Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lungu gets kudos over recruitment of medical personnel


The Human Rights Commission (HRC) has commended President Edgar Lungu for authorizing the Ministry of Health to recruit 400 medical doctors and 3,000 paramedics to help in combating the further spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19.

The commission has also commended the collective efforts being undertaken by the government and various stakeholders towards preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Yesterday, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya announced that President Edgar Lungu had ordered the recruitment of 400 doctors and over 3,000 paramedics with immediate effect in order to enhance measures aimed at curbing the further spread of the coronavirus in the country.

Dr. Chilufya disclosed that the recruitment that commenced yesterday is aimed at scaling up and support response against COVID-19.

In a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, HRC spokesperson Mweelwa Muleya noted that there was the need for continued improvement of the measures taken in order to enhance the protection of the fundamental rights to health and life.

“There is also an urgent need to scale up the capacity building of health personnel in terms of skills training such as for the effective handling and management of the virus as well as minimising risks of infection to health personnel themselves,” he said.

Mr. Muleya added that there is also need to provide adequate necessary equipment and materials for effective testing for COVID-19 in order to effectively combat the virus.

He explained that having been declared a global pandemic, COVID-19 poses a threat to the rights to health and life of the majority of citizens.

He said there was, therefore, need for personal and collective efforts and responsibility towards preventing the spread of the virus by adhering to all the guidelines and measures being provided by health experts.

“The commission is hopeful that the current efforts being undertaken at personal, family, community, institutional and national levels will continue being improved in order to safeguard lives against the deadly coronavirus,” he added.


  1. Meanwhile our friends in opposition continue being critical and cannot acknowledge such a positive step. We will continue our fight with or without your help. We now hear hh has donated some assorted goods and in upnd style he has had professional photographers take pictures of him. We thought it was about the people he was helping and not him but when you look at the pictures all you see are him. Zambian can see through such. It explains why he has lost elections 4 times.

    • Means akalila bonzo , mupase. You were crying begging for him to donate, manje chaipa nichani? Do cameras stop rolling when people start making donations after the covid updates by the minister? Is that not PR(unpaid for advertising)? And you expected prime TV to give free air time to companies public relationing?

  2. So it takes a pandemic for health workers like doctors to be employed when there is already an acute shortage of health workers…I doubt these workers will even be paid by reckless Lungu.

  3. mark my word ,all these medical doctors will only be on payroll once the 48 houses and Swaziland Mansions have had a huge slice of tax payers cash

  4. Turning a donation into a political circus is not genuine. A donation should come from your hear not even after been requested by public for so long, to still use such an event for political leverage . Go read hh statement on his Facebook in relation to donation. He is basically criticising government. What a waste of space.

  5. Turning a donation into a political circus is not genuine. A donation should come from your hear not even after been requested by public for so long, to still use such an event for political leverage . Go read hh statement on his Facebook in relation to donation. He is basically criticising government. What a waste of space.x

    • Where did you watch from, from prime TV or you are an adent follower on his Facebook or Twitter page, why have turned yourself into a stalker?

  6. Its good to hear Kz reading about HH donations, not government assets turning them into donations to Zambians. HH has built schools and handed them over to government. Others not even a toilet. Kz, keep on looking for HH news, next will be ventilators to be donated to UTH and other hospitals where government has made ready space for treating people with covid-19.

  7. Hiring is not a problem. Bakwata problem ukufolesha abanabo. The problem we have is abafyashi ebeba panganda. Shameful

  8. He who is not faithful in little cannot be faithful in much!
    Over 3,000 health workers have gone for years without pay! If we could not pay them when our economy was a lot better, what makes us think they will pay “new recruits” and COVID 19 sends our economy into a downward spiral?
    Zambia’s tragedy today is the citizenry entrusting their future in leaders who have no iota of integrity! Our current leaders are full of deceit! They promise Heaven but deliver Hell!

  9. At least HH has donated something .Some massive deck heads like KZ havent despite pocketing trolley loads of taxpayers cash which does not belong to them .

    They will work for mb*L0 ya shamwali -(Nothing), meanwhile cash reserves are being prepared for by elections & 2021.
    Drunk3n thieving Alc0holics are in control.

  11. My only worry is that with the rampant corruption in the PF run institutions even quacks from Uzbekistan will get through the assessments easily. PF corruption has rendered most institutions ineffective

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