Sunday, September 29, 2024

COVID-19 cases rise to 36, with 25 cases imported while 9 contracted locally


Zambia has recorded one more laboratory confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 36.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya revealed that the new case involves an adult male who travelled to Pakistan and transited through Dubai, then Johannesburg to Lusaka, aboard the Airlink plane on March 24, 2020.

In his daily briefings on the disease, Dr. Chilufya said among the confirmed cases of COVID-19, 25 were imported from France and Pakistan, while nine contracted the disease locally through contact with infected people.

He discloses that the people suspected to have been in contact with those infected have settled in some residential areas of Lusaka that include Chaisa, Jack, Emasdale, Ibex Hill and Eureka, while others have settled in the Copperbelt province.

Dr. Chilufya explained that all the infected people are stable and continue to be in isolation while one patient with severe symptoms has continued to be under intensive health care and is not deteriorating.

He added that the health surveillance team has continued to follow and test all those who came into contact with the people confirmed to have the virus.

Dr. Chilufya said his ministry has continued to identify more facilities that will be transformed into isolation centres adding that the Court Yard hotel and Old Victoria hospital are on the list.

And Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya emphasized the need to unite and intensify the observance of preventive measures that have been put in place by the government.

Ms. Siliya has since called on every citizen to take leadership and join in the fight against the pandemic if the country is to contain the disease.

Meanwhile, ZAMTEL has donated about K200, 000 and 500 phones with free airtime to be used for communication during the fight against the pandemic.

ZAMTEL Managing Director Sydney Mupeta made the donation on behalf of the telecommunication company.

And the Association of Indian Community in Zambia has also donated assorted medical items worth K2 million to supplement government’s efforts in curbing the further spread of the coronavirus.


  1. Tell the people the truth. You are hiding the real numbers. Soon they will be funerals all over Zambia

    • You have taken this as a joke for long enough. when you had 29 cases you had 101. the problem is all of you are illiterate and cadre brain function . Just wait for another three weeks. as our curve drops let see how you will drop Zambia’s You’re so stupid that you cant see the uk has done over 300,000 tests and receive over 1 million foreigners a day. and we receive 4000 with 51 test. how stupid can you morons be??. Am you think this is a time to compare with a market or thieving brain. You are a curse

  2. Tell the people the truth. You are hiding the real numbers. Soon there will be funerals all over Zambia

    • Hello Everyone,
      Mr Lungu if you reading this please lock down the country trust me…it’s cheaper this way than waiting for the epic center.
      Trust my words.

      Lord hear us.

  3. The 9 locally transmitted cases are very worrying and we can only hope that there are not many more unreported cases. At this stage, one can only hope the message of social distancing and isolation is being taken serious by each and every Zambian to prevent the numbers from rising. God help us!

  4. Inaccurate claims and potentially dangerous medical advice is spreading in Zambia even faster that the coronavirus itself. This “infodemic” could have disastrous consequences. It is a race against time, and false updates won’t help!!

  5. Some upnd maggots are even wishing people to die just so they can gain political mileage. These devils will never rule this country. Mark my words

  6. I don’t understand how someone can delight in making terrible predictions. We are thankful that no life has been lost and we have to hope it stays that way. Be positive about the future or be silent!

  7. This Doctor needs a lesson in public relation you would be excused in thinking he is talking about machinery…face the reality Covid-19 is in Zambia now deal with it instead of spewing about where its imported from. Just get on with it …where are the ventilators??

  8. I advise those who wish calamity on Zambia like ba daily briefing…. to take time and listen to international news like CNN and BBC. Just today a senior medical doctor was being interviewed by CNN about the rate at which results of infected people are coming and he advised that it takes 9 days to receive results of a tested person. Now bare in mind the USA health systems are advanced and if it takes them 9 days I think Zambia is equally doing well in this area. Like Mr Chibamba Kanyama advised in his article, let us remove politics in our sentiments and fight against Covid-19. If people die who will vote for your part to come into power?

  9. Lock down the country. Every else is locking down the country. its the only way to go and in this case, Prevention is better than cure. delaying will be costly

  10. Kaiser ,People are worried because the money to fight covid 19 had ended up in the pockets of scumbags who have bought plots in Swaziland and built mansions all over Lusaka .

  11. Shame on those who are wishing bad. To those who wishing good God bless you. Thank you doctors , thank you honourable chitalu. My concerning is people who went and come back from parkistan knowing very well of the problem. Not only that after coming back, they never stayed home but start distributing moving up and down distributing the virus. This it was a deliberate move

  12. Contrary to what Kaizar Zulu on this blog believes, most patriotic Zambians in Diaspora are genuinely concerned with the spread of the virus in Zambia given state of health services and facilities vis-a-vis social, economic status. We do care for our people back home and that is why we send millions of foreign currency to uplift standards of our people from our own hard earned funds not public funds. For the benefit of Kaizar Zulu statitics of fatalities in UK indicate 98% involve people over 65yrs old with other underlying illnesses. UK and Italy have an ageing population, comparatively over 65yrs in Zambia account for 2.4% of population. This is global crisis originated from KZ’s friends in China and not from the UK. I hope you have stopped eating snakes. Let us not make jokes out of…

  13. It is preposterous to carelessly say that some Zambian,s wherever they are, would wish numbers to escalate in Zambia. Don’t be so foolis.h in these serious times. If anything, we are all trying to
    urge that proper robust measures are implemented more quickly than some of the half-baked ones we are seeing. There is an opportunity window. I keep stating that restrict everyone
    from ALL affected regions from coming through. Social distancing is not yet in effect and we are still allowing people to gather up to the number of 50. I even doubt the follow-ups, they
    read like a situation where the barn door is being closed after the horse has bolted.

