Friday, September 20, 2024

Prime TV wants Government to first Pay for Coronavirus sensitization messages


Prime Television proprietor Geral Shawa has refused to offer public service messages on Coronavirus sensitization saying he will only do it when the government pays for the service in accordance with the budget that media owners have drawn.

Speaking during the meeting organized by the Ministry of Information and broadcasting services in Lusaka yesterday to find ways of raising awareness by the various media organizations regarding the Coronavirus, Mr. Shawa said that Media owners have agreed not to help Government in the Corona sensitization program without payment.

Mr. Shawa said the Government should first settle outstanding dues owed to the media institutions before it could engage them in providing free airspace for sensitizing people on the coronavirus.

Association spokesperson said Ken Tonga said the coronavirus problem requires concerted efforts by all stakeholders.

Meanwhile, Mr. Malupenga said Government is in the process of compiling all arrears owed to the media institutions by Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ).

Hé said that he had assured the media proprietors in previously held meetings that he would ensure the money is paid to them.

Mr. Malupenga advised Mr. Shawa to desist from using arm twisting techniques on the Government.

He pointed out that the Government will give business without discriminating against the private media.

Mr. Malupenga also said Government will not force anyone to enter into a partnership with it in sensitizing people on the coronavirus.

He told all media owners that this was an opportunity to consolidate partnerships with Government and that there is no institution that is bigger than the other.


  1. So this clearly confirms that some political parties have “bought” him for the 99% airtime he accords them. I see no humanity in his actions at this critical time of the virus epidemic. Will he change stance when he sees people die of the virus? Shame on him and his payers.

  2. Sometimes the this Broke government should feel embarrassed Ukulomba, These people pay fees and taxes and have employees to pay . 5% Napsa then you want to get a free service

  3. Do like DStv pay it will show. Why government having ngongole to the medias , how are they going to pay workers if you don’t pay them.

  4. Is prime tuvi the only private channel?? Has Diamond, Camnet, Qtv, cbc said the same thing?? Why is prime tuvi trying to make itself more important??

  5. Out there for the money. Against all ethical conduct he is out’a there for the pennyworth of deals.
    Who watches Prime TV anyway? Mostly upndeads. They don’t watch anything in Zambia but Prime. Sad thing is these ignorants live among us. I hope they watch international media news and the sensitization on COVID 19.
    Iwe Kalusa, you know that only your clown sympathizers watches Prime TV. If you care for them, pay your stooge Shawa for this noble cause in the manner you pay for your derogatory and infamously notorious political campaigns.
    Shawa is a nut.

  6. The man is running a business, he has every right to do it his way….this idea of threatening businesses won’t help…the working populace is slowly shrinking and we still threatening the struggling businesses, why can’t we do it the other way round kanshi….and I thought they have set aside monies for this coronavirus…a contingent fund should cater for all these things…. Not where you banking on free services elsewhere then you go and boast ati we sensitizing kanshi nipa nkongole….kanshi ifwe ma blacks especially Zambians what’s wrong with our mental…thinking no bwino bwino….

  7. I watched Mr Shawa it confirms that he is as bitter as his main sponsor. The covid19 issue is a matter of life and death. How can he bring the issue of bill 10 in the discussion. It explains why prime tv is not objective at anything but rather behaves like an opposition political party

  8. ZMW50million contingency funding has been set aside for this cause. Why should media houses air these messages for free. Znbc which receives our 5 Kwacha everymonth should be directed to do so. Let’s not demonise Mr shawa, he has a business to run not a charity.Some luny says who watches prime TV anyway, this is the problem of being highly spirited by intellectually impotent!! Of leaders are flocking to prime TV for interviews, they have realised the that prime TV has a wide national coverage.

  9. GRZ should just wait for his license to expire then let him feel the whip. Sensitizing people should not be left to GRZ alone but its duty bond to every Zambian citizen with capacity to help one another in any small way cause the virus is very deadly. E.g use garlic, vitamin c,and avoid crowded places,wash hands with soap/hand sanitizers

  10. It is sad that media houses resort to blackmailing government for their arrears over a pandemic. What use will that money be when you are too dead to enjoy it? When your neighbours, friends, family and fellow citizens die? Yes, government should pay arrears immediately. If they wanted you to advertise other government programmes it would be understandable, but this is a pandemic, guys. Mayve there you are comfortable because you have not yet seen casualties. As much as I support the media in everything, this particular move is unfortunate.

  11. PRIME TV is the most popular private TV station in Zambia.
    ZNBC has paid Prime TV to stream the Sunday Interview to its wider audience.
    Even PF Ministers now rush to the TV station for a wider coverage.

  12. They are expected to pay tax, salaries, broadcasting isn’t free either.
    Why should government keep owing them money?

  13. This is a young tv channel. It’s operating in a high interest rate, high energy prices environment which makes running a business a nightmare. Money-first policy is the right policy here.

  14. I am a Zedian musician and I agree with prime TV owner but these stations like his do not pay us our royalties when they play our music

  15. In induced by-elections they spend lavishly like there is no tomorrow. In other causes which affect the common man, they claim to have no money. What a bunch of clowns masquerading as leaders. Everywhere ninkongole..nkongole….nkongole…nkongole…why???

  16. Prime TV does not benefit from TV levy . They have to generate income to meet their daily expenses. Post was closed for not paying tax. Prime TV can be closed by sea even if the gvt owes it. Worse still if workers are not paid, the public will condemn Shaw’s..,. Never trust the gvt. If a bye election takes place, money will be found

  17. Coronavirus is already on your doorsteps. When it knocks it will be too late to start sensitizing people

  18. This is a straight forward…PrimeTV is a private business, the govt has a budget set aside for sensitization programme, they want to eat that $50 million they claim to have set aside.

  19. This Shawa showed worst level of arrogance and true definition of bitter person. I wish he could be the first person to contract the virus and see where his stupiditt takes him


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