH had said those words because he knew he was handsomely going to be funded to spark this armageddon. Surely how do you declare war on the the nation that you want to lead, this man is heartless. His external funders have run out of patience to see him at plot one after losing a record five times,hence this desperate attempt to instill fear and anger in the citizens so that they rise against the government for an easy election win next year. This TONGA man does not care for the zambian people, all he cares for is the presidency at all costs even if it means shedding innocent blood, no wonder we cant doubt that the man…

  10. @My Foot: Should every election won by PF have irregularities but when upnd won Sesheke or Katuba it’s democratic?? Were there irregularities in Western province as well?? If you can’t prove anything, it stays as it is. Put up or shut up, donkey!!

    • It is common knowledge that your party expensively bought those votes in chilubi and western province. Without rigging and bullying your party can never win an election. We also know that you spent huge sums of money to buy off the sesheke voters but thank Heavens those people are alive to the fact that you have destroyed this country with corruption.Petitioning the sesheke results twice and losing on both occasions. Name calling is not necessary

  11. In Bemba, we say “Akanwa kamilandu kalabwabwata Sana.”
    What is Sunday Chanda afraid of? Why can’t they allow Police to do their work? Are they not politically jeopardizing police investigations by ejaculatory giving unsubstantiated and unguarded statements? If only police was independent, all PF cadres issuing careless statements would by now have been summoned by police to help with investigations. Unfortunately, police is operating under difficult circumstances and have to avoid crossing paths with cadres to protect their jobs and families.
    Who else is politically motivating confusion other than PF?
    “Amwa peeling” to Sunday Chanda to get real and stop hallucinating and interfering with police investigations. The more statements we get from PF vuvuzelas the more apparent it…

  12. The more statements we get from PF vuvuzelas the more apparent it appears that PF is behind these upheavals! They seem determined to hipe emotions and to plant evidence so that when the time comes,they say aha, this is what we have been talking about!
    Why can’t you see that your plan has backfired? Why not try another trick?

  13. PF is hell bent to take full advantage to cage HH without an iota of evidence. If they do and he’s removed from the ballot, there are others to vote for…PF has no seniority anyone can accuse HH happy that there are fuelling mass paranoia no remorse or pain for such a large destruction of lives,all sorts of morons are given coverage to fuel hatred and paranoia… all sorts of member less parties are given coverage to fuel hatred..

  14. The upndead is a cesspool of b100dy thirty and corrupt terrorists.
    You can imagine if these tribal_Qaeda militant Salafist tribadist multi-national operative organization funded by groups like ALN and other distabilizing agents ever formed Government. Zambia would be a dark country.
    Terrorist mentality.

  15. Ba pf your ploy has backfired, all because of the hate for one person, Your publicity chairperson for chingola is in court for gassing, your chairperson for serenje is on the run including Mpika and Lukulu Dc yet you are mute on those and busy accusing other people, the scale at which all this is happening country wide can only be possible with the involvement of powers that be, if it the people you are accusing were the ones involved, it wouldn’t have taken the OP, the defense forces and police this long. No matter how many of you go round the media houses accusing the innocent people, Zambian people have opened their eyes and can see through your lies, they have refused to fall for your lies cos they know exactly who is behind these evil acts, you tried it with the fires, it failed…

  16. PF has created a machine they can’t repair. Despite calls for people to tame their tongue, they are too used of seeing the profit of false accusations. While cheating pastors over the Christian Nation sentence in billb10 they breakj the 9th commandment with impunity…what kind of government is this

  17. Whatever Chanda writes and says, does it go through any approval sensor or he is at liberty do it anyway?
    He is a destroyer of the party and not a builder.

  18. Because PF doesn’t care about the security of the public, they won’t arrest the “known sponsors” of the gassers. It’s a top secret in PF.

  19. Following Prophet Mata and Seer 1, there’s an indication that those doing all these evil acts are in the ruling party. It seems like there’s something to do with blood sacrifice in preparation for 2021. It hurts to see blood being shed in almost every province, i guess all for political power. Seer 1 disclosed individuals who collected his powers to manipulate while Mata, also talked of 2 evil powers “beasts” in State House and some of those in ECL administration using evil powers of manipulation… It is only a matter of time, GOD will show up for Zambia….

