Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Zambian government cracking down on human rights-Amnesty International


Amnesty International says Laura Miti and Bornwell Mwewa says Zambian authorities have escalated their crackdown on human rights by bringing trumped up charges against activists Laura Miti and Bornwell who took a stand against the arrest and harassment of hip-hop artist Pilato.

The two activists, Laura Miti and Bornwell Mwewa, are facing politically motivated charges of “assault on a police officer” and “disorderly conduct”.

They were arrested on 21 December after they travelled to the city of Livingstone in support of Pilato, aka Fumba Chama, after he was arrested for “unlawful assembly” for addressing a youth gathering.

Amnesty International East and Southern Africa Director Deprose Muchena said the charges against Laura and Bornwell fit into a much wider pattern of suppression of peaceful dissent that we have seen in Zambia in recent years.

“The charges against Laura and Bornwell fit into a much wider pattern of suppression of peaceful dissent that we have seen in Zambia in recent years,” said Mr. Muchena.

“Authorities are using intimidation and harassment against human rights defenders, activists and political opponents as a strategy to instill fear across Zambian society. All charges against Laura and Bornwell must be immediately dropped,” says Muchena.

“Laura has been charged with disorderly conduct at a police station and two counts of assaulting two police officers. Bornwell has been charged with disorderly conduct at a police station. They were both detained following their arrest and later released. Human rights activists have been increasingly targeted in Zambia recently for demanding accountability and challenging corruption. The criminal justice system should not be used to silence dissent and settle scores against political opponents. The authorities must end this growing repression and ensure full respect for the human rights of everyone,” said Mr. Muchena.

“Instead of continuously unleashing the state security machinery against activists and political opponents, Zambian authorities should be building a society where everyone can freely express themselves without fear of reprisals,” said Mr. Muchena.

“The criminal justice system should not be used to silence dissent and settle scores against political opponents. The authorities must end this growing repression and ensure full respect for the human rights of everyone.”


  1. This government arrests a 15 year old for defamation of Lungu! What a crazy government. Why are Police wasting resources on protecting Lungu’s status? There are more deserving criminal cases awaiting our Police force all over the country and they focus on a 15 year old schoolboy?? Ata Mwebantu!

  2. We are a sovereign state where the rule of law applies irrespective of your stature in society.just because you are a self proclaimed human rights activist does not mean that you are immune to the law when you carry out illegal activity or break the law. Do not insult our laws

  3. KZ. Which laws are you talking about, the same laws your president keeps using to mislead others? Didn’t the constitution court rule that ministers who illegally held office pay back what they got as salaries? What has your govt done about up to now?

  4. Look at the state of this ‘Hippo’ hop artist in the picture! Please.

    Pilato has caused himself this misery by indulging or rather defiling his craft with cheap politicking. Why ruin your craft with dodgy philosophy.

    As for Miti and co. Pretending to be Human Rights Activists, whilst being politically biased is counterproductive. You get arrested for creating setups then blaming law enforcers taking action. That’s not being a Human Rights Activist. Presumably, some Western institution is paying them for their lack of understanding of what Human Rights are.

  5. Kaisa Sulu ,the rule of law has failed to collect money from Lungu and his ministers for wilfully over staying in power . It is now common knowledge that Bishop and others were jailed for contempt court when they commented against the supreme court judgement .To the contrary we all know that Lubinda and that other ugly female minister have openly said they will not pay back the money they got .Why have they not been arrested and charged for contempt of court ?
    What example are these judges setting ?What Zambians can deduce from this is that Ministers are about the law because they enjoy a steel wall protection from Jonathan .

  6. Kaisa Sulu ,the rule of law has failed to collect money from Lungu and his ministers for wilfully over staying in power . It is now common knowledge that Bishop and others were jailed for contempt of court when they commented against the supreme court judgement .To the contrary we all know that Lubinda and that other ugly female minister have openly said they will not pay back the money they got .Why have they not been arrested and charged for contempt of court ?
    What example are these judges setting ?What Zambians can deduce from this is that Ministers are about the law because they enjoy a steel wall protection from Jonathan.

  7. Stop stifling freedom of speech in the country. Only totalitarian States behave this way. Corrupt dictator Lungu will have to face the law next year once PF loses the election. Prison time, starting with lawless corrupt Lungu.

  8. @dank what is to insult? The law does not say so why waste time arguing in court that the president was insulted when Lungu won’t be there to offer proof. A president in a democracy can be told off. It’s not an insult. All your presidents and aspiring presidents should know this

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