Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Huajian Group of China Donates Medical Supplies to Zambia’s Covid19 Fight


The Consulate General of the Republic of Zambia has received medical supplies worth US$38,000 from Huajian Group of China as a donation to help in the fight against Covid19.

The medical supplies are expected to be delivered in Lusaka by Saturday, 4th April, 2020. The consignment includes medical masks, protective gear, thermometer guns and gloves.

During the handover ceremony on Saturday 21st March, 2020, Huajian Group Board Chairperson Mr. Zhang Huarong pledged to support Zambia in fighting Covid19 through the provision of medical supplies to healthcare workers on the front lines of the pandemic.

Mr. Zhang, who is also African – Chinese People’s Friendship Association vice president, assured Zambia of continued support in the fight against Covid-19.

He noted that Zambia and China are all-weather friends and the efforts of the two countries will ensure the war against Coronavirus is won in the near future.

Mr. Zhang said the Huajian Group through its corporate social responsibility will help the Zambian Government to focus on prevention measures to ensure Covid19 has a minimal impact on the economy and people’s lives.

He added that his company is committed to actualizing its investment in Zambia and is considering establishing an industrial park for manufacturing shoes.

Mr. Zhang said the company’s investment in Zambia will contribute to employment creation for the youth in line with the aspirations of the Chinese and Zambian Governments.

Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving  the Donations
Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving the Donations

And receiving the donated goods on behalf of the Zambian Government, Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga thanked the Huajian Group for its generosity.

Mr. Chisenga said the donated medical supplies will go a long way in helping the Zambian healthcare workers in the fight against Covid19.

The Consul General thanked the company on behalf of the Zambian people and looked forward to further cooperation in investment and people-to-people exchange.

Huajian Group is one of the largest producers of women’s shoes in China. The company has made substantial investment in Ethiopia and is in the process of opening a shoe factory in Zambia’s Chibombo District.

In April, 2018 Mr. Zhang undertook a business trip to Zambia and held several meetings with various Government departments in a bid to start the Group’s investment programme in Zambia.

Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving  the Donations
Consul General at the Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in Guangzhou His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga Receiving the Donations


  1. First China gave the world the Covid -19 disease and now they’re donating doctors and medical supplies to the world?

  2. The consignment will arrive on 4th April, 2020? By that time the deadly virus will have been conquered in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen!

  3. There’s something uninformed people don’t know about hand-me-downs. Check them out carefully before accepting them. Kenneth Kaunda as president of Zambia in the 1980s accepted food aid from one of the iron curtain countries only to find that it was contaminated with radioactive material. Read also the book entitled DESTINATION BIAFRA by Nigerian author Buchi Emecheta. There’s something she writes about the business of helping other nations that’s eye-opening. In this particular case she was writing about the attitude of British military leaders as they were deciding wht weapons to give to the Nigerian Army as the country was moving to independence.

  4. It’s one way to transport Chinese nationals to Zambia in that plane nothing more important.they have seen that no any other ways to bring Chinese in our country.when is Zambia going to stop receiving free things? Zambia has become like street kids whereby they are begging everyday no matter they have money or food. Industries are needed in our country they only know how to make bicycles that even a blind person can ride

  5. Africans and dependance syndrome! If you want to plunder and african, give the leaders a few small trinkets and you can plunder as much wealth as you want. Its what the west did during slave trade and colonialism. They gave chiefs small trinkets and the chiefs gave away land and minerals and sold their people as slaves.
    China is far worse. They plunder and promote corruption and do business with no ethics. The polute the environment and kill local industries. Then we are here thanking them for little trinkets.

  6. Receiving the left overs. Please tell us what the Zambian government has contributed towards covid 19 pandemic

  7. China you don’t need to feel guilty for this virus. It could have started any where in world. The virus is a lesson for us all to change our lifestyle to preserve our beautiful planet . The virus although has led to deaths , to the contrary it has also brought people closer together with lockdown in most European countries. God bless you and Zambia

  8. Heads of states around the world has been addressing their people on a daily basis but own president is just dwi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless if it was a by- election.

  9. Heads of states around the world has been addressing their people on a daily basis but our own president is just dwi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless if it was a by- election.

  10. The people who were overseeing the gassing of our people are now incharge of distributing corona fighting kits ???

    Are Zambians safe ?

    These evil twisted people might just decide to finish the job they started with the gassings by now using this corona virus.

  11. REPARATIONS??????? this just a drop in the compared to the damage this virus has done worldwide. I just feel for Italy.

  12. Contaminated blankets and clothes from sick coronavirus patients in China donated to Africa, will be found on Salaula markets in the near future

  13. Contaminated blankets and clothes from sick coronavirus patients in China donated to Africa, will be found at Salaula markets in the near future

  14. Warning to all opposition politicians. Available quarantine facilities will ensure that u die there should u get coronavirus infection as it will mean problem solved for u-know-who.

  15. I find some of the comments very irritating, annoying and unfortunate.
    China has manged to reduce local transmissions.
    They were able to use their own locally manufactured equipment.
    Zambia is not able to produce any of the donated equipment.Absolutely not.
    If you Zambians don’t need the equipment ,then produce your own and don’t accept the donated equipment.

  16. It’s important to stay positive at this time. The shoe manufacturing will bring employment past the Corona pandemic. Although, we need medical supply manufacturing rather than shoes, we had BATA. Immigration should ensure investors are relevant to our economic needs.

    We are grateful for the gift to fight the virus.


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