Tuesday, March 25, 2025

UPND will decisively deal with poverty once we form government-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says his party will decisively deal with poverty once they form government.

Mr Hichilema says poverty is multifaceted and the UPND will deal with this problem by going beyond economic diversification, and deal with industry or sector based poverty which faces many working people, both in public and private related zones.

He says the critical area of concern is the transport industry that requires serious government intervention.

Mr Hichilema said a lot of drivers of various categories and types are wallowing in abject poverty and can be best described as the working poor or the underemployed as they have pathetic conditions of service that fall far below Basic Needs Basket.

He said the UPND has identified corruption by government officials as a major cause to this problem and therefore when they form government, UPND will vigorously tackle this scourge, as it has always affected the independence of collective bargaining, in the Transport industry, among many other areas.

Mr Hichilema added that conflict of interest among some government officials who are supposed to protect hard working drivers is rife because of corruption which has subsequently compromised the sector and opened it up for manipulation by unscrupulous individuals.

He said the UPND will therefore create transparency, accountability and an enabling environment that will attract genuine investors in this industry, and ensure it is profitable and remains as an enabler for economic growth.

“We will also endeavor to devise a sustainable beneficiation mechanism for all workers in terms of living wages, without discrimination based on ranks and other barriers”, he added.

“When we revive the economy, with functional policies in Mining, Agriculture, Tourist and a lot of other economic sectors, our Transportation industry will thrive and be sustainable, and our drivers’ livelihoods will subsequently be greatly improved”, said Mr Hichilema.


  1. HH is the only hope for Zambia at the moment. He is the only presidential candidate with the experience, toughness,persistence and ability to change the direction of Zambian Economy. His record is solid, compared to the current accidental president like Bwezani who have been a complete disappointment to the country. HH is right, that Zambia needs functional policies and the right people with Experience, Exposure and Education to implement those policies. Given the level of destruction and debt that PF has plunged the country in, it will not be an easy road of recovery for Zambia, but at least it will pave way for Zambia’s future. Zambia is an envy of some so called first world countries, who only thrive, because they control the useless fiat currency but Zambia has got the real resources…

  2. Zambia needs serious bilateral agreements/deals with some serious countries, but we will only be able to make such deals when the right leader is in place! I dont belong to any political party but I am prepared to support HH for the sake of mother Zambia. Other presidential candidates are promising but not ready to be president.

  3. If you are paying your workers peanuts and yet claim to be billionaire then how exactly will you fight poverty if you are failing to do so now

  4. @Kaizar Zulu – How many people have you ever employed on your GRZ salary? HH supports and helps more people than you will ever help in your life. HH has a record to his name and the diversification of his business demonstrates how effective he can be as commander in chief. Dont you have a heart to see how much suffering the PF government has placed on Zambians? Zambians are suffering and this can be attributed to incompetent leadership of ECL, supported by people like you with unproven backgrounds.. Sad to watch…

  5. HH you’re a grand lier .you always put whites first then black People.People call you rich but how many people have you employed in Zambia especially from other tribes?
    You claim that government is corrupt did you know that over 50% of government technocrats are coming from your tribal supporters?
    In 2015 is when PF has opted to balance up positions in government offices through political will.

  6. isn’t Sammy chintombwa the owner of Surtania regna pension fund. hasn’t bo HH failed to pay the then BP works thier money back?. so if bo HH cannot fix his own pension fund.how exactly does he intend to fix the economy with brenthrust foundation. I’m breaker I’m transcendent and I approve this message.

  7. So UPND is HH…..without HH there’s no UPND….not a good feeling….why not go for a convention

  8. Jo Breaker, ECL couldn’t run a law firm and a tavern yet you guys still voted for him. Twice. In fact he has lamentable failed to run the country but you are gearing to give him a third term.

  9. Be specific with the interventions you are proposing. Improving conditions of service will not reduce road carnage. Key issues include doing away with these smalll buses, reducing overloading, overspeeding. In the long run develop mass transit systems such as trams within the city and improving rail transport for intercity routes.

  10. We will be giving farmers free farming inputs, education will be free and ubunga will be K23.There will be no road accidents and no cadres.No corruption and minister will be accountable.

