Monday, February 10, 2025

Lungu: The Inglorious Commander-in-Chief


By Field Ruwe EdD

Where is the Commander-in-Chief?

Zambia is no longer the same heart of a country that was. It has taken the ineptitude of an accidental commander-in-chief to expose one of the most peaceful countries on earth to gas, the most inhumane weapon of mass destruction synonymous with Syria, and to the most gruesome and barbaric South African necklacing, the extrajudicial summary execution and torture carried out by forcing a tyre doused in gasoline around a victim’s chest and setting him on fire.

Let me, the writer, observe a moment of silence for those who have perished in the most horrific attacks unprecedented in Zambian history. In taciturnity, I hear the voices of outraged, horrified, and dumbfounded Zambians asking: How have we allowed this to happen on Zambian soil? What has become of Zambians? What’s going on? Who’s behind this? Are we safe? Where is President Edgar Lungu? No one is more responsible for the gassing and necklacing than Lungu, who is the commander-in-chief. He is the reason the attacks of the past weeks have claimed fifty lives.

Article 91(1) of the Zambian constitution states that “There shall be a President of the Republic who shall be the Head of the State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Force.” This constitutional clause, perhaps the most substantial of the presidential duties, has morphed into the very vital responsibility of the president as first responder and chief protector in a national crisis. For President Lungu to let gassing and necklacing, both crimes against humanity, to rear their ugly heads in Zambia is to abdicate the duties of a commander-in-chief.

Screams of agony beyond compare

Gassing and necklacing are the worst acts of terrorism to find their way to Zambia. It is difficult to fathom President Lungu, cabinet ministers, members of parliament, members of the PF party, Hichilema Hakainde, members of his political party, leaders and members of other political parties, and indeed all Zambians, standing around a fellow Zambian, watching him scream in agony, some filming him, taking pictures, cheering, while the boiling tar of a tyre around his neck melts and sears his skin, roasts his flesh, pops his eyes, cooks his brain and heart, and chars his body beyond recognition. Shame on us!

In the same vein, imagine for a moment gassed victims, their spouses, children, your own relatives, sprawled on the floor twitching, convulsing, and foaming from the mouth, their respiratory muscles paralyzed, their lungs producing pulmonary edema, all dying a slow death. That’s what is happening to gassing victims. That’s what gas, the silent fatal killer does. In the hands of ignorant political cadres, gas can cause destruction on a larger scale than conventional weapons. Diffused even in smallest amounts, toxic fumes not only kill in large numbers, but leave tangible long-term impacts upon not only the target, but also those in the vicinity. Consequently, innocent people suffer life-lasting health problems, and babies are born with birth defects.

Not surprising, the recent gassing and necklacing attacks have instilled a foreboding sense of fright and paranoia in Zambians of all ages. The catastrophe has pushed many to the limits of their psychological stress and tolerance. With politics at the core, and an election in sight, the commander-in-chief has failed to recognize the health and psychological impact, gassing and necklacing is having on Zambians, young and old. He can’t see how instant mob justice and toxic gasses have struck a blow to the people’s sense of security, and traumatized a good number. He is the paranoid inglorious commander-in-chief who treats a horrific crisis as a threat to his presidency, succumbs to innuendos, and fails to make the preservation of life as a paramount concern. In the process, he has failed to manage the crisis, and to pay homage to lives that have been lost in the past weeks.

Kenneth Kaunda Master of Crisis Management

Let me, at this juncture evoke the name of Kenneth Kaunda because in my view, he remains the best commander-in-chief and most assertive crisis manager. At his best, KK handled crises, some exceedingly dangerous, as if he was genetically designed to preside over armistice. When Zambia lost 89 miners in the 1970 Mufulira disaster, within hours of the news, Kaunda flew to the scene and watched as rescue teams worked to reach the trapped miners 3,000 feet underground. In all the tragedies and crises, including the Kanyama disaster, KK dashed to the scene waving his white handkerchief and consoling the bereaved and shedding a genuine tear. That’s a commander-in-chief at his best. The difference between KK and Lungu, is what makes the latter a maladroit leader, poor crisis manager, and a pathetic commander-in-chief.
But again it should not come as a surprise. Lungu is generally a lackadaisical president. The truth is that he does not know how to handle a crisis of this magnitude. He is his own worst enemy in a crisis. By character, he crosses the bridge when he comes to it. In turbulent times he treats the first signs of smoke with complacency, and watches from the comfort of his office as it degenerates into an inferno. It is only after fire has consumed a better portion of the country that he raises alarm. It can be stated that since Lungu assumed power he has been caught in a crisis-after-crisis web. Cataclysms tell the story of Lungu’s country: struggling economy, corruption, divisiveness, load shedding, and now chemical spraying of killer gases on fellow humans, and mobs taking the law in their hands, and burning fellow humans with impunity.

