Monday, September 30, 2024

Sangwa should still appear before the courts-Sinkamba


Green Party leader says he believes that lawyer John Sangwa’s banishment by the judiciary that at the moment is either speculation or a plan by the judiciary.

Mr Sinkamba has since advised Mr. Sangwa to appear before any of the courts and then if he is chased away by the attendant court, then that will be proof enough that he has been banished.

“If that happens, that will be an impeachable offence for judge who chases away Mr. Sangwa, and the person who authored the letter directing all courts not to attend to him,” Mr Sinkamba said.

He said an act of chasing away Sangwa will be in breach Article 122(1) of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment 2016 which provides that “in the exercise of the judicial authority, the Judiciary shall be subject only to this Constitution and the law and not be subject to the control or direction of a person or an authority.”

“A judge or magistrate who allows himself or herself to be under the direction of any other person, demonstrates incompetence and can be removed from the bench for such conduct.”


  1. Peter Sinkamba is standing on firm ground. John Sangwa is a tough cookie. He needs no telling about that. If the the law is no ass in Zambia, this is going to get nasty.

  2. What crime has Sangwa committed for him to appear before Zambian court?
    Even if Sangwa beats up Minister of Bill 10, Sangwa will not appear before any court.
    But let Sangwa sue Registrar of courts, and see what Chief justice do about it.

  3. We have more important issues to deal with in the country than stressing over a self entitled man suffering from small man syndrome

    • …but you keep commenting on posts about the same small man?? You seem to have a boiled egg for a brain.

  4. Zambian Citizen: You’re a ‘boma ni boma’ kind of guy. You believe in a govt that is feared by the people and not the other way round where govt actually fears the people. Dictatorship is actually where people fear the govt. The natural order of things is for govt to fear the people because it’s people that create govt. In other words, govt is the agent and people are the principal. People can exist without the govt , as in a state of nature but govt cannot exist without the people.

  5. Kwena, kanshi how was Sangwa appointed / elected as SC? I was browsing TV channels recently when I clicked on Prime TV and recognized Kelvin Fube discussing ECL’s eligibility … but i struggled to make out what appeared like an elf, crouched in the corner of a seat with his hands clasped together in an apparent “some of us”, “intellectual” pose and he was dressed in JEANS!!! It was when his turn to speak came that i recognised the gnome as Sangwa. Immediately, I switched channels – these psuedo intellectuals flooding Zambia. Ata!

  6. Why is every body avoiding the issue here. Gerald Shawa made it abundantly clear that he was not speaking for Prime TV but as Chairman of the independent broadcasters, he was airing a position which the private stations had taken as common ground. More over the Minister of Health already gave a tip that there is a budget for corona virus including dissemination, On one hand if you have armed the people that you have reserved money for the exercise on the hand you are asking for free adverts. Shawa was only speaking for the rest, so don’t single him out and use this because of the grudges you already have against him. Now that you wont be on Prime TV and very few watch ZNBC, how will your visibility be. Shooting oneself in the foot


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