Monday, September 30, 2024

Work with government, President Lungu tells traditional leaders


President Edgar Lungu has called on the traditional leadership in the country to work with the government in order to enhance development in all parts of Zambia.

President Lungu said the government has embarked on several developmental projects in the country, adding that the traditional leadership needs to play their role by ensuring that public property is safeguarded.

Recalling the incidences of alleged gassing in various places, the President noted with concern that infrastructure was damaged as well as many innocent lives lost, due to public misconduct.

The Head of State said traditional leaders should sensitise their subjects on the importance of preserving and protecting public property, stating that it was constructed for their benefit.

Speaking when he interacted with Chiefs from Central Province at State House today, President Lungu assured the traditional leaders that he will visit various chiefdoms in order to appreciate some of the challenges faced.

He noted that efforts were being made by his government to alleviate challenges such as lack of transport for chiefs, schools, and health services among others.

Responding to concerns on issuance of mining licenses in chiefdoms, President Lungu appealed to Chiefs to negotiate with investors, to ensure that local people benefit economically and in skills development.

The President noted that traditional leaders need to come up with manifestos on how they wish an investor to operate in their areas.

He further implored people to appreciate their chiefdoms by giving back in form complementing government by constructing Chiefs palaces.

The President said that every chiefdom has produced successful persons including his cabinet ministers who can mobilise and give back to their chiefs.

Speaking on behalf of Central Province traditional leaders, Chief Shaibila disclosed that government was losing income due to most miners in the province not paying taxes.

Chief Shaibila stated that Chiefs were saddened by the procedure in issuance of licenses as they were not involved and miners hold no respect for their views.

The Traditional leader urged the relevant authority to revisit the area so that youths and other subjects in the chiefdoms could benefit in form of employment, as well as investor contribution to local areas.

Chief Shaibila further noted that most chiefs in the province face transportation challenges making it difficult for them to monitor activities in the area.

And among other challenges, he emphasised on the need for traditional leaders to be involved in the distribution of farming inputs, especially under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) so that they can help vulnerable subjects.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya took the opportunity to sensitise the traditional leaders on preventative measures against COVID 19 (coronavirus).

Dr Chilufya advised the traditional leadership to report any suspected cases of the coronavirus to nearest health posts within their chiefdoms.


  1. These traditional leaders only have 1 vote each. You can bribe them or do all you want, the fact remains your leadership sucks and no one will waste their vote on you. There’s a shortage or food crises and all your busy doing is bribing traditional leaders?? Who was gassing the people???

  2. Timely advice. Rather than calling for the reinstatement of an arrogant self entitled lawyer by name of Sangwa, as mukuni has been doing. Kz

  3. “…The President noted that traditional leaders need to come up with manifestos on how they wish an investor to operate in their areas…”

    Hopeless chap. This is a door to corruption and mismanagement, why not have a countrywide blue print that all investors should follow in regards to local skills transfer and community responsibility ?

    Lungu knows some of if not most of these chiefs are open to corruption that is why he is leaving them to the mercy of international crooks so corruption starts at statehouse with the same chiefs in the loop, clearing grz of blame

  4. Majority Zambians know that Sangwa is fighting for the good course of all Zambians unlike those who are just concentrating on self centeredness rather than national interest, or the me alone syndrome where u think wen things are ok with u then thats it life is bigger than u bwana there are people who used to be in those positions before u and now where are they? dont keep on insulting and mocking the intellgence of those people who have fought so hard for this Country otherwise your ending will leave u in excruciating pain. I will keep on reminding u who mock others just course u are on an advantage position now coz i know that one day u leave, better leave with integrity than shame change now be a patriot and national asset.

  5. How can they work with an absentee and lethargic gov’t that is always camped at KKIA to see off Lungu?

    • The Zambia Environmental Management Agency held an environmental impact assessment meeting with a traditional ruler in Katuba and a few villagers to consider Mt Meru’s application to site an edible oil plant in a water catchment area. Predictably, there was no one from traditional ruler’s side to raise any argument against because the issue was too complicated for them. You cannot assign such issues to mere villagers no matter the lofty titles colonialists bestowed on them.

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