Monday, March 3, 2025

Commissioning of Science Education Training Centre cancelled


The official commissioning ceremony of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Training Centre in Lusaka has been canceled in line with the directive by the government to suspend public gatherings in view of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Lusaka Mayor, Miles Sampa told journalists that the cancellation of the event was in line with the government’s pronouncements to stop all public gatherings.

Mr Sampa said the local authority is on the ground to implement the measures the government has announced which include the suspension of public gatherings.

He noted that despite the organizers of the event putting in place public measures to ensure all people attending the event are sanitized, it was necessary to put off the event because there was no guarantee that everyone would adhere to strict instructions.

Mr Sampa said the council is also working hard to ensure all public facilities including markets have water points and sanitizers where people can clean themselves regularly.

He said the council will also ensure that the venue where the ruling Patriotic Front is due to hold its party conference is sanitized and all attendants given masks to prevent the coronavirus.

The mayor who could not confirm whether the party conference will go on or not said the organizers of the event will be advised to ensure they follow measures announced by the government to prevent the disease.

Mr Sampa has since appealed to stakeholders and cooperating partners to come on board to help the council secure masks, water buckets and sanitizers for the public.

He said the council has only managed to buy water buckets which will be distributed in public places that include markets.

The event which was supposed to be officiated by President Edgar Lungu was cancelled after people had already gathered in readiness for the commissioning.

Ministry of Heath announced the suspension of all public gatherings and travels coupled with heightened screening exercise at all border entry points in view of the deadly disease.

Coronavirus which first broke out in China, has so far spread to about 162 countries in the world.

And The National Action for Quality Education in Zambia [NAQEZ] has welcomed the decision by government to close all learning institutions in the country in view of the Coronavirus.

NAQEZ Executive Director, Aaron Chansa said the stance taken by government to have all institutions of learning close is a step in the right direction in order to curb the spread of the deadly disease.

Mr Chansa said despite that the move will disrupt the Zambian academic calendar, the decision is inevitable.

He said his institution widely considered the view of government’s decision which was aimed at protecting children and the nation as a whole.

Mr Chansa noted that Zambia being a land linked country, it was at high transmission risk; and drastic measures to prevent its spread were much needed.

He observed that social distancing was the best way of preventing the contraction of the coronavirus.

Government announced that schools, colleges and universities will close this Friday, April 20 in view of the deadly Coronavirus that has become a global pandemic.


  1. As we are advised on how to conduct ourselves on Coronavirus e.g. no hugs and handshakes, i wish to advise Zambians too not to hug and handshake Bill 10 regardless of the sweettalks from GOVT. BILL 10 is the Coronavirus of Zambia. BY A MR HIPENZI

  2. Wht’s the point of this STEM centre whn we already hv universities that teach science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM)? Wht will it do that universities do not? Will it be hosted by one of the universities? Unfortunately LT reporting has said nothing about the STEM centre itself. It seems the news is not the STEM centre but cancellation of its official opening.

  3. Looks like a duplication and therefore a waste. Why not strengthen UNZA, CBU and Mulungushi? Do I hv a point Mr Mayor?

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