Monday, September 30, 2024

Continued misinformation about the about Bill 10 is concerning. Given Lubinda


Justice Minister Hon Given Lubinda Hon Lubinda has expressed concern with the continued misinformation about the about Bill 10 process saying that it is unfortunate that some individuals and groups are trying to discredit a process which has been transparent from inception and meant to address the constitutional crisis and enhance governance in the country.

Speaking during a special programe on Hot FM Monday morning, Hon Lubinda reiterated that the process has been transparent and is meant to address the many ambiguities that have negatively affected the governance system.

He referred to the failure of the referendum in the last election which had very progressive clauses but failed due to similar misinformation being peddled on bill 10.

“In this process, PF stands neither to win nor lose. The referendum in the last elections failed, has the PF lost? did we lose elections? President Edgar Lungu won with 50%+1, he did not lose and he is still governing, but the Zambian people lost and this is the same thing with this issue of bill 10” Mr Lubinda said.

He also dispelled assertions that passing bill 10 will extend the tenure of office for President Edgar Lungu among other false speculations on the matter such as the reintroduction of deputy ministers but assured that the process is not deceitful.

“I am about to get my gratuity next year and I need it but I will give it to anyone who will come to this radio station and prove that this clause is intended to extend the term of office for the president. They qualify to get my gratuity on my behalf, let them come and get it” he offered.

Hon Lubinda further counseled UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema not to be untruthful but to allow Zambians to read the document and allow governance structures to operate without undue influence.

He further regretted that those that campaigned against the referendum in the last elections are the ones misinforming Zambians on bill 10 and questioned their motive and challenged anyone to point at any particular submission that is divisive to the nation as other people are speculating.

“There was not a single clause that emanated from statehouse, cabinet or from the ministry of Justice but all those clauses came from the people and it is time now we need to move forward because there is no more room for people to have meetings but time for parliament to start its business to go through second reading” he said.

He, therefore, urged Members of Parliament to play their legislative role and interrogate the bill when it is presented to parliament for second reading tomorrow.


  1. Not all stake holders were involved. the process of NDF was not all inclusive. What did the government do for those people with no access to television and those unable to read and understand English? Is formulating law only for those people who can read and understand English only?. PF allowed its caders to go disrupt a live television debate that would have made a lot of people understand more about the bill from the discussants which was not right because everyone will be thinking what was the motive behind that disruption, what is the govt trying to hide from the people which is contained in the bill?

  2. The only question at this time is what would you lose sir if you reworked the bill with the recommendations from the selected committee. Instead of going to waste time debate on deputy ministers, FIC, pensions etc just come up with a new bill that everyone is comfortable with. I don’t think it can take even one week to edit and reprint Bill 10. Your insistence of take bill 10 to parliament in its current form is what is scaring those disagreeing with certain clauses in B10. If you came up with a fresh bill I think most Zambians will support you and anyone who says things to the contrary will be seen as just a troublemaker.

  3. The Minister doesn’t understand why some people like me are skeptical.
    Here’s the thing, the reason we don’t trust the PF is because of what they did in 2014 after a select committee recommendations, they still managed to sneak in clauses and changes they weren’t in the original amendment bill.

  4. Mr Lubinda,

    Can tell Zambians what the hurry is to adopt bill 10 ????

    Surely the country has more pressing needs to throw concerted efforts at. ??

    • Come on people, we have been discussing this issue for the past 3 years! 3 LONG YEARS! Now that the time has come to bring it to a conclusion you want to chicken out? … be serious

  5. HH can not mislead us but we know what is good and not good given lubinda.why are you pushing that bill to any excited suspending sangwa? Something is hidden sole william.upnd and independent mps please don’t vote for those oppressers

  6. To answer Lubinda’s questions in paragraph 4. The referendum failed in the last elections but we did not lose. What difference would it have made even if it had passed? The PF won those elections by rigging. There was a Presidential election petition but it did not declare Edgar Lungu or PF as the duly elected party in 2016. From 2015 we have been ruled by a government that is anchored on lawlessness and disregard of court orders. Shame!!

  7. Actually, what is most concerning is the lies coming from Zayelo! This man is treacherous! Not sure why he is in a hurry to betray our country. What is so urgent about Bill 10? We can already see a pattern where PF want to amend the Constitution each time we are approaching elections. Why? Should PF win 2021, you will hear of Bill 11 in 2025 asking to re-amend the Constitution. We can’t be mutilating the Constitution like this! Let the Constitution settle! Bill 10 only serves to destroy the Judiciary, the Legislature and all institutions of governance and to centralize power in one man who has been itching to become a dictator! Is he not on record asking to be allowed to become a dictator? Zambians open your eyes! Zayelo can’t be trusted!

  8. Why cant Lungu himself come and defend this Bill 10 instead of sending yellow belly Lubinda who has a diploma in Agriculture Science…its laughable like Tayali talking about the economy on MUTV. Lungu is the default Minister of Justice, bo Lubinda just picks up the cheque at the end of the month. No Lawyer with all faculties intact would defend this bill apart from debarred lawyer Edgar.

  9. Madilu system – Lubinda is merely following orders from the dull lawyer from State House who has put dull incompetent people everywhere!

  10. I have been saying we need stiff law against fake news. Minimum five year imprisonment with hard labour. Also we need to start high taxing for social media use. I am fighting for this to be introduced as law.

    • Touch social media and you will witness the wrath of the youths you have kept bored due to lies of employment under PF.

    • Rowdy you must be a rowdy youth. Wait till it becomes law. I dare you to break the law and see what will happen. The law is bigger than you and I

    • KZ. You and your PF people have taught us how to break the law and proudly evade justice. so we gonna do it too without hesitation. We youths will decide the fate of the coming elections too. there is nothing you can do about that since the population demographics in Zambia show more percentages of youth in Zambia, and guess what? the youths have awoken and they know now what is best for them.

  11. I quote ” In this process of amending the constitution through Bill 10, PF stands neither to win nor lose”. Then what’s the rush? Then leave with the current constitution. What we are not being told is that Parliament will debate and pass the original bill. with all its proposed issues of reintroducing deputy Ministers, simple coalition govt, Mayors & Council chair elected by fellow councillors & not public vote etc. they are promising to change these by simple majority after passing Bill 10 by 2/3? given the lies we have heard before from our friends. I wouldn’t trust them. Please!!!! MPs nip the bud before it blossoms.

  12. After stealing money from Fire engines, ambulances, and crazy road costings, you think that we can trust you? What are you smoking?

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