Monday, March 10, 2025

Government admits selling Kamwala Remand and Lusaka Central Prisons


The PF government has finally admitted that land on which Kamwala Remand Prison and Lusaka Central Prison commonly known as Chimbokaila has been sold.

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo disclosed that the two parcels of land have been sold to private investors in a Public Private Partnership deal.

Mr Kampyongo further revealed that one of the partners, Mukuyu Ventures who have bought the land on which the Kamwala Remand Prison sits has already started constructing a new and modern correctional facility in Mwembeshi where the inmates will be transferred.

Mukuyu Ventures, which is a subsidiary company of Green Capital Holdings, a company based in Nairobi, Kenya which is building Africa’s tallest building in Nairobi.

The Home Affairs Minister was speaking Friday morning when he featured on Hot FM’s Red Hot Breakfast Show.

“I am not sure the name of the other investor. You can check with the PPP Unit for details but I know they have taken up the construction of a second facility, it is also within Mwembeshi,” Mr Kampyongo said.

But a source within the Ministry of Home Affairs have disclosed that the second investor is known as Saltech Enterprises.

The developers have earmarked to construct financial and commercial complex at both locations.

Mr Kampyongo said the new correctional facilities will include a school, enough space for outdoor activities and a bigger health facility to provide medical care.


  1. This is scary….PF bandits are destroying Zambia….selling the country to Coronavirus manufacturers…shame on Lungu and he needs to be out of office

  2. Thanks for the clarity. What was the reason why at first this was considered as fake news? Question I have: Was there an open bid for the land or was it done under private treaty? For sure, building a modern correction facility was long over due. But the process of sale needed to be transparent, assuming it was not advertised. Can we have more information please from the Minister? Or maybe I can write to the PPP Unit for more information? I am just a concerned citizen who believes in the rule of law.

  3. We just have to stand as one and make sure that these are removed from office. Enough is enough. A few individuals can not cause so much suffering due to their selfishness.

    A lot of problems are as a result of a few people, the best is we stand as one and have them removed in 2021.

  4. Bloody hell. Kenya politics and business is like flies on human feaces. A recent investigation revealed that 80% of Kenya Airways planes are owned by politicians and civil servants who are leasing these planes to KQ. How in this world can a civil servant own a commercial jet? This is where PF is leading our country into the gutter of quagmire with Kenya corruption. There is already stories of govt insurance being offered to Kenyan private insurers over state owned ZISC. What a tragedy!

  5. Good move. My only worry is whether we will manage to be bringing remandees to hear their cases in Lusaka. Maybe Chimbokaila should have been retained

  6. Government of the people, for the people, by the people!
    We’re Zambians consulted?
    Was the the whole thing advertised?
    The new developer (s) should ensure that procedure was followed otherwise their investment will be in vain! The time PF will be out of power, there will be no one to defend their illegalities!

  7. There’s nothing wrong with this, as land use can change at any time. If the govt has got value for money, wht’s wrong with that? Title to property can change. There’s nothing permanent.

  8. These are thugs how did they even select this investor..are you telling us the Correctional facilities will have fuel to ferry prisoners to courts from Mwembeshi. They have sold Jarcaranda School, NRDC…they always talk of PPP they dont even k ow what it is and it’s an outright sale. They will sell everything….

  9. Nothing wrong in selling those pieces of land that are within the CBD however there should have been transparency in the way the sale was done. when were the pieces of land advertised? Why partner with foreign investors were there no zambian investors intrested in those pieces of land too? Denying to the public then only to come up later and just say the land was sold is wrong and does not show any integrity in the manner the whole thing was done and that is why zambians are losing faith in their govt beverage very soon you will hear that the lower zambezi national park is sold too because the issue has gone quiet without a concrete solution to the saga coming forth.

  10. He is pretending not to know the investor when he knows him…these are greedy corrupt people who will liquidate every piece of government land.

  11. “The PF government has finally admitted that land on which Kamwala Remand Prison and Lusaka Central Prison commonly known as Chimbokaila has been sold.”-LT

    At least now you have come to terms the way you’re explaining. Now we need to hear from the (RZ) Republic of Zambia government.

    Zambian stock market has been stagnant since PF took over The Republic.

