Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Government to present the Constitution Amendment bill number 10 for second reading


The government has said that it will go ahead and present the Constitution Amendment bill number 10 of 2019 for the second reading in Parliament this week.

Justice Minister Given Lubinda disclosed this during a media briefing in Lusaka saying that out of 79 clauses contained in the bill, the parliamentary select committee recommended the adoption of 46 of the proposed amendments with 33 clauses commented on.

Mr. Lubinda said Cabinet will now go ahead and present proposals for Amendment of bill number 10 for consideration by Parliament, adding that, on behalf of the Executive, he will put up notices of amendments to give effect to the various clauses.

Mr. Lubinda said that Cabinet hopes Members of Parliament have gone through the Bill and the recommendations of the committee and listened to the view of the people and DO what is expected by their electorate.

Mr. Lubinda said MPs that have views on the bill are at Liberty to argue them in parliament and present amendments for consideration, stressing that the position of the cabinet is not sacrosanct, and neither are they cast in concrete.

Mr. Lubinda said that they are open to further scrutiny and debate by the people’s representatives in parliament.

And former University of Lusaka Students Union President Nchima Kasongo has said that the Constitutional Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 is a progressive document that needs to be supported by all.

Mr. Kasongo said that people should avoid politicking but find common ground on what will benefit citizens, adding that the Bill, when enacted will enhance the participation of the youth in national governance.

And UNZASU President Shadreck Mumba has urged the youth to work with the government of the day and should not be divided into political lines.


  1. Just make sure it passes pantu you will be part of the over crowding in prisons. But people will sh1t blood with Patritoc Ftont in power for another five years. Namufilwa

  2. Bill 10 is our last hope as PF to keep power. Comecon guys let’s make sure it passes we have the majority MPs in Parliament this is as good as a done deal.

  3. So true lol….to be honest guys I can’t wait to see these donkeys in jail…I will personally make sure to visit them…
    They have really caused a lot of pain to most people…I don’t care who will win the 2021 elections…I just don’t want to ever hear the word (PF) in my vocabulary ever again..No 3rd term.

  4. Zambians again dribbled by lungu……appointing minister of justice someone who does not understand the law.

    Lubinda just signs documents pushed by lungu without understanding them….

  5. Lubinda, one of the best minister of justice in world. They claimed you were useless because they assume such a minister should be a qualified lawyer. But in essence you have proved them wrong. I mean look at sangwa who is supposed to be a learned lawyer. The chap has failed to use the court system to achieve what he is being paid to do by opposition. Meanwhile my non lawyer qualifed minister is here progressing our country with bill 10 . Kz. 2021 pamaka

  6. KZ. Ohooo so lubinda is not a qualified lawyer ka? Now I see why the judiciary is in disarray. When u have people who can’t uphold the law of the country be sure that such people will abuse it for selfish reasons.

  7. Rowdy I think everyone is aware that Lubinda is not a lawyer. Is this news to you ? If it is , then its worrying.do you even know what is going on in your country

  8. KZ. Ahaa so he is pushing for something he himself does not understand ka? Why was the position not given to a qualified lawyer/ judge who also has knowledge in administration? PF has a teacher by qualification heading the mines, a nurse heading the ministry of lands, a non lawyer/ judge heading judiciary. Please tell lungu to read Exodus 18 I think the advice he will find there will help him lead the country well.

  9. Oh and you will tell me that a president needs to have a presidential experience? Hahaha. No you daft boy. Leading a department or ministry does not require you to have specialist knowledge in that field. You have advisors and permanent secretaries who will advise you. A minister manages the ministry and not formulates law.

  10. Iwe ka kz dom;t act as if you are a specialist in Political Science.You were appointed as adviser not on merit based. Lets go 15 years ago, where were you? Ka kolopa ku Chelstone clinic.

  11. And 15 years forward I am serving my country and winning elections while you are just a mere critic without any credentials. Very laughable.

  12. When students say something against the govt you expel them…you are happy when you have them in you pockets

  13. Bill 10 is back again whilst the economy is going down…Lungu is hell bent to get through and any one who disagrees is not progressive. What a dull lawyer he is

  14. KZ. Then why do PF hoodlums say that HH is not qualified to lead the country as president. Don’t confuse yourself

    • Difference between having specialist knowledge of a ministry and having experience to be competent to carry out the role of president. How can you be in politics for so many years and yet never held a single public office. Not even mp. Is that the pride that hh has? Or are his presidential ambitions based on personal gratification

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