Sunday, September 29, 2024

I’m ready to work with PF Government in fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says he is ready to work with the Government in fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Mr Hichilema says he is willing to meet anybody and have a conversation on how to fight the pandemic and save lives.

The opposition Leader said he will donate to the prisons because being a convict he understands what the inmates are going through adding that he is also ready to donate food to those that will be quarantined.

Mr Hichilema said he is ready to donate in Millions of Kwacha to help fight the pandemic adding that his Businesses are already doing something to help.

Speaking on the Breakfast show on Hot FM, Mr Hichilema said he loves the country and is a useful member of society that is ready to contribute to the development of the nation.

Mr Hichilema who has lamented over his blocked Genset donation to Chawama Level one Hospital to help reduce load shedding last year said he will from today continue with contributions towards fighting COVID-19 but does not want anyone to send cadres to beat him up.

Meanwhile, Mr Hichilema said his 14 point plan and recommendations to Government Institutions among them the Ministry of Finance, the Director of Public Prosecution and the Judiciary should have compelled those in Authority to reach out to him and work together in the fight against the pandemic.

He reiterated that issues that exist between the UPND and PF should not hamper the concerted efforts in the fight against COVID-19.

Mr Hichilema revealed that he has written to the Government Ministries among them the Ministry of Health and Home Affairs on the need to work together unfortunately none of them has responded to his request.

And Mr Hichilema has reiterated that the Zambian health care system has no capacity to handle a full blown COVID-19 pandemic.

He said a total lockdown is required to prevent the further spread of the pandemic which has now been reported in heavily populated compounds of Chaisa and Jack compounds in Lusaka.

Mr Hichilema has however acknowledged the measures government is putting in place to fight the pandemic.


  1. Hh you started well in that we acknowledge your intention to work with us. We think that is a very progressive stance on your side. We look forward to engage with you. At the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters and should be working to protect this great nation of ours. However, there is no need to always qualify your intentions or to dwell on the negatives. Did you really need to allude to cadres being sent to beat you? Very unnecessary comments if you are genuine in your intentions. Also it is very arrogant to expect us to come to you in order for us to work with you. Remember we are a government for everyone including you. So if you want to work with us then you take the steps to do so like any other citizen. It is disappointing that it has taken you this long to realise…

    • HH naena, can we be serious at this moment?
      HH should take opportunity to strategies 2021 elections. That Edgar will win this elections again.

    • When did you become a government spokes person. You misled your boss big time and the country is on its knees and you are still yapping. Have you checked the economic indicators today, I am full time PF but not on the side of jokes

  2. CONTINUED :this and also you still continue dwelling on negatives. We are willing to work with you if you mature in your approach to

  3. I like mr HH’s ordeals working with the to put Zambia on lockdown can affect many Zambians.Economy is not doing fine and majority of citizens lives by hand to mouth.On this point HH try to figure out properly.

  4. A person who is philanthropic and has good intentions does not announce that he is going to donate. Many people donate anonymously and let their good deeds talk for themselves. However our friend hh wants you to know that he is going to donate. All because people have been criticising him for not doing so. It is not a genuine donation. Very sad for someone who claims to be rich and wants to rule this country. What will stop him from stealing if he ever becomes president? Very questionable..however , please contact us if you want to work with us rather than rushing to the media like a teenager desperate for attention.

    • HH please announce when donating, we are dealing with a group of people who cannot be trusted, they can even hijack the donation claiming it is theirs. We have been with them since 2011, we all know them. Not even the international community trusts them

  5. I have been following your messages on twitter and other platforms and you are doing a great job not only to reach out to the followers but to others as well. Let other leaders, political or other wise reach out to their followers. May I also suggest you set up a fund so as to tap into those that may want to only donate through you? Such funds should however be donated to relevant government agencies in the front line to this pandemic, or towards helping small businesses to bounce back after this is over

  6. Just take the money to Doctor Chitalu Chilufya he knows where the money is needed most, The government have the system in place, that our money which the miners suffered for when you where busy selling our mines.