Surrounded by wrong people

There have been several calls for the commander-in-chief to address public fear and concern directly on radio and television. The fact that he has not, reflects poorly on Lungu’s press aide Isaac Chipampe, who by now should have lost his job. He is the reason Inspector General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja has become the “commander-in-chief” of the crisis. Unfortunately, all Kanganja can do is to assure the public that his officers are doing their best to apprehend the perpetrators. He can’t, for instance, inform people about their personal vulnerabilities and guarantee them safety. That is the responsibility of the president. It is his duty to ensure assurances of a return to normalcy are relayed to the public in a timely and accurate manner.

The absence of the commander-in-chief on television and radio, has turned the ruling party into the engine escalating the crisis. PFs most dangerous and notorious cadres, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo, PF Media Director Sunday Chanda, and State House Aide Kaizer Zulu are chiming in and turning crimes against humanity into propaganda for their selfish gain and the commander-in-chief is helping them. They are not only preaching hate, they are mobilizing it and in the process implicating their own party. Without evidence, heartless Chanda and Lusambo are shrouded in their usual nonsensical and venomous rhetoric, using the crisis for a much more dangerous purpose: to replace logic with paranoia. They are inciting mob justice by dangerously accusing political opponents without irrefutable substantiation. By doing so, they are accessories to crimes against humanity.

State House neurotic aide Kaizer Zulu, the chap who exudes contempt, is also weaponizing fake news that others can employ to harass and attack their opponents. The sycophant Zulu, who delights in the crisis, has resorted to making regular comments on some online media outlets that cheapen the office of the president. To imagine the president is surrounded by tawdry aides working at his behest is hard to understand. Again, this shows Lungu’s lack of vision and poor sense of priorities.

Crimes against humanity

This is no time to play political games. No one in the ruling party should come to the defense of President Lungu. He is wrong—very wrong. Similarly, UPND leader Hichilema Hakainde and other opposition leaders should not become architects, inciters, or support such senseless egregious acts of terrorism. The consequences are dire. The Rome Statute (1998) empowers the Internal Court to investigate, and, where warranted, prosecute and try individuals if the country concerned does not, cannot or is unwilling to do so. This might occur here in Zambia where proceedings are unduly delayed or are intended to shield individuals from their criminal responsibility. Under the Rome Statute, no one, including the president, is exempt from prosecution because of his or her position held at the time the crimes were committed.

The appalling gassing and necklacing attacks that have occurred in the past weeks have forever tarnished Lungu’s legacy and tossed him in the bottom rung of Zambian presidents. Edgar Lungu shall forever be remembered as the inglorious commander-in-chief who was crushed by events that proved too powerful for his own weak leadership and moved the country inexorably into one of the most dreadful and traumatic crises in history. The gassing attacks and necklacing taking place in Zambia are his waterloo.
In conclusion, let me also address all those who love this beautiful country. Politics aside, we must save ourselves and the country or perish. Gassing and necklacing are such serious acts of terrorism that must not find ground in Zambia. We are better than this.

Author is a US-based Zambian multicultural scholar practitioner and author. He holds a Doctor of Education degree from Northeastern University, Boston Massachusetts, U.S.


  1. The author is UPND. Ba UPND wait for 2021. Why are you desperate for state house. There is a legitimate president who has not failed to govern the country.

    Remember that Edgar has up to 2021 to run this country. Stop day dreaming. Your article is nothing but hh’s sh1t.

  2. I dont agree with some things in this article. But two things I agree with
    1. We have an absent, accidental president who doesnt even have the courage to take the lead in resolving these issues and address the nation on a regular basis on such pertinent issues. We have a figurehead in statehouse.
    2. The president is surrounded by the wrong people who are a terrible danger to the country. All they care about is illicit wealth and power. They love to try potray themselves as being the “somebodies”. They are desperate for attention.
    3. Its sickening that such evil acts have surfaced in our land. In all our history, the era of Mr. Lungu has been the absolute worst in every area. All the other presidents had their own weaknesses, but we can also point to many strengths. All of them also…

  3. I very disappointing with ba Henry, if you don’t know the author jst shut up ad trash your words, l could judge u from your writing that you one of those cadres jst cheering ba PF. It’s you who’s dreaming. Useless cadre

  4. This article has hit the nail on the head on the accidental president who lacks charismatic authority and incapable of bringing Zambians together for a common goal of developing Zambia. The largely absent president doesn’t seem to have the absorptive capacity to learn given that he has now been in power for a few years. He has simply lost control and the country is in auto pilot with cronies who are equally a detriment to him and the country. He has presided over the worst corruption the country has ever seen almost as if his head is cut off and can not even read the mood of the country. The lesson that Zambians need to learn from this inglorious president is to not elect anyone who has never been tested for authenticity. KK was tested by the colonialists and he braved it all. FTJ was…

  5. cont… FTJ was tested by the Dictator KK.. Who dare spoke of Mankangala in the 80’s-90’s without consequences? The same goes with Mwanawasa who fought hard cases during the One party dictatorship under UNIP. Mr Bwezani despite having served in various government portfolios was another disappointment. SATA was tested for authenticity and was in opposition for 10 years before he became president. HH has so far proved his authenticity and is the only once capable of changing the direction of the country.. Others are promising but not ready. Given what I have observed so far, If I was given a choice between Alex Mulyokela and Edgar Lungu, I will easily vote for President Alex Mulyokela. The PF government under ECL have put future generations into insurmountable debt and he has no clue.