  20. What Chanda boy is saying is what PF have been hopping people will think when they started this mass hysteria , only it has back fired spectacularly for them as the majority of Zambians know only PF or the state agents are capable of this sadistic campaign

  21. What kind of garbage is this semi illiterate called Sunday spewing !! If you have failed to govern, just step aside. How can the opposition be organizing mobs to kill people and yet those being arrested in Chingola, Nakonde and elsewhere are PF members. This whole scheme was orchestrated by the PF and it has terribly backfired

  22. How many people have died from gassing? No one has been reported as having died from gassing. The only deaths reported are those from mob justice. So the gassing thing is just a hoax. People have a lot of pressure due to a high level of unemployment and a very high hunger situation due to high cost of living in our country. Citizens have had pressure built in them over a period of time and have become potentially explosive when a situation renders an opportunity to do so.
    How do you expect people just erupting, maiming, burning and killing others for no reasons? Zambians are not known for this. There are only two possible answers, either something evil is moving them to do what they are doing or it is situation of poverty, hunger and unemployment and people are expressing themselves…

  23. You cannot win elections by killing innocent people it is a curse, their blood is crying to the Lord. In a democracy you wait for elections the more you gass people the more you lose their support there can be no government change without elections, just win people to your side and not killing them and giving them sleepless nights will not reward you.
    Evil will never rule Zambia as long as people love their creator nothing will happen lies up on lies will fail.

  24. Did the UPND or any other opposition party catch someone gassing and killed that person? How is regime change connected to mob killing because those killed by the mob are the suspected people the mob catches I haven’t seen the opposition inciting people to kill suspects too. Ever since this began the opposition have been calling on you ba PF to do your job in protecting people from gassing attacks. Moreover elections are next year I don’t think the opposition would be wise to push for regime change now but allow the electorate decide next year.

    • The plan to cause terror and pin it on opposition in order cramp opposition parties or force a one party state. Tutwa said he would prefer a one party state, Edgar said even people didn’t vote for him he would still rule beyond 2021, lusambo said the power they enjoy is sweet and would never give it up for the opposition. Had this been a plan of opposition I assure you pf police would have wrapped this scam up already but they have been reluctant because they are the only party that stands to benefit from the resulting chaos. If it was opposition behind this someone greedy for money would have betrayed them in order to get the K250, 000 from Edgar Lungu.

  25. This is why some of us we plainly said that bitterness and hatred is too much for opposition political parties.Now they have resort to usher barbaric ideology to enter state house.Its very sad indeed.
    Just fortnights ago some people were crying of tribalism.How do we end tribalism with politicians who are full of wickedness?
    I heard the Catholic priests and Chiefs issuing similar voice over politics killing each other a move swayed by politicians .Am sure they are wondering too especially the Catholic because for a lengthy of period have been supporting certain political party little did they realize that they were supporting a monster who is now killing their flocks.

  26. The only thing that has stupefy the masses (ACCEPT THE PF MEMBERS) is that GBM said it loudly that he knows those pipo who are behind these gassing but upto now POLICE have allowed him to roam freely without summoning him for questioning.IS this man untouchable or if he was still in upnd,what will be happened to him from that time he said that?
    Let GBM and his friend TAYALI CHILUFYA tell us those pipo who are behind this evil act,k250 000 is on the table as promised by Ecl.

  27. @My Foot: Can you prove any of this in a Court of Law?? It seems 2021 you donkeys will make more noise. It is a good thing GRZ will be prepared for your nonsense this time round. Seems we officially have no opposition in Zambia except the one that believes its lies to the core and pretend to be in power while donkeys like you cheer them on religiously. Very sad, indeed.

  28. You cant have a government which always cries and passes blame instead of acting and reporting to the people their findings. The most useless government ever.

  29. Kaizer Zulu survives lynching in Mumbwa over gassing
    24 February 2020 21:45 2
    STATE House Aide Kaizer Zulu on Sunday escaped lynching in Mumbwa’s Nambala area when he was caught in the company of some Indians suspectedly supervising the gassing of people.
    Police sources revealed that Zulu was only served by police officers and quickly whisked to Mumbwa Zambia Airforce base.
    “We dont know what Kaiser was doing in Nambala area where he was with some Zambians of Indian origin. At the time they were in the area there were incidences of gassing,” the source said.

  30. Arrest the Great Bag of Maize (GBM), he said he knows the people. PF time is catching up with you. Lies have no legs.

