Saturday, September 28, 2024

Zambia Police led by Bowman Lusambo Arrest the proprietor of Chris Mall


Police in Lusaka last night arrested the proprietor of Chris Mall in Chamba Valley Chris Chiinda for disregarding measures pronounced by President Edgar Lungu to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Mr Chiinda, the Munali Constituency aspiring Member of Parliament was arrested together with patrons at a bar located at his Mall in Chamba Valley.

And Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo who led the team into a night operation was disappointed that a Bar belonging to an aspiring parliamentarian was fully operational with many patrons enjoying themselves with no regard to social distancing.

Mr Lusambo said it is highly disappointing that Mr Chiinda who was found on the scene is failing to respect presidential orders to stay home and close his bar.

“If we have to offer ourselves for leadership, we have to be ready to lead by example”, Mr Lusambo said.

He has warned that the operation will continue and will even be intensified going into the Easter long weekend.

President Edgar Lungu on Thursday extended by two weeks the measures he announced to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 in Zambia.

In a national address aired on state TV, President Lungu noted that the measures have yielded some level of success although they have a game away livelihoods of some people.

He announced that Zambia has as tidal horn a full week without recording any new case of COVID-19.

President Lungu explained that out of the 82 tests conducted over the last 24 Hours, none were found positive.


  1. we know you…is a presidential directive law? utuntu zoona..who the fvck do you think you are kansi? so how do you expect people to survive?

  2. I am not in support of those breaking the rules for the lockdown. But is going round with vigilantes and arresting people part of a minister’s job description?

  3. Look at this bone head thick stone thrower lusambo , a whole minister doing a simple police man’s work……

    Then some foooools come shouting ati hard working ????

    What a rotten system where a whole minister does work of a street policeman , the policemans job remains to chase opposition and no one does the work of the minister which is to fix the bigger problems facing the country

  4. The rationale behind shutting bars, gyms, night clubs, and CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS, which have a more organized set up compared to markets and mini buses which have been left to roam around is inconsiderate, shut businesses they also have families and workers to pay too.

  5. Bowman Lusambo doesnt have the powers under the law to arrest anyone and at any time in Zambia .The police are the ones mandated by the law to arrest people based on what they see as evidence of crime .The police are not supposed to act on political directives as they are trained to do their job without .How on earth can the police arrest Lusambo for offences he has done in the past if they are now receiving orders from him .This government is worse than covid -19 to put it mildly .

    • Please, try to be sincere with the analogy you make. You can’t compare your fellow human being to the fatal and most fearful disease that has caused the entire globe to be on lockdown. immagine the death toll that has rocked Itally, USA, France, Spain and many more. This is unspeakable. Covid 19 is not a disease to play with. It claimed thousands lives within the shortest possible time compared to HIV.
      Hate Covid 19 love Bowman.

  6. Are we really testing enough??? Or we are limited by the testing machinery? You test 0-82 on a for 7 days and you boast of success. You had quarantined 5-6000 people what has happened to them?.

  7. These actions say a lot about the economic impact people are feeling. Lives first of course, but could we have supported the bail out packages the westerners are giving their citizens?? If not, maybe a take-away/19hrs closure for bars to help with the economic impact??

  8. As Aristotle has put it, aren’t markets/bus stops/Freedom way present a catastrophic outcome compared to bars which can be easily controlled?? The social distancing at those salaula points on Freedom way is non-existant and the number of people per given time is alarming???

  9. Lusambo you are a hardworking man who takes his city and job seriously. Do not be deterred by the critics. They will criticise anything you do as long as they are in opposition. To them as a pf member you can only do wrong. So ignore those village goats. We warned people about illegal assembling against presidential order. Some people think the rules don’t apply to them. Be warned. Kz

  10. Miles Sampa arrested security staff at a bar in Lusaka. And now Bowman has replicated the move. My question is don’t these people in the leadership have more important duties to attend to rather than masquerade as policemen? Host meetings to plan how you can try to get the country out of the mess you put it in and let the police do their job. They are more than capable!

  11. Bowman Lusambo doesnt have the powers under the law to arrest anyone at any time in Zambia .The police are the ones mandated by the law to arrest people based on what they see as evidence of crime .The police are not supposed to act on political directives as they are trained to do their job without undue influence from thugs like Lusambo .How on earth can the police arrest Lusambo for offences he has done in the past if they are now receiving orders from him ?This government is worse than covid -19 to put it

  12. Lusambo is doing a good job protecting the same cockroaches who would perish once attached by covid and are now insulting him

  13. The Patriot 

    “…Miles Sampa arrested security staff at a bar in Lusaka. And now Bowman has replicated the move. My question is don’t these people in the leadership have more important duties to attend to rather than masquerade as policemen?….”