  6. All present day problems in Zambia stem from 2016 divisive election results…….which divided the country like never before.

    Some say lungu won the elections , we said fine, but let the opposition have their day in court to prove other wise. A 14 day technicality was used to dismiss the UPND petition and trust in our judiciary by half the population and sentence Zambia to the hell we are seeing today.

    Was that 14 day technicality worth the unity the country enjoyed since 1964 ??

    We told lungu , you will not move this country forward whilst divided right down the middle. Zambia needs unity to develop.

    Lungu accused us of wanting to force a GRZ of national unity.

    Now look Mr lungu ? For the first time in our history people are burned alive by fellow Zambians in our towns…

  7. Hell ,

    even the dove lungu used at his fake inoguration conducted by a clerk , the white dove refused to fly…….

  8. Right on this LT , after 2016 , some of us were warning lungu and pf that a 14 day technicality used to dismiss the UPND petition is not worth the unity of zambia.

    Later we pleaded for Mr lungu to unite the country by considering forming a GRZ of national unity.

    Some of lungus tu ma advisors who read LT blogs went and told him that the opposition want to force a GRZ of national unity.

    The next week after our pleas on LT , lungu came out and said they, the opposition, want to force them selves onto GRZ by a GRZ of national unity…..

  9. Next year’s Presidential candidates must be subjected to an integrity test and I know all those who will fail. Infact that’s what we should have been doing all along. Our country would not be in such a mess

  10. All present day problems in our country have roots in the economic situation, which have roots in the divisions of our nation , which have roots in 14 day technicality used to dismiss the upnd petition…..The PF rats were screaming on jumping on LT how the UPND did not have evidence…..

    We said fine , and if Mr lungu won fine, but for the sake of unity of the country and integrity of our judiciary , let them have their day in court.

    But for what ever reason, a 14 day technicality used to dimiss the petition was more important than the unity of zambia.

    If Mr lungu and his advisors were not greedy theives , UPND should have had their day in court to prove how empty their evidence was and every body was going to get behind mr lungu and pf including myself.

  11. Dr. Field Ruwe is a product of the school of hard knocks. His description of the current occupant of the Zambian presidency is totally accurate. His call to us all that we are above the necklace tires on fire should have included this: we must each do our part to rid ourselves of the current regime at the next earliest opportunity or else there will not be a Zambia that we have almost come to take for granted.

  12. I don’t agree with the last part.
    I would however like to point out that it’s not ECL who’s weak per se but that his leadership style is not the best in the event of crises. ECLs leadership style only works in a society were there is rule of law and no abuse of power or corruption. He unfortunately seems to think our society is some utopia – which is a mistake.
    He and everyone out there need to know and understand that being humble is not and will never be leadership quality.

  13. By his actions, ECL has been a ceremonial President whose responsibilities are limited to pf politics and “akasaka ka ndalama” only. It is, therefore, expecting too much from a ceremonial leader to perform duties and responsibilities meant for an executive President. Why he has chosen this leadership style, only he knows.

  14. In the face of a dire, not only serious, but dire, economic situation with facts given by the minister of finance and governor of Bank of Zambia, one senior political leader still believes and says that there is no country in the world which doesn’t borrow. Serious? Ba PF your convention in July this year is your last chance to change things. Not that there are many intelligent people in PF government, which is mostly jerabos, but there are a few who can change things, we have seen them.

    And Trible HH and Trible UPND? No not those, let them first apologise or withdraw their words from 2006. If not, at least let them change the constitution to allow for rotation of presidency among the tribles of Zambia. If not, don’t vote for them no matter their sweet talk on mealie meal and petrol…

  15. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Humbleness is not defined by folding of hands people fellow Countrymen, moving with a clothed face, showing that u are the hollies and God listens to u only, no no no no no its about yo actions wat u do to people is wat defines u not pretence coz even the Bible says by their fruits u shall know them period.


  17. Who in real sense is running state affairs? What hope is there for the Zambian people if the head is non functional? True to expression of the article many side with the author in ire for love of their land of birth and ancestry!

  18. Where is the president, the economy is at the worstest, corruption, hikes of everything which l can’t itemize since independence. Here is “the president” advising the people is “leading” to stop talking abt the economy. fuel hikes or costing of living but go for jogging. Is he really serious, when they are hungry?? Words that comes from him are all negatives,
    l hv heard of Presidents addressing nations ad what they address is for a better tomorrow for their people bt not ours, awee kuwayawaya fye, these are wasted years.
    A “president” failing to address the nation over gassing, killings etc ad he comes out that the people are jst scared of nothing, bt people were gassed or killed.
    Later he sends the police ad the army, he knew when it was coming from ad to him those gassing…

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