  12. This is the future. In order for the public sector to be self sufficient income generating entities, we need to partner with the private sector. Please note the word is partnership and not sold. Do not be misled. We still have a stake, actually a majority stake and so decide what happens on that land. This is what we hope unza will do too so that it stops being reliant fully on tax payers money. Kz

  13. Mwembeshi! so far away how will we be visiting our relatives and friends who will soon be imprisoned by the new government

  14. Flash back, November 8th, 2017, this is what HH stated; “Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has revealed that Government has sold the National Resources Development College in Lusaka to the Chinese. Mr Hichilema also disclosed that the Government has sold land where the Lusaka Central Prison known as Chimbokaila is situated…”

  15. In February 2018, in his usual way, Sunday Chanda told the nation of HH’s ‘lying about the sell of Chimbokaila Prison’ He even challenged him for evidence and asked him to ‘reflect on his political career because of lying’. The PF not only lack intelligence, but also have very short memories. Perhaps they also take advantage of the fact that many Zambians, as usual, will have forgotten about past occurrences.

  16. “LET’S ROLL”.
    P.F resident Cadre, B.R. Mumba.

  17. Why did the investor not renovate
    Kamwala and Chimbokaila?Instead
    Of going mwembeshi.Transport will always be a problem.

  18. These illegal transactions done under the stewardship of Mukula 1, aka Jona Ch@k0lwa ma Whiskey Kadansa, WILL NEED TO BE NULLIFIED/CANCELLED AS SOON AS THESE P.F VIRUSES WORSE THAN CORONA ARE OUT OF POWER.
    Goon’s like lying Monday Red Lip Chanda & Chimpyongo should get life imprisonment

  19. Jona was flying to Nairobi at night, Narco dealer in tow.
    Wonder what that we all about, as cannot trust this Widow embezzling barred excuse for a Lawyer & President.

  20. As long as we have good prisons. Next please get some investor to get Sikanzwe Camp. We need a modern complex there instead of colonial elephants meant for Grade 7 police officers. Imagine our graduate police officers live in those heaped houses!

  21. No points guessing what these morons we build …yes you are right its a shopping mall. What of those underground tunnels which go to the High court. You see resident PF bloggers who have been here for years are no where to seen expect the impostor who can change alias for fun and without shame.

  22. I see nothing wrong with relocating the jailhouses , as long as the zambian public benifit and immediately alternative better facitites are built ,

    What is wrong is the elusivness of the lungu pf GRZ , everything is lies.

  23. Lungu must be mad at the people that gave him the presidency. He is out to prove that he’s not the best or right person to be looking after our country. Out to sabotage his position. He can not wait to leave State House. Zambians will forgive him, he will retire and be looked after by the state. We have been there before.
    Releasing all this info when everyone is focused on Covid-19.

  24. Good thinking so that when the next govnt is formed all PF thugs can be locked up in new facilities!!!

  25. Good thinking so that when the next govnt is formed all PF thugs can be locked up in new facilities!!!

  26. Every minister and PS under PF will go behind bars. They can steal up until July 2021. Then they will have cabinet meetings behind bars with supreme leader chained for life.

  27. They are building a damn new prison for themselves to be locked up in 2021. A huge thank U to PF ministers for building jail to keep them for economic sabotage and killing millions for the money that these stole and deprived zambians medicines, food, school.

  28. The relocation of both prisons is a great idea, especially for those of us who participated in the formulation of the Integrated Development Plan for Lusaka. However, what’s worrying is the manner in which that land has been sold. It lacks transparency, but then that’s the way PF does things. When people began to say GRZ had sold Kamwala Remand Prison to Lamise Govt vehemently denied that story, in fact there were even threats on the whistles blowers. Later we might hear that they’ve shares in the businesses that will come up on that land. Mobutu stole so much money from Zaire but where is the wealth, it can’t be traced and not even his family have benefited from it. That should be a lesson for many of our politicians, please make decisions in the interest of the public and you’ll…

  29. With COVID-19 Crisis on our hands why did the Minister reveal this secret sale of State Land and Property? How much were these two pieces of land sold for and who is the beneficiary? What was the rationale of selling Prisons land and re-locating the Prisons to Mwembeshi? The Minister needs to issue an official Statement to explain the sale of these two pieces of land.

  30. Each time you hear Zambians saying “they see nothing wrong with something,” especially when transparency and procedure seems to have been doggy, just know that we have lost it!
    The politicians are energized by such a docile citizenry to act with impunity in selling parcels of land and pocket huge kickbacks! It’s clear they have successfully delivered this parcel of land and Zambians are in full support without questions. Next is NRDC and UNZA land. In all this, the winners are PF leaders! Zambians have the short end of the stick!

