Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Proposed New Conference Centre in Pictures


The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China
The  Artist Impression of the  New Conference Center: A gift from China
The Artist Impression of the New Conference Center: A gift from China


  1. Looks good of course. They’ll probably put hidden cameras and audio devices like they did with the African Union Conference Center.

  2. A gift from China to who?
    If it is to PF, are they going to build in their capital city Gambwe?
    If it is to Zambian government, is it to congratulate the incoming UPND government?

  3. Another pointless gift that will be empty for most of the days of the year…what gift are you talking about? This is another loan being built with by Chinese contractors with Chink material with zero value addition. When are you morons going to wake up there is no such thing as free gift …why cant you say the terms of this grant.

  4. Another pointless gift that will be empty for most of the days of the year…what gift are you talking about? This is another loan being built with by Chinese contractors with Chink material with zero value addition. When are you mo.rons going to wake up there is no such thing as free gift …why cant you say the terms of this grant.

  5. Wht’s wrong with existing facilities? The annexe to the old Mulungushi conference centre was built only in 1998 whn Zambia last hosted the African Union summit. Wht’s the point of building a new centre given the financial problems we are facing?

  6. Nemwine – We have wasteful leaders new buildings mean new contracts equates to new Chinese contracts means kickbacks to choose the main contractor Chinese contractor and that 20% to go to PF cadres briefcase construction companies to dig build drainages with minimum cement usage. A smart leader would say no we dont want a $60 million building that will use 3 times a year but we want a DNA lab or Scientific R&D lab..but we have imbeciles for leaders.

  7. good development indeed we are progressing as a country in the infrastructure area in the history our nation china long live

  8. China really means well for Africa!!Hats off to the Chinese Govnt and the hard working PF Govnt!!Continue changing the face of Zambia until 2099 when our grand children will vote for HH’s UPND!!Hope Kainde will still be active in politics in 2099!!!
    As for 2021,there will be no change of Govnt because no football coach or soccer fans change the winning team(PF)!!!As long as we see positive results from the PF Govnt,our votes shall continue going to PF!!!Only tribal creatures would dream of voting for a regional party in 2021 just to satisfy their wird ego!!Once more BRAVO TO PF and CHINA!!

  9. Of course with our fixation of having more meetings, conferences and workshops than actual action on the ground, this is lovely for Zambia. Who needs to walk the talk when all we can do is meet and discuss all the time. I am sure Zambia will development with this kind of attitude

  10. We receive it with our hands open! China and Zambia good relationship started long time ago during KK and now in ECL. I’m told it will be second largest conference centre in Africa thanks to PF government for your infrastructures you have built in Zambia.

  11. How will this structure help our long term economic development plan? If any country really cares about Zambia, they would help us develop our industry sector. We need industries period.

  12. It’s a gift, hopefully a well intentioned one a good will sign by the people of China. It’s something to be happy about as recipient since the Chinese saw it fit and its what they wanted to give! However with such obviously existing good intentions with the people of China the Zambian government must learn how to maximize on requesting for projects that would make great contributions to the general welfare of the Zambian people! The Conference Center will mostly serve a privileged few for high level gatherings aimed at “discussions” and only that! Discussions will have different themes but thats all the purpose the center will serve so leaders of various institutions and states can meet to “discuss”, share jokes while enjoying hot and cold beverages! For many a Zambian it will be a…

  13. contd… a no go area! The now “all weather friend” in China I believe would not had any problem substituting the facility with a skills development training center, research center, hi-tech level medical facility, a factory and much more of infrastructure that would benefit Zambians individually and severally!

  14. A gift from China my foot!!!
    How can a country whom you owe over $6 billion start giving you gifts?
    Zambians are fast asleep..ZzzzzZzzZzzzz.
    By the time they wake up , they wont own even the underwear on them.

  15. Hv u seen hw eager he is to do the ceremonial bits of his work? This involves just turning up to utter platitudes. He has no idea hw the number of beggars in our towns has grown from children to adults and wht it means for long-term public security and social stability.

  16. We don’t want gifts in Zambia ,we don’t like to be given free fish we wanna learn how to fish for ourselves. China is making us weaker and more dependent with this gift.

  17. There’s nothing for free. China must be having a hidden agenda in this. Remember how China is obsessed with snooping. No doubt the whole thing will be bugged from the hallway to the conference rooms to the toilet… HUAWEI will do it

  18. its a gift only thing GRZ can respond to is take it or leave it. when was the last time your received a birthday gift and you told the giver you wanted something else.

    lets focus our energy on the stolen euro bonds and other chinese loans than this gift

  19. as the saying goes, umuntu mubi, awamafye anga nalala… debating with monger heads on none debatable issues is worry some. we should have by now mentally grown up to understand the word (GIFT) . e.g .God gave his son as a gift to die for us ..should we honestly stoop so low as to debate the tone of his skin, pa last Jesus ankale na rainbow colors . simple China gives you a gift , you either take it or leave it…it’s a giiiift, don’t tell them of factories and skyscrapers that you so much desire for, do your part and build your own .. message approved

  20. and most often the conplenants are the very opposition who are unhappy because the nation is developing at a very fast rate, they have stopped the usual of (no it was MMDs projects, bushe tizadya ma roads, Edgar is visionless etc) now they are just whining on things they don’t even know they have now become NONE PARTISAN CITIZENS, in the hopes of justifying their bitterness towards the government they so wish had failed but alas we hear only of kazungula bridge, health centers, new districts drug laboratories and much more. we know you all too well ba opposition aka none partisans. to China we salute you for being an all weather friend. im breaker and i approve this message

  21. Thanks Mr President .infrastructure is important for the development of our nation..Good to see that you are bringing development that you see out there to our great nation.saluti …siyabhonga kakulu baba..

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  23. This is insanity….how will this white elephant help our economy…conferences for what????? Instead of buying medical equipment and building hospitals…this Building will just be a hive of prostitution and cheating wives

  24. I think I personally know Njimbu. He’s really on cloud nine just now. Zambia is really working for him. He doesn’t mind that the main university in the country is one month into a new academic year and teaching hasn’t started. How something like this doesn’t make front-page news doesn’t shock him. Summits are occasions for African leaders to pretend to project some power in the world while in their Sunday bests.. Nothing fulfils them more than summit meetings.

  25. The Chinese don’t give free gifts, the only thing they will give us for free is Croronavirus, also i didn’t see any gensets or solar panels in the photos because all these conferences we are going to have in this building need power and there is none. so that means it will be in the dark like the govt is.

  26. Even gifts have to be maintained. If i was the one discussing the so called gift with the gift giver, i would have negotiated support to refurbish the existing facilities. Why have another white elephant with huge maintenance costs. Sometimes abantu baletontonkanyako.

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