Tuesday, February 25, 2025

UPND Justifies the beating and stoning of persons with Disabilities at HH’s residence


The UPND says the 60 persons with Disabilities who were beaten at their Leader’s residence in New Kadama on Wednesday are known PF cadres who went there to cause a commotion.

The 60 were beaten and stoned by Mr. Hichilema’ s personnel at the gate and were prevented from seeing the UPND leader who they wanted to petition to allow his MPs to support the Mixed Member Proportional representation in Bill 10 which allows them to have representation in Parliament.

UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka said at the time the group (PF members) came to Mr. Hichilema’s residence in a number of buses, the UPND leader was having a meeting and a media briefing.

“To start with, Mr. Hichilema’s residence is purely private property and he, therefore, has personal discretion who can be invited there and at what period of time in order to adhere to issues pertaining to security, both to the visitors and to his family”, he said.

Mr. Katuka said if Julien Mwape, the Zambia Agency for Persons with Disability Director-General Means well and feels strongly about the people with disabilities, she would have been protesting against the PF thieves who stole Social Cash Transfer money meant for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

He said Ms. Mwape should equally have lobbied her party President Edgar Lungu to use the constitutional provision that allows the President to nominate eight MPs, to appoint people with disabilities into parliament and cabinet instead of the likes of Raphael Nakachinda.

“We wish to counsel our colleagues in the PF to desist from using disadvantaged people to illegally protest over a matter that belongs to the National Assembly, this is abusive, shameful and must stop”, he said.

He said while Mr. Hichilema is the UPND party President, the party has however a fully functioning secretariat where anybody with issues can table them or indeed request for an appointment with the party leadership at various levels including the presidency.

“Unlike the lawlessness seen in the PF where cadres can invade the streets and start demonstrating against anyone without notice or police permit, UPND is a very disciplined and organized party with respected and civilized systems of engagements, which includes the observance of the Police requirement of the seven-day notice before a demonstration”, said Mr. Katuka.

He said Wednesday’s protest by known PF members at Mr. Hichilema’s residence with over 60 people, fall within the requirements for police notification under the Public Order Act.

Mr. Katuka said in addition, the nation has been given clear guidelines this time around regarding the levels of engagements in the light of the Coronavirus where even church gatherings have been restricted.

“And if these known PF members that came to Mr. Hichilema’s residence have any grievance regarding the UPND MPs on Bill 10, our MPs are answerable to the Speaker of National Assembly and are the lawmakers on behalf of their constituencies and the people of Zambia”, he added.


    • 65% of PF MPs have mental disabilities. Some top PF leaders are known to have epilepsy.
      What disability are they demanding, wheel-chairs or the blind?

    • These are stup1d desperate measures by the thieving Lungu and his PF.stooges

      Why dont they protest at PF not giving them disability allowance entitled to them?

      Non of theae disabled people are given free education by PF and they dont organise a protest agsinst the government. How prepisterous!

      Supporting disabled people should be the responsibility of mainly the government. But instead PF has no shame stealing even ftom the infirm.

      Desperate measures PF is taking by abusing the vulnerable is really shameful. Last time I checked Laura Miti and group tried to protest at National assembly the right place to protest. They were arrested. These disabled people should be encouraged to protest at National assembly not at private peoples homes.

      Any how if they were harrassed by…

    • Any how if they were harrassed by UPND cadres that was wrong but understandable because police should have stopped this hsppening in thd first place like they always stop peaceful protest and arrest people lining up to buy mealimill .

      Thief Lungu and his stooges have no shame and should be removed by force.

      Thief Lungu must go.

    • Ndiwe galu for being tribal . You are not even fit to be a human being !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Atase

    • This sounds like Angoni. He thinks of himself as belonging to a breed above the other half of the country. Surprisingly, he chooses to make his home outside his province. And how LT allows such an insulting comment is beyond logic.

    • This so called Mpezeni is a low life fellow. he still lives in the 11th century. Doe he have poop in his brain?

  1. Secretary general you have said well but wrong to beat the lake even when they were of cadres…..it was wrong sir. Tolerance is a virtue

    • Cadrerism has been allowed to flourish in Zambia. And its violent. If you think you can be a disabled cadre and will be treated differently, Think again. If a woman can be undressed by cadres in the vicinity of a female vice president and she doesnt condemn the act, then you know that violent caderism is here to stay. My advice to the disabled is dont get used by selfish politicians. This is a different Zambia. People ceased to be sympathetic with the plight of the disadvantaged a long time ago.

