Wednesday, October 2, 2024

It’s collateral damage – Kampyongo


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has attempted to justify the shooting of innocent people by police and military forces in the wake of violent protest arising from gassing incidents.

It has emerged that the police and military officers are working on a Shoot to Kill policy as ordered by President Edgar Lungu in an attempt to quell the violence.

Mr Kampyongo told Parliament on Friday that those that have died as a result of police and military shooting are part of collateral damage.

Mr Kampyongo said although 46 people have died as a result of mob killings from the gassing activities, it is difficult to ascertain how many have died as a result of police shooting.

“Mr Speaker, those that have died are what is called Collateral Damage. When you are protecting public peace and property, there will be collateral damage,” Mr Kampyongo said.

He said communities where becoming unruly towards the police and burning down police posts.

Mr Kampyongo said the police with the help of the military had to step in and bring the situation under control.


  1. Is this man listening to himself?
    Loss of life is “colateral damage”? This is what you call a seared conscience. A calous heart.
    Do you realise that someone’s father or mother or child has been shot? And all you can say is collateral damage? You cant even express regret that life has been lost?

  2. If I was ECL Mr Minister you are fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are rubber bullets for? what are tear gasses for? what are short buttons for? Rather than shooting live bullets on the citizens to kill…………………….. Since you said ECL is the one who said so, then sorry for the died…………..but no one has the right to take anyone’s life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. OMG this man should really know how to speak to the public, you dont use such words . When lives are lost in such situations you need to know how to come out as a leader, collateral damage is not a good word Mr minister .

  4. Is the old Chawama hen going to shed crocodile tears in public for the loss if life at hands of her husband? Zambians have been screwed up!

  5. These ministers are very st.upid. They should be advancing for changing of these old laws which were meant to oppress opponents in Kaundas time. The police are not James Bond, they should not have the license to kill.
    This collateral damage is nothing but cold blooded murder.

  6. He said killing of citizens in order to protect peace is ok. No ba Kampyongo,your aim is not national peace but you own interest. You caused the violence yourselves. Then you turned around to sacrifice the same people you swore to protect. Had your bossed addressed the issue with seriousness these things would not have gone this far. But all we hear from the PF top leadership is impunity after impunity. Is that what you call governance? Are you the first and last political leaders that Zambia will ever have?

  7. Time of reckoning is nigh. No Zambian blood should ever be spilled in vain.

    If a whole Minister can say that, what can stop the mob from claiming that it, too, did not murder but merely acted as agents of “collateral damage” in the process of defending itself against rampaging gassers?

    The Minister is sadly encouraging impunity here.

  8. What a plonker! There you go, Zambians! Your Christian government does not give a sh!t about your lives! And they are God given lives, they say!

  9. The writing is on the waiting on the table.Regardless of bitterness and hatred from UPND stooges PF will win in Eastern,munchinga,Lusaka,Copperbelt,Northern and Luapula Provinces.In Lusaka maybe UPND would be reduce the ratio that was 4:1 in the previous elections.But win general elections ba UPND forget.

  10. Shame on you Mr P. Lives were lost and all you are thinking about are elections next year? Pls spare a moment for the people we have lost.

  11. “Mr Speaker, those that have died are what is called Collateral Damage. When you are protecting public peace and property, there will be collateral damage,” Mr Kampyongo said.

    Such statements are from war zones , is Zambia at war ?

    Shamefull PF rule…..

  12. There are many crowd control measures that can be used without killing. We are not even at war! What a heartless regime this is! Where did these characters come from?

  13. Why am I not surprised that Edgar has got such people as Kampyongo to be Minister. There are other ways of saying the same thing, but in a more mature way. Shows the calibre of PF leadership.

  14. Like Mubarak of Egypt and Bashir of Sudan Stephen Kampyongo, Lungu and Dora Siliya will one day appear in court inside cages to answer for these extrajudicial murders they’re ordering for.

  15. Finally, Zambian life is so cheap that Stephen Kampyongo simplistically refers to it as EXPENDABLE and COLLATERAL DAMAGE. Zambians can ask ‘To what cause is a Zambian life collateral, is Kampyongo’s life collateral, let alone is any Zambian’s life collateral to liability caused by PF regime?
    If indeed, Deputy speaker Namugala nephew’s life was an expendable life at the cost of a dysfunctional regime causing death to its own citizens can be referred as collateral damage, then more Zambian lives are expected to be expendable and executed in the name of collateral damage.

  16. If the article below has any substance then as Zambians we need to “seat up” and actively protect this great nation from thugs. Let’s start by ALERTING the following organisations:
    The AU (African Union), United Nations Security Council, UN Secretariat, UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), ICC (
    International Criminal Court), EU (European Union) and Commonwealth Secretariat about our concerns. Before we join the likes of Syria, Zimbabwe, Somalia etc, synonyms with war, animosity, abuse,  bloodshed, combat, conflict, corruption, fighting, hostility, strife..:
    It reads as follows:
    Kabaso Mulenga, known as Spax, the leader of the biggest jerabo network is still detained in Lusaka over allegations of terrorism. Spax Mulenga has now been moved to Chilenje police station and charged…

  17. Continue
    … and charged with several counts of murder. Police are still investigating and interrogating Spax over possible charges of terrorism.
    There is however a desperate attempt by PF ministers led by Home Affairs minister Steven Kapyongo to release Spax as he can eventually spill the bins. The Watchdog further understands that Spax’s life could be in danger from people he was working with to gas citizens as they are now living in fear of being arrested.
    Kabaso Mulenga, known as Spax was working with home affairs minister Steven Kapyongo and other ministers to coordinate and finance the gassing of citizens, an illegal operation that started on the Copperbelt, Chingola specifically. The plan was to stir up anger in the country and then blame UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema, arrest…

