Saturday, September 28, 2024

No Zambians Abused in China on Account of Spreading COVID-19-Daniel Chisenga


The Zambian Consulate in Guangzhou has described as unfortunate social media reports alleging racial discrimination and victimisation against people of colour in that part of China on the pretext that they were spreading the Corona virus.

Consul General His Excellency Mr. Daniel Chisenga has said no such cases have been recorded involving Zambian nationals.

Mr. Chisenga noted that his office was inundated with calls from some Zambian parents whose children are studying in that region of China.

He said the Consulate was in constant touch with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office of the Guangzhou Municipality People’s Government Director General Mr. Liu Baochun who described reports of racial discrimination as a misrepresentation of facts.

Mr. Chisenga said the Office of the Director General had clarified that flights by a named airline carrying passengers from Africa had been temporarily suspended due to increasing imported cases of COVID 19 that were traced to the airline.

Mr. Chisenga said the Consulate had not recorded any cases involving Zambians of forced testing for Corona virus but that those wishing to voluntarily do so would be allowed.

He has since assured parents in Zambia and Zambians in Guangzhou of their safety and well-being and that the Consulate will remain in constant communication with the Chinese authorities.

Mr. Chisenga further disclosed that he was also assured during the meeting with Mr. Baochun of protection of the African community from the further spread of the disease.


  1. I saw the video were Nigerians were complaining of being chased out of hotels and apartments, and the Chinese in the video didn’t look like they were joking. Did those Nigerians have labels on their forehead saying that they were spreading the virus? And Zambian students have one that says that they don’t spread the virus ? How can the Chinese tell who is Zambian and who’s Nigerian?

  2. Maybe there are no Zambians living in “Little Africa” Nigerians are full of drama “too much wahala” where ever they go. Recently a coronavirus infected Nigerian man attacked a Chinese nurse by bitting her on her face, that’s the reason why Nigerians are experiencing coronavirus fueled Xenophobia in that province in China

  3. Chisenga is telling us a Chinese lie.
    Students have nothing to do with airlines so what lie is Chisenga perpetuating?
    Ba.s.t.ard Chisenga is full of inferiority complex and toing the Chinese line instead of protecting our children. This statement is a lie, Zambians like other African students, are facing racial Chinese hostilities.

  4. I’m waiting for KZ to say they should come back home and stop complaining. If these Chinese are allowed to misbehave we only have ourselves to blame. Africa’s time to free itself from the shackles is now. Let’s take our national assests back and look inwards for development. This virus is a sign for Africa to unite and act as one. We can trade amongst ourselves and decide our own destiny as a result of this crisis.

  5. When in foreign land respect the values and culture of your host. I trust many zambian are respectful that is why we have not received reports or complaints from zambian nationals there. I know zambian are hardworking and avoid unnecessary trouble. This is different from those who have adopted citizenship of other countries. I am talking likes of tarino and friends. These lack respect because they think they are now Europeans

    • I said will not comment after you really upset me with unwarranted language I responded the same way. Have realised that my reaction was not wrong. I just read articles without all you new pit heads on this platform now. How m0ronic is your thinking. Your thinking makes it right for those French scientists to say we should test this in Africa. We all know which country they meant but the whole Africa reacted. Now for you an insult on another black is ok and first to find a reason and excuse why. Truly if you work from state house then the place is messed up to have you responding on Media like this. The whole place is full of a lower calibre than you obviously to the last person. If you’re from state house as the KZ then god forbid. No different from Tarino including your boss

  6. Meanwhile Barrick Joins Fight Against Covid-19 in Côte d’Ivoire
    Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire – April 9, 2020 – Barrick Gold Corporation’s country manager for Côte d’Ivoire, Bodiel N’Diaye, today donated $1.3 million to Minister of Mines Jean Claude Kouassi to support Côte d’Ivoire in its campaign against the Covid-19 pandemic. The donation will be used for medical and social aid, including the provision of protective equipment and sanitary materials.
    $850,000 of that amount will be allocated at a national level, $320,000 at a regional level and $135,000 will go to the district and communities around Barrick’s Tongon mine.
    Barrick owns and operates the Tongon gold mine in Côte d’Ivoire and has a long history of partnering with the government and local communities, including in the field of…

  7. @KZ so you think the behaviour by the Chinese authorities is warranted? We know that you guys would rather find excuses to criticise your own people than face the music. Do you think the Chinese here in Zambia are exhibiting our cultural values? We will not take kindly to any reports of mistreatment of our people in China. China is our all weather friend but when it comes to discrimination and harassment we need to tell our friend to take a chill pill or else they will not seat comfortably here in Zambia.

  8. Typical of Zambian response, the fact that it happened to Africans living there it affects Zambia too and it must be condemned. Stop rubbing Chinese ass’s! These are terrible racists.

  9. come on guys we all know Chinese in China are racists if you have ever studied or lived their you will know remember the black washing machine advert, or the blackface concerts or the Chinese bloggers making African kids say they are n\34gg\as in \chinese.

    these Chinese folk need to know racists is wrong….but because our governments have made us beggars they remain silent!

