Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I am still Fit and Energetic to Contest the 2021 General Elections-Inonge Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina says she is still Fit and Energetic to contest the 2021 general elections.

Mrs Wina says there is no retirement age in politics and she will contest the elections if called upon to contest any position.

Lusaka based Millenium Radio reports that Mrs Wina said she still has a lot to offer and contribute to the Zambian people contrary to calls that she retires from active politics.

And Mrs Wina said the Patriotic Front remains a party of choice for most Zambians as it has a lot to offer the Zambian people.

She was speaking during an interaction with selected media houses ahead of this year’s International Womens Day which falls on Sunday 8th March 2020.

Mrs Wina has also urged women who are interested to contest the 2021 General elections on the Patriotic Front ticket to start preparing now.

She urged women to prepare adequately saying it is not only about the numbers but having women that are adequately prepared to take up leadership positions.


  1. Awee bana Kalu, u hv nothing to offer to the nation jst going or retire even if. If u love this country jst leave not your interest.

  2. Mama Wina, with all due respect, please retire, you have offered nothing on the political scene. I think Dora Siliya is more suited to be Edgar Lungu’s running mate. Inonge Wina should be sent as Ambassodor to America. In fact Mwamba the Ethopian Ambassodor can also be made Veep if people reject Dora.

  3. The mother of the nation has spoken. They want her to step down because her wisdom is a threat to opposition. Don’t dictate to us who stands. It is our party after all. Pabwato fye. Kz

  4. No Gogo Inonge Wina you need to retire. Amwa peeling to you. Leave the stage while the people are still clapping for you. I love the way Harry Kalaba left the PF, a clean man. If he had some ‘dirt’ on him, this time he could have been appearing in courts of law

  5. Hehehehe am sure she was playing jokes with parliamentarians.even a fly can respect her as a grand citizen of Zambia better off to rest of her duties

  6. i thought the PF in Chilubi by-elections wanted to report ND leader one Chishimba Kambwili to the human rights commissions for feilding an old man as an MP for Chilubi island the case they were calling “abuse of the old people in politics”. was that just one of the fake social media news we saw?

  7. Honestly I havent seen what value addition this woman makes as VP. The PF in all its failures and mismanagement can still do without her

  8. She just wants to expire in office, so the State can Spend a huge amount of meagre resources on her send off, as if she’s not already eaten enough. P.F Greed, KAYA!!?

  9. Go and rest wena! Your brain is contaminated. Do you think you have absolute wisdom to govern the country?

  10. she wants to do it the late robert mugabe’s style, there is no wamuyaya. she will be farting and dosing in meetings thus embarrasing her country.
    just retire old bitch!

  11. Of course you are; you are only a flight away from evacuation to some hospital whose name we cannot easily pronounce because it will be in India, South Africa or yet to be discovered sojourn. And while we are on the subject, it will not be the first time that we get you back as cargo consignment. Enough said,

  12. No matter how fit, energetic or old one is, the right to rule and govern even if one contests is ultimately given by the people.
    In view of this, I think my grandmother here is imposing herself and thinks she has the right to eternally rule and govern. Her position is what has continuously driven this country into political and economic doldrums. She should go and rest, so that we the younger generation can be going to her for political consultations.

  13. Qf course she is standing after seeing Guy Scott abandoned she feared she was next no free medication to India for hip replacements and free four week stay in 5 star hotel in SA for heart checks . Mediocrity is tolerated in this govt even the sick frail senile passengers think their are contributing 100 percent.

  14. Bernie is 78 and other candidate is 77. And they all want two terms of 4 YEARS each. So what is wrong with Mama Wina standing?

  15. kapoli wa mu mpanga – Do you think your grandma can do what Bernie does on his campaign trail? You think its just shouting silly slogans and saying if you dont vote for PF no development or shouting sonta, its taking TV interviews and talking issues to electorates and that is just at party level. Anyway that’s PF full of myopic people no wonder you want the Galu to come and steal some more at FAZ.

  16. @kapoli wa mu mpanga. Is that the best you can say? It’s not really about age but what one stands for. Bernie Sanders has consistently been the same person standing for the same policies since the time he could vote.
    Generally, the main problem with most older Zambian politicians is their thinking from the belly – it influences their decision-making process when it comes to making policies.

  17. We love you grandma, but the ship you want to sail is destined to sink in 2021. Start planning how to spend time with grandchildren from 2022.

  18. It’s not so much about your age mbuya. Moneni ifyo mwaonaula icalo sure. Mulekwatako uluse ne nsoni

  19. Bo Inonge , retire n enjoy your family, those words you said (fit and energetic ) reminds me of Uncle Bob when he told media in Harare when he said he was as fit as a fiddle. Let’s younger person take over Mama.

  20. kikikikiki, this statement reminds me of that day in the 90s, when KK was campaigning for president not as incubant but as opposition leader for unip, he was busy jumping up and down the podium @ kaunda ali nampanvu, kaunda ali nampanvu………

  21. Look at the comments from UPND sycophants’ above. Not only are they lazy tribalists. They are also s3ist and ageists as well. Poor souls that belong to a cult spewing their little god HH’s vitriol

  22. Zambians it is wrong to discriminate against any age, leave bo Inonge a lone if you have nothing to talk about just keep quiet.
    The lady is still well and health, no need to force her to retire some of you will not even achieve what she done, better to go and learn from her.

  23. We telling her to retire because they’re so many university graduates galavanting around selling tomatoes na mushanga…imagine with a university degree n ending up a call boy or Kaponya.

  24. You and your Lungu must just pack your bags, mwikambe fateni m’me! Mu zizilika ahulu ni sanganu samina seo singe Chagwa! It’s such insatiable appetite for power even amidst clear failure that leads to tragic consequences when people revolt, you should know better!

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