  2. The least the UPND can do is investigate and suspend these militant elements. Also the need to meet and apologize to the people they injured and compensate them for all the trauma they have been through. That’s what good leaders would do, and two wrongs never make a right.

  3. And these are the same people you want to come and rule, Katuta you are not even ashamed of yourself to come out open and say all those ru****bs on this platform.Yes that is a private property but as a leader he was just suppose to come out and address them, are you saying when you come into ”power” you will only come and rule upnd? think outside the box bo katuta.Why are you shallow minded upnd..

    • PF ministers are sending police to arrest kids lining up to buy mealimill and all you have done is bury your head in the sand becsuse its PF But only come out and support PF s abuse of the disabled.

      We know all lot are stup1d. Its just one when people of Zambia will rise up and beat the sh1t out of you for inflicting too much suffering on you.

      Lies has short legs. The rumour is that those disabled cadres were promised money by Kaiser Zulu and Lusambo to protest at HH residence. But unfortunately only the organiser got a bribe and the rest got nothing. What a shame.

    • The problem is, he sees PF in everyone. Stop justifying the wrong. Remember what happened in 2016 when somebody grabbed land from some people in Namwala just a few days before the general elections, a lot of people lost interest in the upnd. They lost.

    • Wanzelu, i wonder what kind of idiocy is in your head. Do you need to handle things in a bad way because others are doing bad? You seem to have a puss filled warped brain

  4. Shameful, indeed!! Should everyone who disagrees with you be PF?? This grouping represents the disabled. Upnd, a govt-in-waiting, should have gathered these people in an orderly manner, let hh address them and later asked Julien Mwape for a one on one. That’s what smart grassroot conscious leaders do. No wonder hh loses elections, these failures like Katuka, kakoma, Mwimbu, Nkombo etc have been misadvising him since 2006!!

  5. Katuka how do you justify beating LAME PEOPLE?

    Julienne MWAPE leader of DISABLED was on wheel chair and others were on their scratches .how do you find pleasure beating such people?

    Just because they came with a bus then they are PF and deserve beating?

    HH is too much into ethnicity politics.

    • Being Disabled is not a license to commit crime! Invading someone’s private residence is criminal trespass!
      Let them learn to use their brains and learn to say NO to those Bill 10 politicians trying to use them to gain political mileage!
      Even you Mr P. How would you take it if this was your residence being invaded? This is total Lawlessness and the fact that someone is disabled should not be an excuse to be used to break the Law!

    • Did he justify? I have read the discourse and I have seen any justification. Instead, the PF is abusing people with disabilities. Why did they transport them to someone’s house? This is cheap politicking. Taking advantage of one;s disability for political purposes is very immoral.

  6. Mpezeni 1xx. Yourselves are just thieves and incompentent pipo who have failed to progress the country.kk was incompetent. Chiluba thief.mwanawasa very competent.banda thief.sata incompetent fool.and then another thief and incompetent. Shame on u.

  7. Zambia is really descending. Were these people given a police permit? Why is it so difficult for some to obtain permits? If we remove this label of belonging to a political or tribal grouping what exactly DO WE WANT as a nation? Can we as individuals please do our bit and bring our so-called leaders to task regarding what they promise and how they fulfill those promises; including the often feeble excuses they give for stealing and not fulfilling their promises. Ifyabupuba lekeni.

  8. Secretary general you have said well but it is wrong to beat the LAME even when they were PF cadres…..it was wrong sir. Tolerance is a virtue

    • They are even lucky they still have their lives. Had it been the opposition one of them could have lost his/her life

  9. Even disabled people can have criminal minds. You are easily duped in Zambia. Wake up, smell the coffee and think out of the square – sha!

  10. The question is who sent them there? One must be responsible for their beating. As much as I don’t support their beating, who used them? If they were aggrieved why didn’t they go to court rather than to become intruders? So PF want uses disables to push for their agenda


    • they are trying to divert our attention FROM PF’s gassing saga which has bounced back on them. Its all the work of Kz, Sunday Chanda, and that one who was Nawakwi’s chola boy a few years ago..

  12. You don’t take politics to someone’s private residence! That is criminal trespass! When you do that, expect anything including being mistaken for criminals! Count yourselves lucky that Security did not open fire on you!
    Do better next time! Don’t allow yourselves to be used and abused by Bill 10 politicians! Use your “Bongo Bongos!” Learn to say NO! Disability should not be an Excuse for invading someone’s private residence! That is criminal! You should have gone to the party Secretariat instead! So blame those who could sink so low to do such an illegal thing! In fact, someone should learn to sue for such criminal acts!

