Monday, March 24, 2025

Barotse Royal Establishment wants Government to tighten porous borders in the Province to fight the coronavirus.


The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has urged the government to tighten porous borders in Western Province in the wake of the coronavirus.

BRE Prime Minister Ngambela Manyando Mukela says borders such as Shangombo and Lukulu have been witnessing the entry of people in the county at will.

He appealed to the authorities overseeing the borders to conduct regular checkups to ensure no one enters illegally in the reality of the Covid-19.

The Prime Minister said BRE will not relent in educating the community on the dangers of the coronavirus.

Mr Mukela urged the media with its influence to inform people about the dangers and precautions using the simple and clear language for easier comprehension.

The Ngambela has also urged people to adhere to safety measures against the deadly fast-spreading coronavirus which has claimed thousands of lives globally, which has also penetrated Zambia.

Yesterday, the BRE announced the cancellation of the 2020 Kuomboka traditional ceremony which attracts huge crowds of people from across the globe as a safety measure against the covid-19

Meanwhile, Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Lawrence Sichalwe has commended the BRE for canceling the 2020 Kuomboka traditional ceremony.

At a press briefing today, Mr. Sichalwe urged traditional leaders to sensitize their subjects, stating that when traditional leaders speak people obey.

Zambia has confirmed two cases of coronavirus from a couple that flew to France for a Holiday.


  1. A Chinese man aboard an Ethiopian aircraft arrived very sick in Zambia, he was carried from the aircraft and taken straight to the hospital from NDOLA airport. There are many more… if not hundreds of coronavirus cases that are not recorded all over the country! People with symptoms for coronavirus are being sent back home or turned away from hospitals, like Fairview in Lsk, …Millions will die in Zambia because of incompetence. This is just the beginning the worst is still to come!

  2. LT , this is useless reporting….

    For those who don’t know , which boaders ?? DRC, Zim, or Botswana or Angola ??

  3. BRE advice should be taken seriously.

    @Sardust stop making noise! Corona virus has no future in Zambia’s hot, dry climate. Exposed to direct sun rays, the virus will be destroyed instantly. On Copper surfaces, the virus will not last more than 3 hours. If Zambians were smart, they would start stock piling copper and innovating/producing copper-lined industrial and domesic articles for sale. You will be shocked to see how many copper kitchen utensils and bathroom articles are offered for sale in the catering and hotel industry.


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