    That is the point the du.ll PF rats on LT don’t comprehend…..ati hard working minister

    A minister doing a policemans job ?

    Why doesn’t lusambo fix issues like flooding in Lusaka ? Or garbage piling up ? Or street vendors not using designated trading areas ? Or LCC not seeing any of the monies collected from markets and bus stops ???

    If you can answer those questions , you know why Zambia is finished under lungu and pf….

  14. Why can’t the police work on there own without Boman. It seems the Minister is more than the IG now

  15. I am not his supporter but on this
    One he is doing a great job.We don’t want to experience what
    Western countries experiencing.

  16. Just a friendly tip to Mr Bowman and Mr Miles. When you are busy doing other people’s work, bear in mind that your own job is suffering.

  17. At least, this time, the wrath fell on the licence holder – patrons were not whipped. But why insist on drinking in a bar when you can buy beer from a supermarket and drink it at home?

  18. Mr pitty honourable lusambo is the man of the moment he is doing a very good than other provcial ministers, learn a argue without insultin. You are very childish

  19. Owing to the dysfunction of PF regime on structures of good governance, their cadres, MPs and ministers hardly understand their roles, limits and overlaps of authority. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding has spread to the general public to the extent that others say Lusambo’s action is hard working, others claim its police job to arrest while more national pressing issues can not be tackled. We are becoming uneducated lot due to a failing political system.

  20. Quite a high proportion of d.ull Zambians here. The Presidential directive is intended to protect Zambians against the pandemic. See what is happening to America you morons. I do not like Lusambo but I don’t care whether the Presidential directive is law or not, Lusambo is doing his job or not, all I care for is that the actions are directed towards a positive outcome. Why should Chiinda’s bar be open when others are closed? Whether it was from a tip-off, well done Zambians and Lusambo – keep it up.

  21. @Bashi chite just imagine if a civilian leads police in arresting people what impression does it have on the police? He is their commander? And when people have a complaint against this civilian you think the police will act? No he has shown them that he is above the law! The police force should be independent from government officials like Bowman. And where’s the minister responsible for the police?

  22. We know that is a very difficult time especially for those with side chicks and side pieces. But remember we are all in this together. Hahah. Stay strong guys. We will soon come out of this but the only way is by complying with social distancing so that when it is over you can socially keep a close distance to your side piece.

  23. Kaizer Zulu, the rogue as usual refuses to appear before court order for assaulting, false imprisonment and kidnapping of Benard Nshindano, Sengelwayo Jere and Saul Masikoti at Chita Lodge last year. Those sued are the chief rogue Kaizer Zulu, and his fellow molesters Mpange Kachingwe, Raffiq Rasid and Bellan Mwanza.
    As said, Kaizer Zulu is public enemy number one in Zambia for harassing, maiming, assaulting, firing using a gun, kidnapping and dehumanising Zambians. Zambians deserve justice, whatever he says on this site, he masquerades, he’s an enemy of Zambians.

  24. It has to take this heap of cow dung in the name of Bowman to lead the Police as if it was themselves on their own they would have been retired in national interest by IG for provoking the untouchables…this is another case Bowman has stumbled on which will blow in his face when it gets to PF Secretariat..this Chrispin Chiinda aka Chris Mall is probably a big funder of PF. Every criminality in this country from Mukula to racketeering points to the ruling party that’s how lawless my country has become…shameless morons.

  25. If this was Miles Sampa he would have been sent home with his tail between his legs …the same way he is failing to deal with corrupt Market Managers instead of going to ACC or Police with evidence.

  26. I wonder whether the so called social distancing , is nt that idea copied from the western? The so called political advisor was claiming, Zambians will resolve the covid19 issue in their own way. He even went to an extent of attacking people in diaspora.
    This guy is a big mouth BUT empty head, just as the enept Lusambo, who they are pouring with praise for hard working.
    Much as Lusambo can be a “hard worker”, this case is purely misuse of police. I wouldnt have minded if it was Kampyongo leading this arrest, definitely not Lusambo. This is sending out a completely different message, how politics is done in Zambia under PF.

  27. Zennia – You must be a woman and a wife to ask that question…really laughable…not that I am condoning that behaviour.