  13. What?! Garry smokes?

    UPND some wrong headlines will kill you in 2021. Watch this space. Those disabled will show you your stiupidity

  14. Headline, content and comments are all confused, we live in a country where lawlessness has gone upto the disabled, they must be ashamed to be used as an excuse to make Bill ten relevant. Given your bill ten belongs to the flashroom

  15. After failing with the gassing plot, PF now using disabled persons to spread covid-19 directly to the UPND leadership.

    PF, Just like your gassing plot, It won’t work.

    • Yaba…Oh yaba…as BR Mumba Snr would put it. These people represent the disabled, they are GRASSROOTS. It was free political mileage for hh, all he had to do was create an audience with them. Not everything is a PF plot! What do you think these people will tell their peers in the compounds-the electorate???

  16. Vote upnd at your own risk. This shows how evil hearted this party is. They do not care about the needs of people in hardship. Even when their leaders name( HICHILEMA) means handicapped,he has no sense of respect for people who are handicapped. Hh will never rule Zambia. Over my dead body !

    • we know you sent them kz, because you are a prime handicap yourself, even though your name means something else.

    • true over your dead body, shall come to pass.. on his own month,it came to pass…..if jesus Christ can come now,,,my bro I believe you can not be saved…direct gehena…smart,smarter,smartest. day are numbered…we know hiding in the face of the people that you were expelled, but in the actual sense you are the one in control, dark corner meetings,mistake,that’s why ba mudala ba sata fired these who wanted to control him…..like Joseph being betrayed with his family.

  17. Who hired the buses to ferry 60 “disabled” people yo HH’s house?
    Who else but the PF.
    More hot air

  18. Mr Katuka, I agree that it is very likely that this was arranged by PF to try and create an incident and add pressure for their Bill 10. I also agree that 60 people showing up at HH’s private residence with neither permit nor prior arrangement is just lawlessness. I still think your statement could have communicated some remorse that someone got injured. At the very least, there should have been a clear statement as to how violence broke out. The throwing of the stone that hit the old lady was uncalled for and should be internally investigated. By the way, this is not the last time groups of vulnerable people will be used by PF to try and discredit you so you better figure out how to respond and communicate.

  19. Where on earth do u petition a private citizen? Petitions are presented to public authorities. Having said that, I realize that this is not a normal country. Even the truth and law are no defence in Zambian courts.

    • Hh is leader of the largest opposition in Zambia, upnd is govt-in-waiting, HOW DOES IT BECOME A PRIVATE MATTER WHEN CITIZENS VISIT HIS HOME??????

  20. It was wrong to beat them unless if they went there with violence also police why did you allow them to go to somebody’s house without a permit this is trespassing and with all this gassing which was going on HH has the right to be scared.

  21. There is no way someone can just beat up a disabled person. You take politics to someone’s private residence and you start hurling insults? Try to do that at anyone’s home. You will come back bruised! Those disabled persons who allowed themselves to be used are just full and Stoopid! In fact, they together with their sponsors should be arrested and charged with Criminal trespass!

  22. This is disheartening. Surely you can not use the physically challenged to attract sympathy from people. Do they even know what is in bill 10 for them? I was left perplexed when i heard the elderly woman explaining on prime TV on what transpired. All i saw was a poverty motivated person trying to make ends meet based on a fake promise from a well informed crooked person.

  23. God will punish you PF why are you now using the physically challenged to fight your battles not long ago you were using young people to gas the country now it’s the physically challenged.

  24. These unfortunate disabled Citizens are being used by the filthy Mukula Corruption loving P.F party.
    The last time I checked, it’s extremely difficult to get a permit to protest in numbers & the only folk who are able to congregate without a permit are P.F Cadres & Bandits!
    Therefore who is using & who sent these disabled folk???
    Even if you are disabled, please WAKE UP & don’t be used by these thieving P.F Gundw@ne’z, they eat well, don’t sent their children in harm’s way & even stole cash that was meant to help you. Ask Monday & McPherson, they are fat on your social transfer cash fund!

  25. please law is strait forward. to be ignorant is no excuse. they must have been brought by some lame minded cadres to try and discredit someone . the police must have advised these people that they are commiting a serious offence.

