Sunday, September 29, 2024

President Lungu authorises Government to recruit 3,400 health workers to curb spread of COVID-19


President Edgar Lungu has authorized the recruitment of 3,400 health personnel in order to enhance measures aimed at curbing the further spread of the coronavirus in the country.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya disclosed that the recruitment that commenced yesterday will comprise of 400 doctors and 3,000 paramedics that will scale up and support response against COVID-19.

Dr. Chilufya added that President Lungu has also directed that incentives be provided for health workers who are at the frontline amidst the fight against the pandemic.

He said the move was aimed at motivating and supporting the courageous health workers who are diligently serving and protecting the nation from the deadly disease.

“The government of the Republic of Zambia under President Lungu continues to place health security at the apex of its health agenda to protect the public from any health hazards. To this effect, we are executing a scalable plan that is sensitive to the data that we get as the epidemic evolves in Zambia,” he said.

The minister revealed that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 still remains at 36 as the country has not recorded any new case in the last 24 hours.

He stated his ministry conducted 99 laboratory tests among the persons who got into contact with the confirmed cases and all have come out negative.

Dr. Chilufya added that five cases that were tested due to public alert have been discharged.

He noted that among the 36 confirmed cases under isolation, 35 are exhibiting mild or no symptoms, while one case still remains on oxygen but not deteriorating.

The minister said to intensify measures, screening at all points of entry have been enhanced through identification of rapid response teams that are able to fast track screening and testing for drivers carrying essential commodities so as not to disrupt trade.

Dr. Chilufya further revealed that government has secured a suitable place for trucks carrying commodities into the country through Livingstone and other border points when drivers are in quarantine for 14 days.

He has continued to urge the public to take preventive measures as advised by his ministry so that the country can minimize the risk of person to person contraction.

Meanwhile, more stakeholders have continued to supplement government efforts in the fight against the pandemic.

ZCCM-IH donated an ambulance to be used for referring patients, while the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority made a donation of hand sanitizers valued at K50, 000.

And the National Health Insurance Management Authority has donated over K2 million advance claims provided to three hospitals, while Biomedical Association of Zambia has contributed 300 laboratory coats and 600 masks for health personnel.

Meanwhile, a global picture shows that over 859,000 cases of COVID-19 have been recorded, resulting in about 42,400 deaths as of yesterday.

Africa has recorded 61, 018 cases, and about 199 deaths in 50 countries and territories.


  1. “President Edgar Lungu has authorized the recruitment of 3,400 health personnel in order to enhance measures aimed at curbing the further spread of the coronavirus in the country.”-LT

    Authorizing to hire more people with no money.

    “Investment Management, said a restructuring of the bonds could be a precondition for Zambia receiving emergency aid from the IMF. “The IMF will only lend to you if they think your debt is sustainable,” he said.”-Financial times

    • So we have such numbers of doctors idling around yet people in rural areas mistake male nurses for doctors. Why wait for the water to reach your neck for you to learn how to swim?

  2. Why this time and not before is what most Zambians do not understand .Does the President have to wait for a crisis like the covid – 19 to employ qualified doctors ?.After this these so called doctors will have to wait for the 48 houses and Mansions in Swaziland to finish before they even get onto the payroll .

  3. Here at first we won’t hear a single comment from the opposition and always criticising danderheads. They are still slumbering in their own urine under the roof of their parents. Once they are up they will think of a reason why this is a bad idea and then spill all their faecial hate on this post. Anyway we are glad our president has taken this decision during this very difficult time. Very commendable the job our health ministry is doing. I am sure the patronizing Americans who compared us to a poor disorganized country during a CNN interview are now gnashing their teeth. Rot in hell you imperial terrorists

  4. If the govt didnt have money to employ them in the time of peace and quiet where has the money come from in these troublous times is this a knee jerk decision that will come and trouble the govts accounts

  5. Kaiserslautern Zulu is a real @rse hole! What the hell is wrong with you! You are full of hate! Man, just go and hug a tree, you are disgusting.

  6. Two months ago the same doctors camped at Ndeke house to petition the minister of health to employ them. He did not even meet them and today he can boast and as usual sing praises to the president for authorising the recruitment. The reason given for not employing them then was lack of fiscal space. Where has the money come from no. This leadership is really one of a kind. Its good however that the young doctors have been employed and I hope they will not remain unpaid like their colleagues from the preceding group.

  7. Failure failure failure, all over. I love you PF guys, no hatred for you and your party, you are humble , no grudge but apa peka mwakangiwa. Mealie meal prices, inflation,fuel prices, exchange rate, UNEMPLOYMENT! It is not an offence to step aside, let others try, what do you want to come and do that you are failing to do now. Do you like to hear things like the kwacha being the second worst performing currency in the WORLD, for the avoidance of doubt and clarity, IN THE WORLD.

  8. So are you not ashamed to have 400 unemployed Doctors out there on the streets when you are giving jobs to dumb people like those Ministers and cadres, the same govt that wants Deputy Ministers …I dont how a normal person can come online and praise this gesture. Only a moron who has no idea how much the govt invests in training one doctor.

  9. Authorizing recruitment of more medical personnel and unless expressly conducted the civil service has recruitment procedure and it may take at least 3 months to have this skilled personnel in place! The critical point however has to do with the treasury authority on final say as I am left to wonder if the president is not exploiting the pain being caused by the pandemic for political expediency! How do you ‘authorize’ more recruitment of health personnel when there is issue with non-payment of salaries for months to the ones that had been recrited and deployed earlier? Preventive measures only needs effective messaging and not care givers without necessary tools especially when you’re counting Ngwee coins in your purse and not Kwacha notes!

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