  7. Donate we need action……not to sit on Facebook or twitter and say i ready to donate millions hoping that the PF will say no,

  8. Like i said before let this corona tragedy unite us and build a better Zambia for all Zambians….even after corona lets keep on working together not tearing each other up…yes we can do it

  9. This is progressive. Ministers who illegally stayed in office should also pay back the money so that it can be chaneled to the fight against Covid 19.

  10. The spirit of oneness in situations like is welcome. Politics no politics we all need each other’s support. Your voice gives hope for unit in Zambia.

  11. Thanks HH, always trying to find solutions. Let me also apologise to MMD for us removing them from power. We are worse off than we were

  12. They can’t work together because their minds are the same, selfish, self serving, dictatorial, . Trible HH is using this situation for publicity in pursuit of 2021, so does his PF counterpart.

  13. “Mr Hichilema said he is ready to donate in Millions of Kwacha to help fight the pandemic adding that his Businesses are already doing something to help.”-LT

    With big NO!

    This is not the time for this kind of of leadership. We don’t need this kind of think in this situation we are in.

    America received help from the countries that you never even thought they can help America with out the USA asking for help that is the kind of leadership that we want our nation to exhibit.

    Right now GRZ his in tears because of people come and promised to use its resources but don’t for fill their promises just think about lining their ego.

  14. Covid-19 will teach the world the lesson of no man is an island and just like the parable of the 10 virgins in the Bible only those countries well prepared may just alleviate the impact of covid-19. With countries locking down and closing their bodies how many countries will be able to make it on their own. Already Zambia is a heavy importer of fuel and I don’t know how much the pipeline from Tanzania and the oil processing plants in Zambia are up for the challenge, it’s times like these that open our minds to always plan and think ahead. Why don’t we have another pipeline from Angola into Zambia to date?. For almost 7 years we have been fighting each other causing tribal and regional divisions and what has this achieved for us apart from our folly being exposed by covid-19. We will…

  15. Good move, call prime tv as you will be donatin so that it will be aired live on tv since you have already gone to the medea advatising that you are going to donate, dont forget to donate cattle incase we run out of beef.

  16. Politics aside, let work together against convic. It will be a good chance for him to interact with the bulldozer himself hon lusambo maybe he can solist for him a chance to stand as a councilor in one of the wards in chawama or kanyama under the pf ticket.

  17. Kaizer Zulu still working in government i thought the president fired this guy wonders will never end in PF.

  18. @Kz, wasn’t it you and other PF beggars who were talking about how HH should donate money if he is so rich?
    ‘We challenge him to donate if he is a billionaire ‘
    ‘Look at how Dangote has donated money in his country, where is our millionaire?’
    He donates money and you start saying he should have done so privately, so that you keep saying your stuff?
    Your comment should have ended at, this is progressive, we are glad to work with you. Chapwa.

  19. HH refers to himself as a convict, that’s inaccurate, he was never convicted by a court of a criminal offence, locked up yes, but not a convict.

  20. The man is ready to work with the Government to help the fight and stop the spread of the COVID-19 which is very recommendable and it should be supported by all well meaning Zambian, but the problem am seeing even to high ranking official’s comments they want to politicize everything including the coronavirus, what they are forgetting is that COVID-19 knows no political party or certain group of people……that’s why it need everyone to get involved and see how we can prevent and protect our loved ones.
    stop politicizing the COVID-19 and be patriotic cozy this battle is bigger than our political party affiliations…..we need each other on this trying moment and together we can!

  21. Just donate to the cause like I have done. No need to go to the media and put conditions to your assistance. You are so cheap sir!

  22. You have been working with them all along giving them checks and balances , I recommend you for the hard work you are putting in if you where not there Zambia would have had more problems.

  23. It’s bad to criticize helpers when we need them, it’s wiser to be quiet if we have nothing good to say, unity is achieved through united efforts, a person willing to promote unite grabs every little window which seem to be open, but if we show resistance to the unite that others are expressing, it will express not ”wiling to promote our motor” which is in words by news presenters they always say “ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION”, I expect a well meaning Zambian leader to speak in accordance to our motor, Parents don’t fight with children, no matter how arrogant a child might be, they always try to bring peace through their wisdom, it is embarrassing to note Parents fighting with children, listening is the attitude of the wise. Its time we put our little strength together that we might…

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