  28. Zennia – You must be a woman and a wi.fe to ask that question…really laughable…not that I am condoning that behaviour.

  29. President goes to address some people during flood inspections in Northern province and says in bemba if you catch uyu ubulwele ubwaisa kufwa, that is not true, tell the people that there is likely hood of death but don’t say they will die, cant you see that there are more recoveries than death. Kaizar misleading him yet again. For the guy harrassing people in Lusaka province, it is very difficult to give an illiterate primitive person a terms of reference, he has no use for them. Forgive the guy, tolerate him for now and lets roll into 2021 and make that important descision

  30. It is clear that Educated Zambians are a big problem. Why do we shy away from facts. The fact is someone was in the wrong buy operating a bar this time around period. What is so special Muma bar kanshi.? I no Lusambo fun but clearly he is doing a good job on this one. Authorities must now start fining these morons. Charge them K15000 each as penalty

  31. general Kanene – You people are either incredibly stupid or just brain dead…which political adviser? You think Kz can come on LT to comment everyday ..really laughable.

  32. Was the police chief of Zambia outside the country or they feared to wake him up? This is an insult to the department of police chief.

  33. Mukaya Simubali – He or even you as a citizen can accompany the police as an observer…know your rights and where your tax dollars are being utilized.

  34. @ Tarino Orange,
    I know you are hate after loosing your long build brand of Jay Jay, someone destroyed it. I feel with you.
    You will do better to expose that impersonator other than making more enemies by pouring unnecessary insults on me. If you are intelligent enough, you should have understood from my comments that, I find it difficult to accept it, that this guy, is the real former advisor to the Presido.
    If its really true, that its him, then God have mercy. Simply the quality he has displayed on this forum IS NOT to the level of someone who would be an advisor to a President. So if you are sure that KZ = N__E–Z. as you claim, put the facts here, other than insulting me.

  35. @ Tarino Orange,
    I know you are hate after loosing your long build brand of Jh@y Jh@y, someone destroyed it. I feel with you.
    You will do better to expose that impersonator other than making more enemies by pouring unnecessary insults on me. If you are intelligent enough, you should have understood from my comments that, I find it difficult to accept it, that this guy, is the real former advisor to the Presido.
    If its really true, that its him, then God have mercy. Simply the quality he has displayed on this forum IS NOT to the level of someone who would be an advisor to a President. So if you are sure that KZ = NN__EE–Zh. as you claim, put the facts here, other than insulting me.

  36. I have been indoors for 4 weeks straight only going out 2 times to replenish food and toilet paper(!) In that 4 weeks. Now we have an extension to the lockdown. We are listening to govt and experts here. Hospitals full to capacity. My 24 hour heart monitor tape appointment cancelled. Others with cancer treatment have had them cancelled.

    Meanwhile, somewhere in Africa…….people are complaining of efforts made to save their lives. Stop being daft people. Last stats show ,10,000approx. Africans contracted COVID,. It may worsen. Let the bars sell only takeaway beers from a window not congregational in tiny space if they worry of income loss.

  37. Pathetic Failures. We have to eradicate ourselves of these pathetic Failures. How on earth does a whole Provincial Minister start micro-managing local law enforcement? Does he not understand his job description? In fact that’s a job for the city council police. And surprisingly, the great leader approves Oct such nonsense. Very pathetic indeed.

  38. How about if this same lusambo is busy passing on covid-19 through this useless operation is doing? Has any one tested this man for Corona? Stay home you dingbat this is not your job. We could not see you during the flooding and now busy showing how dull you are thinking Lusaka is katondo street?

  39. C©©n N3z, fake K@,!zar, take a break from spewing delusions on L.T iwe’ Ch@nga -(Bushbaby).
    The energy you use venting your delicious could be used productively.
    Go & join a charity shop like Oxfam in your community & put yourself to good use mambala iwe’!!

  40. **Typo;
    the energy you use venting your “delusions” NOT delicious.

  41. general Kanene – I dont comment on LT to make penpals or for likes so your threats are pointless…as for alias I can pick up names anywhere you will still recognise my modus operandi (MO).

  42. I am now beginning to understand why tarino hates me and continues to allege I am some M3Z guy. So was tarinos alias stolen ? It explains alot about you tarino. You must be so passionately hated that people can go to such measures to get rid of you. Maybe you need to reflect on that and change course. How sad. So this is why you think I am fake. Because I am getting more attention than you ?you are a very childish small insignificant boy. Just like catpower

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