  14. Zozi you need to be more concerned about your wellbeing there abroad. Now since you don’t even know what is happening there let me educate you. Yes majority affected are the pensioners. However deaths of those in non pension age groups without underlying health issues have been recorded in UK and Europe. Just today we read that a 14 year old girl has died there in Europe due to covid. Now we the people you look down upon with “poor health” facilities have not recorded a single death. So tell me one thing, why aren’t you more concerned about your adopted masters there. We do not mind support but what we don’t want is criticising without giving due where it is deserved. Our ministry has handled this well given the situation. Kz

  15. It is ridiculous to carelessly say that some Zambians, wherever they are, would wish COVID – 19 numbers to escalate in Zambia. Don’t be so f.oolish in these serious times. If anything, we are all trying to urge that proper robust measures are implemented more quickly than some of the half-baked ones we are seeing. There is an opportunity window. I keep stating that restrict everyone from ALL affected regions from coming through. Social distancing is not yet in effect and we are still allowing people to gather up to the number of 50. I even doubt the follow-ups, they read like a situation where the barn door is being closed after the horse has bolted.

  16. How can a person in their right mind state that the situation has been handled well in Zambia when we know it’s been slow in prevention and preparations? It’s not about how many numbers there are now or whether anyone has died, it’s about ensuring that this doesn’t worsen. What we are saying is that the measures so far do not go far enough and they should, if we are not to experience what is in Europe (lessons should be learnt, rather than merely pointing at the dire situation in some parts of Europe and saying, “We are better”)

  17. Kaizar Zulu you seem to be happy that 100s of people are dying in UK. UK has a population of 62 millon . Zambia’s populations is nothing In comparison.Most of the people Who died are over 65 years and oldest being 103 years. It’s best look at how you will to deal with pandemic in Zambia where you have not enough health facilities. Especially now that you can’t fly to another country for treatment. Try and raise important points other than celebrating the death in UK. Let the people who govern UK worry about it. When this virus spread in that country (Zambia) you will wish you had spend time preparing for the waste. This virus spreads like fire. UK is a super power. Are you ready? Where are the ventilators, laryngoscopes, intubation scopes,boogies, giving sets, beds, medicines, oxygen…

  18. Harold Muna and others don’t blame the government for everything. Imagine people are failing to do simple things. How many people are practising social distance. Go to supermarkets, Markets, Minibuses and buses. Above all look countries that have done lockdown do an evaluation
    All in all let us take refugee in Almighty God as a nation until this calamity pass. Psalm 57:1

  19. Most western leaders have openly admitted that people will lose loved ones to this virus to prepare the population and encourage quarantine, now some mangwam foools ati wishing tragedy on Zambia ?

    You are fooools

  20. The problem with being an impostor is pretending you are in Zambia but you are actually in the UK hence treading on thin ice as you will give yourself away!!

  21. So, while you argue and compare and contract who has more deaths than the other nation.,,,and while doctors have primarily focused on respiratory samples from pneumonia cases to identify coronavirus patients, they might have ignored a less apparent and hidden source of the spread: diarrhea.
    Apparently, SARS and Corona viruses bind to the same distinctly shaped protein receptors in the body that are expressed in the lungs and intestines, making these organs the primary targets for both viruses,
    Dutch scientists were able to find the coronavirus in a city’s wastewater before Covid-19 cases were reported, demonstrating a novel early warning system for the pneumonia-causing disease.
    Hindsight is 20/20. It is better to (watch) learn and avoid mistakes other have made in the past to avoid…

  22. Returnees from France came out negative. The Islamists from Pakistan who went for annual meeting of radical deobandi sect of Islam are the carrier. Pakistan’s coronavirus infections are multiplying and expected to cross 100,000 by the end of April and the same extremists meeting in Nizamuddin in New Delhi in India with radical clerics from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Xijuang price of China have infected dimwit Indian Muslims and this virus is spreading by thousands

  23. The same returnees have infected scores of Zimbabwean in Harare and hundreds of Malawian in Zomba and Blantyre. Every Muslim in Makeni, Emmasdale and Kanwala shall be tested before this virus becomes a pandemic in Zambia and destroys lives and economy. Who allowed jam-packed mosque in Emmasdale on Friday?

  24. It makes sad reading that when people warn of what has been the proven trajectory of COVID-19 they are accused of wishing people dead. Worse with Ostrich leadership keeping their heads in the sand. People, let us be serious about this disease and learn lessons from those who are now in the thick things. Italy, Uk, Spain are buckling. What will happen in Zambia. Let us be responsible and learn from the Germans who have optimised social distancing measures and testing. More important, let us increase awareness so that each citizen can make wise choices for common good. I can’t say much about prepping infrastructure, the gap we have now is a resukt of years of irresponsible leadership.

  25. ****

    A bit about these Tableeghi fundamentalists who have spread COVID-19 in Pakistan, India, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

    These Proselytizing radicals are danger to humanity.

  26. It is unreasonable and simple mindedness to say people are wishing negativity. Wishing does not produce results, positive or negative. Its measures that you implement that produce results.
    The truth is that the Zambian government is not serious with the way they are handling the Coronavirus. They don`t seem to understand the severity of the disease. All they are doing is tell lies.

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