Monday, September 30, 2024

John Sangwa is a ‘state saboteur’ pushing an agenda by the opposition to demean Zambia’s institutions of Justice-Tayali


The Economic and Equity Party (EEP) Leader Chilufya Tayali has described embattled UPND lawyer John Sangwa as a ‘state saboteur’ pushing an agenda by the opposition to demean Zambia’s institutions of Justice.

And Mr. Tayali has stated those who are sympathizing with his suspension, are pushing the same agenda.

Sangwa has been banned from appearing before any courts of law in Zambia for disrespecting the country’s judicial systems.

He has in the recent past Labored on various media platforms to disrespect and discredit the Constitutional court ruling on President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility when they have already guided that the Head of State is eligible to contest the 2021 elections.

The EEP leader has told journalists in Lusaka that he was also pondering on Suing Sangwa on grounds that his conduct could dent the image of the institutions of Justice.

“John Sangwa is not a hero! John Sangwa is a Saboteur of the Government!. John Sangwa, if he is a lawyer worth his salt, there was no way he’d fail to read the constitution and understand that President Edgar Lungu is eligible.” Mr. Tayali stated.

“And these lawyers if indeed they read the Constitution objectively, if indeed they are qualified as John Sangwa is trying to claim, they should not be confused with these issues, but they are doing this, my brothers and sisters, not because of debating the constitution, it is about them getting power.” Mr. Tayali added.

Mr. Tayali has, on the other hand, stated that Sangwa has been doing all this because time has caught up with him because he is no longer getting the money that he used to get way back when he was in a named cartel.

“Bena John Sangwa they are part of the cartel if you remember when President Edgar Lungu was coming into power, there was a cartel, the Fred M’membe cartel and all of them are languishing. That is why he (Sangwa) is making all that noise.

They used to make money. They never used to mingle with people like myself self they are now with us .” said Mr. Tayali.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tayali has hailed the government for clearing speculations and rumors surrounding Bill 10.

He says the bill in its current form of Ben favors even those who opposed it from the onset.

On Friday, Justice Minister Hon. Given Lubinda held a consultative meeting with various stakeholders in Lusaka where he Clarified speculations, rumors, and lies being peddled by some disgruntled UPND aligned CSOs.


  1. Zambia has really gone to the dogs…. even life failures can call a press conference. Thanl God i left

    • Stay where ever you are but don’t forget where you come from. Those nations you now call home do not see you as equals. You can hold their passport but they still consider you inferior and second class citizen. With all our challenges here , atleast we are free and proud to be who we are within our country. You have left but you still commenting about us here.

    • With Morons like you in Zambia would rather be treated inferior and second class citizen. Ati political advisor,……only a F.OOL can have you as a political advisor.

    • @The Engineer; in our engineering profession they say pay attention to detail. Others say “THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL”.
      It seems you pay little attention to detail – this mambala you are responding to as Political Advisor KAIZAR ZULU isn’t the one.
      Look at the spelling of his name: kaizAr instead of kaizEr. This is a deliberate error. The chap is impersonating KAIZER and to avoid litigation if caught, he/she mis-spells the name

  2. Why does tayali relate everything non partisan people do to be politically motivated? Sangwa is a voice for the voiceless which non of hoodlums like yourself can do since all you worry about is your stomach and everything you do is out of selfish intentions. Zambia needs people that will fight for it in every field and restore sanity. We need people like Sangwa in Zambia, we have too many people hypocrites twisters of the law trying to defend the corrupt.

  3. This guy must leave constitutional issues to the men and women with the grooming for them.its not every issue that one must give an opinion.
    This man behaves monga hule

    • This tayali you think is a small boy can take on sangwa headon.please tayali sue him,he is nolonger in the cartel. You will win the case because he will face the same judges he called corrupt.go tayali go

  4. Indeed poverty has got no heroes, Tayali is a new Cosmo Mumba. Not long ago he claimed that Hichilema was behind the gassing project. We are waiting for him to provide evidence. His end will be painful

    • Ayatollah think with your head not your stomach. How do you accuse tayali of been a poverte hero, yet he can fly to ethopia and hire lawyers at his will? Its your upnd life president who begs him to stop talkin so that he withdraws the do you think that ba tayali is afraid? His motto is touch and go.

  5. These are filthy vermin we need to eradicate in our society.
    This boy Tayali is lucky he is married to a young very naive 23 year old foreign girl whom most of time is oblivious and is just on Ethiopian social media chatting away, she doesn’t even know the hubby has committed bigamy…our Southern African (never mind Zambian) women would never tolerate such nonsense from their husbands especially that he is renting and has no tangible source of income…to add salt to the wound he has self inflicted court cases longer than my arm and has to dress up smartly to attend every day. Just imagine the embarrassment she would get at kitchen parties!!

