Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Declare Road Safety a National Disaster!


THE Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is urging the Government to declare road safety a national disaster in the wake of the highest number of Zambian lives lost on our roads within a short period of time.

In the 8 days of March, 2020 alone, over 57 non replaceable Zambian lives of mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles and children have been lost on our roads in the four accidents recorded on Lusaka-Mumbwa Road, Kitwe-Kalulushi Road, Ndola-Kitwe Dual Carriageway and the Chipata- Lundazi Road.

The Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group feels these fatal road accidents are symptomatic of deeply-rooted and bigger road safety lapses in Zambia from road designs and signage, road maintenance and patrols to driver/passenger training and prevailing bad driving conditions.

“Zambia has lost more people in March alone than countries outside China affected by the Corona virus. This is a national disaster requiring actions beyond mere speeches of regret and condolences by all stakeholders and experts,” says Group Admin Mthoniswa Banda

The Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group is not satisfied with the lacklustre investigative methods of the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) and the Zambia Police Traffic Division who only see ‘over speeding’ as the all cause of all accidents in Zambia, and whose accident reports have no pointers on how future accidents could be prevented and valuable lives saved.

“We are urging the Government to declare this a national disaster and call on all stakeholders to study these accidents and accidents scenes and provide holistic solutions that will incorporate road safety in road designs and driving conditions to ensure future accidents are prevented and lives saved,” says Group Admin Mthoniswa Banda.

The Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group has always called for the marking of all accident prone sites and erection of ample warning road signs, in the short run, to caution motorists as they pass through these areas. In the long run, we have called for improvement of road designs, including creation of overtaking lanes so slow vehicles like trucks can give way to fast cars on those accident prone areas of the highways.

Every day without any road death is possible and every Zambian life matters.


  1. Ok so I got very drunk last night and I am nursing hangover. Many zambian got drunk too so should we declare drinking a national emergency?

  2. I wonder how a President reached a decision to appoint kaizer Zulu as advisor. He is shame of our this time.

  3. John I am just using logic. Surely there is a criteria for declaring national emergency. Let us not abuse these serious terms. Accidents happen world over. Are we going to call it national emergency.

  4. Logic – people at night drink too much and then drive on our roads, and people die. People during the day drink too much and then drive. Seen it with my own eyes. There is no policing against that, and there is no policing against any speeding at night. Add to that our horrible roads and it is a recipe for disaster that plays out every day in our nation. It has been like this for years, and only getting worse. Yet another issue that has failed to be addressed by the government.

  5. Driving skills are poor, drivers must be taught for at least 6 months for them to acquire safety skills. Knowing how to move a vehicle forward and reversing does not mean one knows how to drive. Secondly road signage in Zambian roads is the worst I have ever seen in the world. Just painting white lines on the road is a problem. The newly constructed road, Great North Road is a disaster. Pedestrians are constantly running on the road because the crossing lines are erased. We needed crossing areas that are controlled by traffic lights. The Chinese paint has already come off from the road. You stopped buses from driving at night and they are now over speeding during the day.

  6. How do you Zambians drive on roads without street lights? I visited the country recently and found no road signs and no road marks!

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