  31. We vote for a group of people called a political party to form an executive arm of GRZ to run the affairs of this nation. THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED. Are we going to raise a hullabaloo everytime GRZ does it’s job?? What is wrong with moving and expanding correctional facilities to Mwembeshi where they will be upgraded and there’s vast land compared to the congested colonial Chimbokaila prison???

  32. These are wicked men and women in suits. We portray Satan to be dressed in filthy and dirt clothes or garments but Satan is very smart and that is how I know him. These are men who are appear honorable but without honors. Foolish people!

  33. There’s no debate here but just condemnation. That’s not debate. I know of no govt that doesn’t sell public assets. Do u think the Tennessee Valley Authority is still in public hands in USA? Cranfield University in UK was once a Royal Air Force technical sch during world war 2. After the war, govt said RAF didn’t need it. Today it’s a world leading aviation engineering sch. There’s nothing forever.

  34. Advocate: I hv not said a word on procedure. I hv merely debated the practice of selling public assets. Procedure has to be followed no doubt. If not consequences follow. Look here, during war or a threatening war for example, there’s a lot of spending on military assets. Once the war is over, an asset sale is normally done. The jargon is “peace dividend”. It amounts to the same thing.

  35. So a govt with a strong corrupt record sells off land with little or no transparency in the process and we can’t see anything wrong with it? Even when they behave suspiciously by denying their intention when HH called them out on it!! Well what a gullible docile lot we are! We fully deserve these leaders! Full disclosure please!!!

  36. I’m not party to the transaction and I hv seen no documentation related to the transaction. I’m not even looking for documentation related to the transaction. I’m merely commenting on the concept of change of land use. Even private citizens change land use and also sell their land. Why not the state? I can’t talk about corruption where I hv no evidence. I’m simply too far away from this matter.

  37. @Nemwine, nothing wrong with government selling land, or indeed any asset.
    But, and pay attention here, there is everything wrong with the procedure here! Everything. And if the procedure is wrong, then the sale is very questionable. We can equate this situation to Bill 10, there is nothing wrong with amending the constitution, but the process makes the whole exercise useless.
    How do you sale public property without a tender? And as someone above has rightly stated, why is it that when HH stated that PF had sold the Prisons there was strong denial and insults?

  38. What kind of legal agreement may exist with a private buyer, whose terms of purchase also include the construction of a new Prison in Mwembeshi?
    Why wasn’t there a public offer by way of invitation for tenders for construction of a prison? This whole affair reeks of corruption, where there is no transparency, we are allowed to think otherwise.
    No one person would question this if the sale was advertised, and the construction of a new prison also put in the public domain.
    We just wake up and are told the Prisons have been sold and the buyer will construct new Prisons?
    The corruption in PF!

  39. Just what else have these crooks not sold in this country? We should be prepared for more revelations as we head to the election next year. There were rumours that they have indeed sold the said govt properties but these bandits refuted the story and labelled the source deranged and jealousy of the PF govt. Let us just brace ourselves for more surprises country men and women!

  40. Green Capital Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is an enterprise in China, with the main office in Hangzhou. The enterprise currently operates in the Real Estate sector. The company was established on July 07, 1998. There are currently 46 (2018) people employed by Green Capital Holdings Group Co., Ltd..

  41. Its also shocking how you can just select a private foreign investor to build something as a high risk security building such as Prison just like that …its a danger to national security.

  42. @Tarino: is the private foreign investor just putting up a structure or setting up the operations systems as well?? Don’t Americans or Europeans or Chinese build even military installations all over the world?? Ati national security…ibange ilakola…..

  43. Where is that st.1nky Red lipped Belly 1d.iot Monday Chanda?
    I guess eating stolen Cash transfer funds, whilst thinking up the latest lies to feed a docile gullible nation, ba K0Lw3′ baya saana!!

  44. These Kapyongo, guys know that they are on there way out, so they have decided to sale all prime land to benefit their belly. What they are not thinking is new government will investigate and if it is Forest 27, will come bull doze the houses and plant the trees. Including Chimutengo forest for Tasila the daughter. These people, their hands are dirty.

  45. How will the remindees be transport in good time forcourt sessions from Mwembeshi. The Kamwala, and Chimbokaila needed face lift not selling to developers. Same story as NRDC land, where are your brains. Oh, i forgot morals and brains thrown outta the window by corruption. Why cant the developers instead go to Mwembeshi?

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