    • Your wife is pregnant you are busy boot-licking Edgar Lungu…this guy is beyond laughable I tell you, he’s last wife was Rwandan.

  6. You must be taking statements from right thinking people not people who think with their bellies like Tayali, what can we hear from this fella

  7. The forever disgraced Chilufya Tayali is trying to raise money from his desperate Funders. Don’t mind him. This is one man who has crossed the line of shame; he does not even feel it. Does this character even have relatives (the Ethiopian wife is yer to fully absorb what she has married). This is the same character who recently said HH was behind the gassing! Tayali, let me tell you something: Comparing the integrity of John Sangwa with you is like comparing mineral water with sewer

  8. Yes my brother tayali is correct. Is it any wonder that today HH called for reinstatement of sangwa? Hh is very desperate for power because he owes a lot.of and favours. Why you think he supported gay Foote. He has an agenda and we won’t allow it here in Zambia

    • This is an embarrassment to the Zambian PF government to have the president’s personal secretary making such postings. ECL, are you that drunk to read this man’s postings and act? Zambia twasebana!

      I miss SITET, such little men could have been crushed.

      God bless Zambia.

    • Ba F..olish KZ, Give us the evidence of the people behind the gassing kabili? You said you went to Russia to gather that evidence. We are still waiting….kikikikikii

    • Donkeys above, insulting KZ will get you nowhere. Rather read between the lines and connect the dots when he says things. Being a presidential political advisor is no joke, he knows more than your little brains will ever handle!!

    • I agree with you on this one Kaizar Zulu, This HH is so desperate to rule ZED, he doesn’t know who to support as long as they are against this government it is well with him. Zambians are clever and know this.

  9. This boy reminds me of Journalist Chanda Chimba III who got carried away and left to rot alone in pity like a stray dog

  10. Since when did Zambia start listening to clowns abopila paka Piri sure?
    Also ninshi ba Lungu niba lesa? No one can say anything about ECL even if he is wrong?

  11. As Christ pointed out, his food is not for dogs as constitutional law is not for Tayali… constitutional law boots are out of your league Mr Clown Tayali.. keep to lane.
    God bless mother Zambia!

  12. Sangwa is a misfit in our society let him go to hell… in fact this man has a fallen home!!! That’s bitterness!!!!

  13. Chilufya like is your name in English when translated means a scoundrer or some one makes makes people get lost your days are getting closer and soon you are planning to shift to unknown place after 2020.
    All Zambian have known your plans and your evil ways time will soon catch you up.

  14. President Lungu stole his client’s money while practicing as a lawyer yet it was never made an election issue when he was adopted his thuggery life style has continued mixing with Kabovas drug dealers, copper thieves and other suspicious characters like his advisers leave Sangwa alone you have just failed to rule the country every time it’s problems in the country why.

  15. Tayali your character is suspicious you don’t know were you stand and you don’t know were you belong you are just like chenda na mwela muselela kwakaba you are just a parasite.

  16. And u Tyre what are u?
    U are the pipo that always advise wrongly for yr own gain!
    I wonder what kind of parents some of these chaps are at homes wen it comes to inculcating good morals.

  17. “Bena John Sangwa they are part of the cartel if you remember when President Edgar Lungu was coming into power, there was a cartel, the Fred M’membe cartel and all of them are languishing. That is why he (Sangwa) is making all that noise… They used to make money. They never used to mingle with people like myself self they are now with us .” “… “John Sangwa is not a hero! John Sangwa is a Saboteur of the Government!… they are doing this, my brothers and sisters, not because of debating the constitution, it is about them getting power.” WALASA APA PENA, CHILUFYA!!!

  18. Why give media slot to quacks like Tayali, these are attention seekers. No o substance always defending the wrongs.

  19. This id.!0t T4.y@L! is trying to advise the learned Lawyer Sangwa, who has a track record in Law. This [email protected] T4.y@L! has even failed to interpret simple Law & hence the [email protected] is now embroiled in a shameful bigamy case.
    Lastly, P.F.KUYABEBELE!

  20. People need to unlike Frank Tayalis page on facebook and stop following him, the only reason he is relevant to PF is because every one seems to follow him. Like many people we find him a useful ***** but he knows exactly what he is doing the PF will continue to paying him because Tayali – hate him or love him – is able to get people listening.

    • Following someone’s page do mean you like them…this is what the likes of Tayali dont understand..people follow him because he is a comedian I mean two weeks ago he was giving marriage advise to some camera boy only to be later found out he never dissolved his last marriage, if he was married to a mature woman that’s the first thing she would have asked for.

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