Sunday, September 29, 2024

Current LAZ leadership has no mandate to speak on behalf of members, their term of office expired-Tutwa


A Lusaka based Lawyer Tutwa Ngubule has said that the current Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) Council has no mandate to issue statements on behalf of the Association.

Reacting to a statement put out by LAZ current President Eddie Mwitwa, Mr. Ngulube said that the mandate for the Council members expired on the 2nd of April 2020 and that Lawyers have not sat to extend the mandate of the former council members wondering where they are getting the authority to speak on behalf of the Association.

Mr. Ngulube said that as things stand, it is illegal and misleading for anyone to masquerade as a Council member and challenged those who issued a recent statement to State which Section of the Law Association of Zambia Act gave them a fresh mandate or an extension.

Mr. Ngulube said that those speaking on behalf of LAZ even after their term of office has come to an end may be cited for Professional Misconduct.

But when contacted for a comment, LAZ President Eddie Mwitwa’s phone went unanswered.

Yesterday the Law Association of Zambia called on the Independent Broadcasting Authority to immediately rescind its decision to cancel the broadcasting license for Prime TV because it is illegal.

LAZ President Eddie Mwitwa said that the action and conduct of the IBA is an affront to the freedom of the media and an assault on the democratic right of freedom of expression.

Mr Mwitwa further stated that the timing of the cancellation of prime TV’s license raises a lot of speculation and reasonable doubts about the independence and professionalism of the IBA in this matter.

He has since demanded that both the IBA and Zambia Police Service should allow Prime TV’s proprietors, officers and staff to access and control Prime TV’s premises with immediate effect saying the Authority did not order Prime TV to close for Zambia Police officers to take control of private premises without a court order and without any evidence of any criminal activities perpetrated by either prime TV officers or employees.

Mr Mwitwa has also challenged the IBA to explain to the public, in whose interest the decision was professedly taken, the basis of the decision, the security and peace concerns as well as other circumstances in issue and whether the IBA itself had complied with the entire provisions of section 29.


  1. Haha spaka anyone who expresses a different view from you guys is corrupt and a pf supporter. This is why you cant win an election because you dont even know who your competitor is. You label each person with the Same brush so long as they dont agree with you.

  2. Kaizar Zulu © , Always talking about winning an election….always…. typical behavior of Sycophants…..Anyway you are here purely for comedy more like Chilufya Tayali…….Hand to Mouth type

  3. Tutwa why not advocate for the illegal ministers to pay back our money so that it is used for fight against Corona? Didn’t the court rule, are your tongues cut by PF such that you are void of a conscience and seated yourselves with futility. Anyway days are numbered everything has an end, all we can ensure is if that ending is good or bad for us through our doing.

  4. KZ

    Busy boasting about winning elections , more like rigging , which ever way can you see the suffering you have caused amongst Zambians ?

  5. Tutwa Ngubule is a simpleton…Lazy Bum Lungu gave him that position in Parliament to shut him up and keep him busy away from challenging the boss….this small boy couldn’t even sell Bill 10 to the public. I would like to check the mental state of the poor sobs who pay this small boy for his legal services …really laughable!!

  6. Kaizer, great comment, the first part that is. And I would like for you to also acknowledge that not everyone who disagrees with you is PF and therefore UPND!
    Additionally, not everyone who disagrees with you is in the diaspora.
    I just have to point that out, when Sishuwa writes what he writes, he isn’t doing it because he is UPND.
    Just please accept that there are people out there who don’t agree with the PF and that doesn’t make them UPND supporters.

  7. Looks like LT have started manipulating votes to massage KZ eggo.

    Some of us are trained to spot inconsistencies in media patterns. To spot a fraud in opinion. To manipulate SM. To turn SM into a weapon.

    We have the tools to delve deeper.

  8. They say silent is golden….in some issues better one keeps quiet….the way Tutwa is coming out it’s like PF has hands dipped in the Prime TV saga….it should be government not PF stooges, when is Africa going to separate the technocratic operations from the party stupiditiness…..awe amano tatwakwata except for countries like Rwanda, they are coming from war and yet they are advancing far much….they could be having their own issues but at least one is able to see their development… infrastructure, and manufacturing…..ifye ni tutwa this, tutwa that, lungu this, lungu that, ifintu ifishipanga na sense….meanwhile people are busy importing toothpicks no twamukati sure…..neshati fye sure….awe bane we can do better as a nation!

  9. Some things Tutwa Ngulube says makes me wonder how he went through ZIALE, that’s why he’s more of a real estate agent than a lawyer. That’s why he built an illegal sunda station at Kabwe. He’s full of illegalities, even those property owners on whose behalf he collects rent are always complaining because of his thuggery behaviour. Even a layman knows that any portfolio that has a fixed tenure has a transition that takes care of the vacuum.So he’s speaking with food in his mouth. Poverty has caused many people in PF to stop thinking properly. Next year if you ferry those villagers from Chisamba constituency to vote in Kabwe we’ll lock you up. If the PF adopts you and Mushanga then they will have no seat in Kabwe.

  10. Tutwa says what LAZ did is illegal and misleading. What punitive measures does the Law and the LAZ Act provide that he Tutwa Ngulube can and should take LAZ council who’s mandate expired to cour. It’s high time Tutwa put his money were his mouth is, he always screams illegal then sits back.

  11. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Well instead of challenging the merits of the LAZ Statement put out by Mr Mwitwa, this dude is busy focusing on when their tenure of office expired. Will their statement only be valid if their term didn’t expire? Let the guy provide counter arguments against those Mwitwa provided.
    So what excuse makes Sishuwa’s arguments invalid, seeing he makes exactly the same point as LAZ?

    2nd the fact this guy has come of the blocks with a lame excuse like this proves the fact that IBA decision was influenced by the PF and they didn’t act independently and professionally, the very point Mr Mwitwa was highlighting.

    3rd if the LAZ executive committee’s term expired on 2nd April (only a week ago), I would like to guess that surely their Constitution provides for them to continue running the…

  12. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    …3rd if the LAZ executive committee’s term expired on 2nd April (only a week ago), I would like to guess that surely their Constitution provides for them to continue running the affairs of the organisation until the new committee is ushered into office (at least slightly longer than one wk)… if not I would be very surprised).
    What a failed project this Zambia is!
    “With great power comes great responsibility”

  13. I honestly think when the next government comes into office the likes of Malyamungo Kainyo Zulu, Tutwa Ngulunyo, Nkandu Lunyo must all be tried, convicted and all shot dead! This level of stupidity is treasonous. Further, I hope those Lenjes in Kabwe vote this rabid swine out of power at the next polls, he hates bantu Botatwe so let him go back kumawa kumonyo!

  14. Let us suppose for a minute that Tutwa’s view is correct, which it is not – that LAZ has no mandate to to challenge the IBA decision. Does that change the substance of the law being relied on? It is disappointing to see a lawyer of more than 10 years at the bar exhibit such baseness in legal acumen.


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