Monday, March 17, 2025

Kuomboka Ceremony date set to April 4, 2020


The Barotse Royal Establishment -BRE- has set April 4, 2020 as date for this year’s Kuomboka Ceremony.

Barotse Royal Establishment Ngambela Mukela Manyando made the announcement today in Limulunga Royal district.

Ngambela Mukela also disclosed that this year’s ceremony will be extraordinary as the Litunga, King Lubosi Imwiko the second will also be clocking 20 years on the throne.

The Ngambela further disclosed that King Lubosi will also be celebrating 20 years as traditional ruler bringing the years of celebrations to 40 because he also served as senior Chief for Lukulu from 1980 to 2000.

He has since invited all well – wishers to join in the preparation of the 2020 Kuomboka Ceremony and also attend the prestigious ceremony that will be held in Limulunga Royal Village of Western Province.


  1. BRE, many of us wanted to come with our school going children for this ceremony but won’t make it seeing our children will still be in school on 4th. Please choose a date during holidays next time so that we get our children appreciate local Zambian ceremonies!

  2. Manyando mwai wakee, yoshwela feela kafoo kanamunungu tuwe, kaufela ni Kaongolo ka Nyambe Unungu wa Mataba kahao kao!

  3. Please postpone this event because of the CORONA Virus (Covid-19) spreading at a very alarming rate.

    God bless Zambia.

  4. This website needs serious maintenance like Zambian roads…I mean everything is in disrepair, even simple thumbs up and down doesn’t work properly once you mark down you cant change, replying to a comment is none existent, the website is so porous with virus that company and institutional firewalls deny it access.
    Wake you LT Editor…you say you have admins around the world..if that is true then they should be ashamed of themselves to oversee such a substandard platform with such flaws. Look at your colleagues at their website is crisp, no glitches straightforward comments platform.

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    Uyoyange bwino bwino Kaongolo ka Nyambe! But this current Litunga loyalty has presided over an era of less Lozi political vigilance and he chose corruption over returning Barotseland to full autonomy, even while remaining party of marriage with Zambia as enshrined in the BA’64 document. There was an opportunity and he missed it big time, choosing to go against his own people.

    By the way this is kind of a really short notice which makes difficult for potential international travelers to travel. You should be announcing a year before with a caveat that it may be canceled depending on weather.

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