  18. Continue
    …, arrest him for terrorism and hand him over to the USA. This would have knocked out HH from the ballot box for the 2021 presidential elections. Unfortunately, the plot backfired as the public responded by burning to death anyone caught gassing.  Almost everyone pointed fingers at PF. According to security sources, president Edgar Lungu was not aware of the plot and at first genuinely believed that HH was behind the evil scheme. Sources say Lungu then instituted his own investigation outside the one controlled by Kapyongo and ordered that the new team of security agencies should get to the bottom of the operation and arrest anyone involved despite their party affiliation. Within two days of the presidential intervention, Spax Mulenga was arrested from his base on the…

  19. Continue
    Spax Mulenga was arrested from his base on the Copperbelt and taken to Lusaka where he is still being interrogated in police custody.  When Spax Mulenga was arrested, Rae Hamoonga, who was the deputy spokesperson on the police announced at a press briefing that the mastermind of the gassing had been arrested together with other suspects. This did not go well with Kapyongo who ordered police command to remove Himoonga and refute his statement that the mastermind had been arrested. Within 24 hours, Hamoonga was stripped of his position as deputy spokesperson of the police and taken to guard trains at Tazara. The country then was told that the mastermind is not yet arrested.
    Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo, Keizer Zulu and Valden Findley have been identified as the people…

  20. Continue
    … people masterminding the project to destabilise the country through gassing of citizens, Zambia State Intelligence sources have revealed and President Edgar Lungu has been fully briefed.
    Impeccable sources close to the operations have revealed that the whole project planning started sometime last year around October, but they never told President Edgar Lungu.
    Xavier Chungu, as former Director of Intelligence, has been running a parallel intelligence wing mainly using some of his former loyalists within and outside the system.
    These are the people that were engaged for this operation by Kampyongo, Keizer Zulu with funding from Valden Findley and some prominent businessman of Indian origin.
    The operation also involved collection of police uniforms from Force Headquarters…

  21. Continue
    … Force Headquarters and Lilayi Police training camp under what they called “break in” in the stores. So far lots of police uniforms have been ‘stolen’ and being given to these PF operatives recruited by these people.
    The gass being used was being imported in the country under the Ministry of Home Affairs but disguised as tear gas for the Zambia Police service.
    “The involvement of these close associates of Lungu has made it difficult for the Police to take any of detained suspects to court because they will reveal a lot of things in testimony. We can almost bet that nobody will be taken to court for gassing citizens and even if they are taken, nobody will be convicted. Mr. Lungu now has the full intelligence report over these issues and knows his own people are involved to…

  22. Wow, why does my instinct tell me that there is some truth in Break News’ share?!? Too much coincidence!

  23. I wonder if Deputy Speaker Catherine Namugala was in Parliament when she was being told her 8 year old nephew Frank, shot by Police when coming from school was simply collateral damage

  24. Just wondering why I wasted my enegies and time singing victory songs for this ungrateful regime in the name of PF. Little did I know that when my sisters and brothers are shot dead by the Police who are suppose to protect their lives, some individuals priviledged to serve as Ministers will without any or single shame classify their death as Collateral Demage. what a worse time to live in Zambia. Oho! Lord let not our proclamation of Zambia as a Christian Nation bring us into many calamites like those of Sodom and Gomora, our leaders are hypocrites to core.

  25. Collateral damage. Very strong phrase. I hope this guy did his research before assembling his speech. We on the other hand have recorded it for posterity. Tizamuonani.

  26. And Catherine Namugala was listening to this nonsense from Kampyongo when her nephew was accidently shot dead in the fracas? Kampyongo should wait until his close relative is shot dead by police in similar circumstances. We shall see his reaction

  27. I remember when the mines minister told parliament that the people that died at the black mountain were merely scavengers…

  28. Ba Kampyongo, be civil in your mouth! Parliament is not Katondo street where you talk carelessly! For goodness sake, one of the persons in Parliament, her Honor the Deputy Speaker, lost her nephew and all you can tell her is it was collateral damage? That her Nephews life was Expendable? You must be under wicked spells to be so hard-headed and hard-hearted!
    You are not fit to be Home Affairs Minister! You are the greatest danger to our peace!

  29. Expected from this dull giant midget,notusungu twakusambilila mu ma office,at collateral damage…hehehe because he heared Americans use the same word…mukose,temangalo aya…

  30. The problem of bringing street thugs to be ministers. Very insensitive utterance. He should be fired but knowing the quack as a president nothing can happen.

  31. The last time I heard collateral damage was when US forces were killing innocent civilians in Iraq …….

  32. This man is not worthy any public office anywhere on earth. He must be dropped without fail by Lungu if at all he (Lungu) has a human heart. Kampyongo is a devil disguised as a human being. He must be dropped without fail.

  33. Anyone disrespecting and complying with our men in uniform is an enemy of the state. These are treasonous matters so you cannot expect the police to smile at your and massage your backside

  34. Our god given leader HE dr ecl has issued killing of anyone messing with men/women in uniforms, we are doing this because we have support as ichipani. Good Zambian who are true Christians are behind our back against these arsonists who want to destabilize our nasioni.

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    What a callous thing to say. A government that kills it’s own people isn’t a government anymore. How do you justify protecting public life and property by killing the public?
    ‘Collateral damage’ is a war language, usually used by the perpetrator to justify killings of the enemy’s civilian population. There is no such thing as collateral damage of your own people because you simply don’t drop bombs and gunfire on your own people. Unbelievable!
    Wait until his own child or wife is gunned down… see if he will think it’s still collateral damage.

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