Saturday, September 28, 2024

Indian Community in Support of Bowman Lusambo’s dispersing of an Indian Wedding ceremony in Emmasdale


The Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ) has humbly requested not only members of the Indian Community in Zambia but all the People to abide and respect the guidelines set out by President Edgar Lungu, if the country is to stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Association has also expressed sadness that it has been made aware of a social gathering that took place in Lusaka, last night, Friday 10 April 2020.

On Friday night, Lusaka Province Minister Hon Bowman Lusambo led Police officers to disperse an Indian wedding ceremony in Emmasdale area in which the number of people in attendance exceeded the stipulated number.

AICZ Secretary-General Zuber Dasu told the media that the Association, the Lusaka Hindu Association (LHA) and the Lusaka Muslim Society (LMS) have jointly, in the strongest terms condemned the event that they describe as unfortunate incident.

Mr. Dasu said the parties concerned have been spoken to and they have apologized for their irresponsible behaviour.

“It is with great sadness that we have been made aware of a social gathering that took place in Lusaka, last night, Friday 10 April 2020,” he said.

“As you are all aware, the Association of Indian Community in Zambia (AICZ), together with the Lusaka Hindu Association (LHA) and the Lusaka Muslim Society (LMS) have been working closely with the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Ministry of Health (MOH) to supplement their efforts in fighting this deadly pandemic.”

He added that numerous other bodies also have come together in the fight to curtail the spread of the deadly and life-threatening COVID-19.

“Although we understand that gathering last night was of less than the 50 individuals, this does not in any way alleviate the situation before us,” he indicated.

“It is therefore not only very sad, but totally irresponsible, abhorrent, and downright belligerent, that those individuals saw it fit to continue with their gathering in disregard of GRZ’s directives in exercising caution and showing restraint during these difficult times.”

He stated that the situation is exasperated by the fact that Lusaka has a number of recorded cases of COVID-19, and consequently it is in this area that social distancing, isolation and other measures announced by the government should be strictly adhered to.

Last night, the Police have dispersed an Indian wedding ceremony in Emmasdale area in which the number of people in attendance exceeded the stipulated number.

Lusaka Province Minister, Bowman Lusambo, who led a team of police officers in the anti-COVID-19 operation, said that people should abide by the COVID-19 measures, adding that the operation will not spare anyone that will be found going against measures put in place to address the spread of the Coronavirus.

Mr. Lusambo said that police will continue patrolling the city to ensure the measures are adhered to, to minimize the effects of the pandemic.

Mr. Lusambo has, however, warned those that have continued defying the law that the law will visit them, adding that government is doing everything possible to avert the COVID-19 pandemic but some people are frustrating its effort.

Mr. Lusambo has commended residents, who have continued informing the law enforcers on the people that are breaking the COVID-19 regulations.

“It was shocking to find that one Barbershop in Chilulu has been turned into a bar,” noted the Provincial Minister.

“It is highly unfortunate that despite the good efforts by the government through the Ministry of Health, we still have a lot of people practicing irresponsible and selfish behavior. We shall not relent. Remember these measures have been extended by another two weeks by His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu – so go out to drink at your own peril.”


  1. The Chinese community, Bembas , Tongas ,Lozi ,Whites ,roadside vendors and communities in the crowded slums should all observe these strict Covid-19 rules. Well done Hindus.

  2. Where is Lusambo with solutions when Lusaka is flooded , when garbage is piled for years ?

    Those patrols should be done by police

  3. That is not the job of Lusambo you fool. A presidential directive ought to be adhered to by all and at all times stipulated. Disregarding that directive is an indication of a dysfunctional state. The public has lost confidence and trust because of people who do not obey laws of the land like Kaizer Zulu. When individuals think themselves above the law by disobeying court orders, they compel the public to disregard any order. Law and order is broken in Zambia because of rogues like Kaizer Zulu harrasses, kidnaps, assaults and dehumanise Zambians while the police are asleep. Lusambo is acting because police are ineffective because of KZ disgusting behaviour of being above the law of Zambia.

  4. Love him or hate him, the man is pragmatic. God moves in mysterious ways and I’m sure that he can even use Bowman to avert a pending catastrophe and save many lives.

  5. Number 1 Patriot. Comrade Lusambo. He’s deserving for honourable mention,. Your Excellency a Ministerial post of higher portfolio.

    He is saving Zambia from Covid19 , ‘one bar and gathering at a time!’. Hardworking, God bless his work for his fellow countrymen/women.


  6. Mr lusambo is definitely doing a commendable job.
    He has put his own life at risk to help us reduce the spread of the virus.
    Other MPs cannot even go to their constituencies to help with the sensitization programmes.
    Credit to him for his efforts.

  7. Lusambo is doing a commendable job. Please sir visit places like the areas outside bus stations such as intercity bus terminal and disperse cadres who are always drinking shake shake in groups. These are illegal taverns during day time in full view of all. If you can break these gatherings it will save lots of lives. Also vendors in town who are not following social distancing what about them? This is where the virus can spread too. Please lets apply the law equally for everyone.

  8. It’s not about Lusambo, its about whether the measures actually go far enough to prevent transmission. What’s the logic with still allowing 50 people to gather? A very abstract number that does nothing to stop the spread. 49 or 50 people gathering does not pose a risk, but 51 does, is that the reasoning?

  9. Complete disjoint with the reality of a hard working minister…..

    As I said , If Lusambo showed up when Lusaka floods or offered real lasting solutions to cleaning up Lusaka , or solutions to the constant street vending or street kids , then he can have my respect…..not only shining at doing police or gate keeper work ? Those are simple problems police should deal with….

  10. AICZ is a mouthpiece of Muslim community. It is using Indian word to hide Tableeghi Muslims who brought virus to Zambia. Emmasdakecwedding was of Muslims and these fundamentalists are using the name of Indian community to hoodwink the gullible. Every member of AICZ except sold out Nitesh Patel is an Islamist.

  11. But weren’t these chaps supposed to be charged and prosecuted?? They are the same “clan” that brought us Covid 19 from Pakistan. We need to get tough on them otherwise they kill us with their cheap pride of lawlessness!!

  12. Chitalu vs Lusambo. Fight for Plot 1.

    But Lusambo doesn’t seem to know what to do… his running about like a loose canon.

    Give us solutions boss. Stop running about like you have nothing to do.

  13. Hon Lusambo apa tepakuleka..

    The Lusaka Hindu Association (LHA) and the Lusaka Muslim Society (LMS) are in Support of Bowman Lusambo’s dispersing of an Indian Wedding ceremony.

  14. Chi Lusambo nichi SAVAGE fye.
    “The more we claim to discriminate between cultures and customs as good and bad, the more completely do we identify ourselves with those we would condemn. By refusing to consider as human those who seem to us to be the most “savage” or “barbarous” of their representatives, we merely adopt one of their own characteristic attitudes. The barbarian is, first and foremost, the man who believes in barbarism.”
    -Claude Levi-Strauss, Race et histoire

  15. He should fine both the lodge owner and each guest hard that way they learn by hitting the wallet or purse, the Indians and Lebanese they cry for their money.

  16. Hard working Lusambo my foot! Be careful how you celebrate dysfunctionality. I can’t imagine the enture minister in a Western country chasing after drunks and prostitutes at midnight

  17. The Association has also expressed sadness that it has been made aware of a social gathering that took place in Lusaka, last night, Friday 10 April 2020.
    What’s the meaning of that?
    They would have been happy not to be made aware?

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