Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rev. Pukuta Mwanza dies


Former Executive Director of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), Rev. Pukuta Mwanza has died.

Rev Mwanza died at Forest Park Hospital in Lusaka.

Rev. Mwanza’s death was announced by current ECZ Executive Director Bishop Paul Mususu.

“It is with a heavy heart that I am sad to inform you that Rev Pukuta Njombi Mwanza, Former EFZ ED past into glory this morning at 06:45h at Forest Park Specialised Hospital,” Bishop Mususu announced.

Rev. Mwanza was Executive Director for the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), a position he held from October 2009 to January 2019.

He held academic degrees in Mineral Sciences, Rural Social Development and Organizational Leadership.

In 2018, he became the Executive Director of the Institute for Transformational Leadership (ITL), a non-profit company which he established in Zambia in October 2018.

The organization is aimed at equipping christian leaders for holistic societal transformation.

He authored two books: “A Christian Attitude Towards Suffering and Pain” and “Vision, The Key to Personal Destiny & Organizational Leadership.”

He leaves behind his wife Mrs. Maggie Mwanza and four children, two sons and two daughters.


  1. Rip. What a huge loss. To those uncivilized mongooses above, no one is obligated to disclose a cause of death. You want the reporter to lie to you ? The family can choose whether or not to disclose this. Be mature.

  2. Rip. What a huge loss. To those uncivilized mongooses above, no one is obligated to disclose a cause of death. You want the reporter to lie to you ? The family can choose whether or not to disclose this. Be mature you infants

  3. Life is precious but let’s live noble life knowing that death awits us. I know his weaknesses and I pray God to have mercy on him. These were pro-Kumawas of Lungu and RIP and peace be with your loved ones. Lesson to all of to us that we must be good to others as we don’t know what criteria God will use to judge us.

  4. Madilu System what is wrong with you? Empathy is needed here. Zambia never goes anywhere due to Zambians like you. Easterners are not regional like your brain. They are like we westerners. Zambia first with God.

  5. Kaizer Kodi unayeda ku sukulu iwe Kambwanga? I dont think that Kaizer Zulu at State House is this unschooled.People dont just die. They die from an illness an injury arising from an accident or otherwise or peacefully in their sleep. It is a reporter’s job to tell his audience that. Even if the relatives say he died from an undisclosed illness the reporter has to tell us that.

  6. Cause of death is a state secret pa Zed. I remember how Guy Scott was almost harassed for discussing the late Sata’s illness not knowing he obtained such information freely from the hospital where the late was incidentally treated. What is wrong with us kansi? Benangu ma guys do not even want their wives to see their underwear – akuti switch off the lights every night mwati!

  7. Any relationship to the COVID-19 problem? The Minister of Health said the victim had some conditions, had traveled to high risk areas, and was receiving treatment at a private hospital. If people were to know that the Reverend (MHSRIP) succumbed to the pandemic, you would see how people would start adhering to the directives from the medical experts. That is the unfortunate truth.

  8. So, not more than 50 people will attend this funeral. We shall see whether GRZ is able to practice what they preach. Just a thought.

  9. I knew Rev. Mwanza personally. He was a very hardworking, intelligent, educated, selfless and patriotic Zambian. Contrary to other negative sentiments, Rev. Mwanza was an exceptional man of integrity. On many occasions he refused to take up very well paying jobs with international organisations. He was a man not about money, but service to God’s Kingdom and the nation at large. Indeed great people don’t
    die, they continue to live in the hearts and minds of many people through their noble acts while on earth. It’s indeed not how long one lives, but how well one lives. Jesus died as a youth at 33. Jesus had fulfilled His mission, thats why He said it’s finished. We will miss you gallant soldier of Christ. To us left behind, lets us personally ask our selves this question; What…

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