  10. I watched the videos. They’re simply appalling and unacceptable. The Chinese are not giving services to ANY AFRICAN, not just Nigerians. This is unacceptable given the fact that the Chinese in Africa are treated well, and yet Africans in China are so badly mistreated. Watch this YouTube video and see what’s happening. Here: ****youtube link deleted****

  11. These people always in denial, these *****s ll kill us all, action is needed,ati ” No new Covid-19 infections” ,now its “There is No Zambians in China”. Next time it ll be “No, we didnt table bill 10 in Parliament” or “No the price of mealie meal is not high”.

  12. This is now a full blown dictatorship,for those of u that started Civics in grade 8.Can u remember the features of a dictatorship?its that simple guys, this is it.

  13. Future zed and the rest, please note that we do take the Chinese to task when they break our values and laws. The same lusambo you criticize has been known to challenge foreign owned businesses when they have fallen below our expected standards. However, when lusambo does this, you criticize him. So what do you want? Remember that being foreign means you are still learning the cultures and dos and Donts of that country. Most zambian in China are there to study and that is what they should concentrate on. We don’t have any complaints. I cannot speak for other African nations. Their countries are better placed to deal with an issue

  14. Cat power good to see you back. I had even forgotten about you. There was no need to be emotional when you initiated the insults against me. I am a father and husband and deserve some respect. I have you 24 hours to apologise but you decided to run away only to return now. You have continued issues baseless allegations and criticisms. I hope you change for the better because Zambia deserves better. Welcome back

  15. @Black Muntu yes in a racial attack you must stand for your race. You can’t say It was only Nigerians. We Zambians are known for racial solidarity. That is how we liberated other African states. We said we will fight any oppression of our kind no matter where or by who

  16. This Chisenga guy is not telling the truth at all. The Chinese are discriminating against ANY AFRICAN…This is unacceptable that you cover up for people who are clearly being racist towards your own black brothers and sisters, just because you think they’re not from your country. Wake up, Africans. Go to YouTube and watch WODE MAYA’s video entitled: “China Is Kicking Black People Out Because OF Corona Virus!” You’ll see in the video that they’re denying service to ANY BLACK AFRICAN! The African Union needs to make an official complaint to the Chinese government, to have this terrible discrimination against Africans stopped.

  17. @KZ, …Just because something happens to a non Zambian African doesn’t mean it’s none of your concern. If it happens to a Ugandan, a Kenyan or Nigerian today, it may happen to a Zambian tomorrow. If you were in China yourself today, the chances are you would not be allowed to lodge in any hotel. China is increasingly becoming anti black Africans. They’re denying them rent, hospital service, hotel lodging etc. JUST BECAUSE THEY”RE BLACK AND ESPECIALLY AFRICAN. If that doesn’t outrage you, then it means you’re just narrow minded and you don’t see beyond the borders of Zambia. Watch this video by WODE MAYA on YouTube and see what they’re doing to black Africans. It’s entitled: “China Is Kicking Black People Out Because OF Corona Virus!”

  18. When will be move toward tribal balance in diplomatic service? Only one tribe representing the whole of Zambia. This ain’t right.

  19. China our all weather friend. My foot! What a load of hogwash. And we want to give them KCM. Unions are being instigated to chase Glencore and end result is Mopani taken over by Chinese. What a nation of empty tins?

  20. @Bana Kantwa
    Iwe na Kantwa tell that to Daniel Chisenga who said that ”no such cases have been recorded involving Zambian nationals” ”No Zambians Abused in China on Account of Spreading COVID-19-Daniel Chisenga” According to him if Nigerians were attacked that’s fine as if Zambians are invisible in China

  21. Chinese personnel started covid-19. The brought h1n1 and the SARS disease. It originated in China. What is wrong with these Chinese people. Africans did not eat those nasty bats or snakes. The Chinese did. Africans always fight as one in a racial matter always. Semantics can be handled later. A Zambian embassy is an African embassy remember that.

  22. We hope that’s the case. But nothing wrong with force testing! Because testing is part of the solution. In West people are complaining of not having enough test kits. Settle down and obey authorities.

  23. AFRICANS, AFRICANS, AFRICANS, YABA!! That’s the calibre of a P.F official.
    Ati, these Blacks being discriminated against are NOT ZAMBIANS, so the Chinese are free to behave in a primitive discriminatory way co’z “China is our all weather friend”.
    The only Race on the Planet that does not have solidarity with one another, & reason why potentially the richest Continent, with the poorest & most miserable inhabitants.
    Had this discriminating cr.@p happened to White people, despite them being Norwegian, French, Spanish, the whole White western world would be up in arms & their chief Donald Trump would be leading calls for action & consequences, have we now forgotten how Mugabe was treated by the west, & even after his demise, Zimbabwe still faces harsh sanctions?
    But NOT Mafirika,…

  24. *Cont;
    but NOT Mafirika, to them “the belly & the wallet talks” & that is the exactly the P.F philosophy of ub0mba Mw!bala, so any wonder Black South Africans will not think twice of maiming & burning a fellow Black African, most whom hail from nations that helped these same Sa.v@ges end Apartheid, BUT not touch a China Man, or any other racial grouping?
    **PLEASE IM NOT ADVOCATING FOR ANYONE, OR ANY RACIAL GROUPING TO BE TARGETED & ASSAULTED IN R.S.A, OR ANYWHERE, just using this as an example so as open people’s eyes into our behaviours towards our own as Black Africans today.
    Rest my case!

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