Tuesday, October 1, 2024

LAZ condemns the media statements attributed to its two Senior Members


The Law Association of Zambia ( LAZ) has condemned in its strongest terms the recent print and electronic media attributed to two of it Very Senior members Dr. Rodgers Chongwe, S.C and John Sangwa S.C for questioning the qualifications, integrity, and impartiality of the Constitutional Court Judges.

In a statement availed to the media, the Council of the Association said that, while courts and the judicial officers are not immune to criticism, this is not a license to anyone to slander, demean or ridicule judges and judicial officers.

The Statement reads that all LAZ members must be aware of the clear difference between criticizing a judicial system or a Judge’s conduct and personally attacking a Judge or Judicial Officer.

The Association has since reminded its members and the public that unwarranted attacks on the judicial officers undermine public confidence in the judiciary as a whole and lowers the authority of the courts in the administration of justice.

It shares the view that a direct consequence of an undermined judiciary is the general erosion of the respect for the law by the public.

The Association has further guided that members of the public and lawyers have a duty to refrain from the use of inappropriate language against Judges or courts adding that they should resist making unsubstantiated claims of judicial impropriety.

It has added that “Judges and Judicial Officers are by law mandated to perform their duties without fear or favor or ill will and to be free of intimidation and undue influence in whatever form.

It has however reiterated its call on all of its members and members of the public to use the right channels of seeking redress for their grievances or their clients against any Judge or Judicial Officer.


  1. Constitutional Court is indeed a useless P.F tool /Rubber stamp!!
    Surely if they are to be relevant, they ought to be serious.
    They ruled ba J0n@ & his thieving violent Cabal should pay back taxpayers cash illegally drawn after dissolution of Parliament.
    Ba (C0N)Court Belly Cadre Judges, mulekwatako insoni please.

  2. All those judges presiding over con.court were ratified by parliament,so all members of parliament as far as SC Sangwa is concerned bonse niba ngwele only him is an angel.

  3. LAZ has lost its respect. It is now a political party. John Solye…oops…Sangwa has been barred from appearing before any Court following a complaint by the Judiciary. This follows his remarks attacking ConCourt judges.

  4. What SC John Sangwa brought to light regarding Qualification of Judges at ConCourt is the truth and is in public Domain. There is a standard set in Constitution for qualification as concourt judge, and when this has not been met, people must be allowed to speak the truth against such corrupt stance by the appointing Authority freely. LAZ stop sinking so low, you are not protecting the judiciary nor the LAW instead you are protecting the the corrupt regime and corrupt individuals. If you speak for the public and the LAW , You must have spoken against the appointing of UNDER-QUALIFIED Judges , who did not meet the threshold of the set standard in the constitution, that way you could have stood for the public and could defended the Judiciary from being undressed. The rights of people are…

  5. If John Sangwa was aggrieved with the ConCourt ruling on Edgar’s eligibility and his perceived incompetence of the Judges, he was at liberty to take up the case with the JCC. Disparaging Judges in the media is unethical and has attracted punitive measures to himself. Overall, respect for other officers and institutions is paramount. Martha Mushipe took the same path and was rightly reprimanded. #sympathyforJohn…..yaba!!!

  6. Kikikikikikijukija
    LAZ is now a political party.
    When UNZARALU or UNZALARU was being taken on or down after its leadership error of judgment, my major concern was on the premise of the general membership’s failure to reckon top leadership’s omissions and misgivings.
    When organizations top leadership makes grave blunders, it is the responsibility of the members of that organization to reprimand leadership seeing that such organizations represents the interests of members who hail from different political backgrounds. Consequently, if the members of group supports the misgivings of their heads, conclusively, that’s the position of the group. “Umusuku ubi, utukisha impanga”.

  7. What happens when the lawyers, judges, bureaucrats and politicians are all crooks, gold diggers and corrpt?
    Almost the whole judiciary needs sacking when HH takes over.

  8. The dual roles of LAZ as a regulator of lawyers and also the fraternal institution of lawyers puts it in an awkward position. As regulator it’s supposed to keep the lawyers in check but as a fraternal institution it’s supposed to defend and advance the rights and welfare of its members. How can the same institution play the two roles effectively? It’s not possible, obviously one role will suffer. LAZ should remain with its regulatory function, however, it’s time lawyers founded their own association; a fraternal association where they can gather and tear the Law apart without the fear of consequences. An association that will accommodate and embrace all views. Where Tutwa Ngulube, Makebi Zulu, Brian Mudubile, Roger Chongwe, John Sangwa Kelvin Bwalya Fube etc will be heard and accorded…

  9. This is the first semi-responsible action taken by this horrible white elephant organisation. Of course the statement stops short of actually condemning the denial of the eligibility to run of President Lungu. LAZ has not backed Concourt decision but are hypocritically seating in-between the seat of the law by picking out only the actions of it’s clearly unsuitable membership which in it’s entirety is nothing more than a club of unacceptable citizens allowed under clock and dagger to hack away at the very foundation of our democracy and judicial system; by constantly contradicting our democratically elected govt and our most excellent, hardworking President and bad mouthing Judges.

    It is clear, this ineffective (through biased and improper), organization cannot be allowed to…

  10. There are procedures to be followed indeed. But does the current government under ECL allow that? Big no. Zambia is for us all but others want to be selfish. Thank you Sangwa and KBF for your stance to defend our constitution. Posterity will judge them.


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