  26. I am very disappointed that you took the law into your hands. Are you telling us that you are not civilized?

  27. What ever the case
    The issue is for any of those H2 security to beat those disabled people at his residence, they had the blessings from h2.
    Meanwhile he is telling people about
    Updead cadres with respecting law
    Zambians open your eyes .

  28. Who is fooling who? If these disadvantaged people were propped up by PF, it was a great mistake which can neither be forgiven nor condoned. On the other hand the treatment they received from UPND cannot be justified in any moral sense or by anyone who has his head screwed on the right way.

    The gist of the matter is that, we, the masses are being used as pawns in this meaningless political game played by these selfish politicians. It’s a high time we the people started to think seriously about who we entrust with affairs concerning us. We literally have the last word, but the question is are we able to do this in our very disorganized state? We’re to blame for all the woes befalling this beloved country.

  29. When countries are uniting within their borders fighting coronavirus…Zambians as usual still fighting each other……this just shows how Zambian Politicians are…they care less about their own people

  30. Kaizar Zulu

    “….Vote upnd at your own risk……”

    It is you at risk KZ and your other violent corrupt PF thugs if UPND is voted in….

  31. Much as I dont support the beating of disabled people, there seems to be more questions than answers to this episode. It is very unfortunate that because of sever poverty among people living with disabilities,some politicians who have no shame whatsoever wants now to use disabled people for their own political expediency. The all episode was stage managed just to embarrass some one and unfortunately the disabled are being used as ponies in this political battle. I hate what Zambia is sliding into. A nation without regard for human dignity. What a country and a people we are turning into. It is so pathetic.

  32. PF have suspended gassing operations after the plot to have upnd blamed failed , the other part of the plot was to accuse some gentleman and him implicate UPND of solicting $1.6 million and weapons to overthorow lungu. Pf entered a nolle in that plot after the gassing plot backfired and they would have looked ridiculas.

    UPND , be vigilant

  33. What those disabled people did is trespassing and that is a crime in Zambia. How do you go to someone’s own private place without prior notice? With te deadly virus now in Zambia which police officials gave those people a permit to protest? Let’s not also forget how they got treated by PF the last time they went to protest to govt. UPND has a secretariat where those people could have gone to present their grievances. They should learn to engage someone and not force matters on someone. Shame on those disabled people. As for HH security they were just doing their job where is evidence that they got stoned I haven’t seen any broken cars or people bleeding.

  34. that was wrong!! to beat them. Please Apologise. they should have called the police since HH couldn’t address them. They have being lied to. Nothing will change for them as the discussions will be based on the original bill 10. Those recommendations are an after thought. If they are serious. they should withdraw the bill. redraft it and freshly submitted. Not to approve the fault bill 10 hoping Zeyelo to include those amendments. But please, don’t beat the disabled, they can be stubborn right. However, it does not warranty beating them.

  35. There is simply no justification for stoning and beating up people regardless of whether they are known cadres, that said the people protesting had it coming because they had no right whatsoever to do that.

  36. Now I see that PF just wants this bill to go through just as it is and there is no trusting them to do the right thing now. Bill 10 is not
    Something that needs to be dealt with emotionally but objectively. Caution must be exercised in dealing with this bill.

  37. Ati beating and stoning ???

    Pleeezzzz……..LT you have become a PF vuvuzella…….

    It’s only PF thugs who use stones.

    Now the gassing of the public by pf has failed ,

    LT you are now pathetically looking for headlines in bed with pf.

  38. My appeal to Lusaka times and request,is there any way to handle with the comments? what do I mean? before a comment is published, there must be a way of going through it and if there is any insult that has to be deleted there and then or advise the public who ever Post a trible or insult comment will be unsubscribed, because this is so irritating to be reading such things, You are helping a lot of people with your articles very informative and educative

    • @KENNEDY NDHLOVU they do have a awaiting moderation stuff unfortunately it does nt apply to kudos, thorn in the fresh, zambian citizen and the clique.

  39. UPND should also bus more than 60 persons to ZAPD and petition julien mwape to push for social cash transfer payments for the disable.

  40. Been disabled should not be used to commit crimes.
    They think Bill 10 will put food on their tables? People should start to think straight whether disabled or not.

  41. The old woman in question does not know anything about bill 10. She was tricked that she was going to get her social cash transfer. Someone just decide to use her. Article 259 of the constitution already talks about the disabled, women and the youth. What more is required in bill 10?

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