  31. PF is mainly a bunch of hooligans, led by a gang leader, corrupt Lungu. I wouldn’t be surprised if they happened to be behind all this chaos happening in the country today. Most likely they’re trying to find a way to discredit the opposition, and have an excuse to cage HH. Otherwise, why are they so careless with their unfounded, unsubstantiated accusations that lack concrete evidence? What’s the purpose of the police then, if the politicians keep pointing accusatory fingers at the opposition? Why are they not letting the police do their job without prejudicing their investigation? Are they trying to deflect scrutiny and attention from themselves? Usually the guilty are always accusing others but themselves. They know they’re becoming unpopular by the day, and chances are, they…

  32. Why not arrest them since we seem to know them?…..There are only two things-either we have an incompetent government or it’s involved, such non sense can’t go on for so long!!

  33. Zulu and Chanda have a lot to do with the gassing going on.
    Rather than just talking about it, am taking it to God in prayer. These people have over played their power. As long as my God is alive, those responsible will soon fall

  34. Citizen

    What has backfired is the PF hope of Zambians blaming the opposition for this so called gassing…..that is why they were slow to act , only to find people are pointing at PF as main suspects

  35. I said it and am saying it aloud. The situation is the country has reached a volatile stage and therefore pf must be careful in whatever decision they are hoping to make. Please don’t inflame the already volatile situation.
    My God arise and save the nation from hatred, Tribalism, Crime, and satanism that has been planted by pf

  36. Enemy of the state is at work, bukala bobe. You are the enemy of democracy at work. You can’t cheat the same people twice.

  37. Spaka
    PF as main suspect?? Walikwana fye bwino??
    KZ lynched in Mumbwa on Monday 24th, wasn’t he landing from Russia yesterday?? Diasporan donkeys, where do you get your info from?? Watchdog?? Mast?? Diggers?? Oooohhh…on those channels hh is president after the revolution….kwekwekwekwekwe….

  38. Is it true?
    Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo, Keizer Zulu and Valden Findley have been identified as the people masterminding the project to destabilise the country through gassing of citizens, Zambia State Intelligence sources have revealed and President Edgar Lungu has been fully briefed.
    Impeccable sources close to the operations have revealed that the whole project planning started sometime last year around October, but they never told President Edgar Lungu.
    Xavier Chungu, as former Director of Intelligence, has been running a parallel intelligence wing mainly using some of his former loyalists within and outside the system.
    These are the people that were engaged for this operation by Kampyongo, Keizer Zulu with funding from Valden Findley and some prominent businessman of…

  39. Continue
    … businessman of Indian origin.
    The operation also involved collection of police uniforms from Force Headquarters and Lilayi Police training camp under what they called “break in” in the stores. So far lots of police uniforms have been ‘stolen’ and being given to these PF operatives recruited by these people.

    The gass being used was being imported in the country under the Ministry of Home Affairs but disguised as tear gas for the Zambia Police service.
    “The involvement of these close associates of Lungu has made it difficult for the Police to take any of detained suspects to court because they will reveal a lot of things in testimony. We can almost bet that nobody will be taken to court for gassing citizens and even if they are taken, nobody will be convicted. Mr. Lungu…

  40. Continue
    Mr. Lungu now has the full intelligence report over these issues and knows his own people are involved to basically undermine his leadership”, sources revealed.
    The people being used in this operation of gassing citizens are being paid as little as K1000 when they execute and get the balance afterwards. The money is being paid through mobile money services.
    The real state intelligence briefed Edgar Lungu who had no idea what was happening and summoned Kampyongo and Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja for Information.
    “When Kampyongo was summoned, to implicate the UPND President Hakainde Hichilema and UPND of being behind these crimes. But it was one of those rare moments that Mr. Lungu defended Mr. Hichilema from this whole operation and told them he knew the people…

  41. Multi-party politics can’t work in Africa. It’s a Western trick on Africans. Democracy is not doing well internationally, even Western elections are plunged by recounts, coalition party ruling. This is a new age which requires the human race to evolve into working together, oneness, amoebic, no head no arms, no legs. Just a mass moving forward jointly. If we set our egos aside and prioritise our needs and survival of the human race.

    However, that is idealism. Right now we do have enemies of the state because opposition politicians have lost sight of the need to serve rather than to be top dog, getting the largest share of wealth. Let’s arrest them try them and punish them for treason, which needs the capital punishment of hanging.

  42. It’s uncivilized, very dull opportunists incapable of objective analysis in the likes of KZ and Zambian citizen, among others, that have caused civil strife in many nations. Their mouths are dirty and froth nothing but inhumane diatribes. Very provocative and senseless.

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