  11. Can we allow a 80 year old Zambian to be a president?No , unless other developed countries set precedent..

  12. All Zambia needs is sound leadership with integrity and morals , note also political intolerance breeds decay of a country that calls its self democratic………

    Lungu and his people have failed.
    They are now only clinging to power for fear of going to jail……those that know also know that the violence they used in the past general elections won’t go unchecked by the world this time round

    Lungu is tired and is ready to give up if guarantees for him to enjoy his stolen wealth are on the table.

  13. The problem we have in Zambia is lack of good leaders who put people and nation at heart. We have leaders with an affinity for selfishness and self gain. Tell me which right ministers are put by lungu in the various ministries only a handful. Now that is where the problem comes in. In Exodus 18 Jethro gave moses great advice on how to lead and achieve desired results. A leader must have right people, deligate well a d ensure accountability from his subordinates. The PF govt have presided in a time where there has been more resources in terms of money at their disposal but their failure to lead Zambia past its economic hurdles is very alarming and worrying indeed. where is the problem? Leadership. No matter how much money one can have if you don’t know how to manage it wisely you will do…

  14. Contd: No matter how much money one can have if you don’t know how to manage it wisely you will do nothing but waste it all away and even when given the whole money in the world you will still fail to do something meaningful why because of the mindset you have.

  15. Kwena ba PF mwasebana, even Trible HH now looks more clever than you and your leadership.

    So how are you approaching the 2021 elections ba PF? Infrastructure development? That only PF does it and not anyone else can do it? Where have you heard of a government that does not build infrastructure? It is basic function of any government, and good governments even do it cost effectively without corruption and without bleeding the economy to death. If infrastructure development bleeds the economy to death then it cannot be called development, because development builds, improves and enables, not the PF kind of “development.
    Anyway, in 2016 the same PF song of development did not bring them the massive votes they expected, only narrowly beating Trible UPND which has now emboldened Trible…

  16. It’s a long process, dealing with poverty. It’s not like allowing goons to collect money illegally from bus drivers at Intercity bus terminus as PF has done. It’s not even like Lungu’s empowerment fund which only goes to certain favoured few. It’s hard work over many years.

  17. ….Anyway, in 2016 the same PF song of development did not bring them the massive votes they expected, only narrowly beating Trible UPND which has now emboldened Trible HH. Surprisingly PF want to use the same tested and failed strategy for 2021, clearly they have run out of campaign ideas and could easily handover power to Trible HH on a silver despite his own humongous shortcomings.

  18. This coming from the Privatization thief himself. A Namwala land grabber and a Wamuyayaya UPND leader. HH is the second longest serving President of a political party in the history of Zambia from KK.

  19. Nemwine, agreed, and that’s the point I am making, that PF from 2011 has not a clue what development is. Expensice and sometimes meaningless infrastructure, Donating money from non transparent and suspicious sources to churches, presidential empowerment funds for women for youth, I mean ba PF show us what development that has brought to the people of Zambia or those that you have empowered since 2011 except a few bank accounts of course. When you drive around Zambia you see new police stations that were build and completed 5 years ago not completed and gathering dust you call that development?

  20. I actually fear that the UPND underestimates the amount of work that has to be done to correct the mess we’re in. I hv yet to see any evidence that the UPND or any opposition party realizes this. I hope I’m wrong in this assessment.

  21. Its a pity Zambians do easily forget this crook called hh was the one who sold companies for a song and today his has the audacity to talk about unemployment and poverty shame on upnd top man a crook who cant explain to the nation how he became rich,You cant pay your every own farm workers well,because of greedy,No freema.sionary will govern Zambia, lets wait for 2021.

  22. Bee: Look here, Ndola had many private companies that used to manufacture things in Zambia and also used to employ a lot of people. All of them hv closed and people they used to employ were laid off. Incidentally, these same companies are still marketing things in Zambia that they used to make locally. Wht has that got to do with HH?

  23. I like the way he points out the obvious but then applies outdated remedies and consistently assumes he is the economic messiah. Next he will be saying vote for him if you want to see the first Zambian to go to the Moon.

  24. Ooh yeah..we are doomed. Even those we think can rescue us are just bla bla..NO CONCRETE POLICY PROPOSALS! How has corruption affected drivers and the deterioting road transport, NO EXPLAINATION,JUST BELIEVE IT HAS!! How are you going to dig us out of this mercy- JUST BE I WILL!!

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