Saturday, September 28, 2024

IBA Board Working with PF to Subvert Democracy in Zambia


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

I woke up to a message, impossible to fathom, yet not exactly unusual in a country like Zambia, where every action and decision made in the public arena is anchored on corruption, deception and manipulation; and all for the sole purpose of assisting the Patriotic Front (PF) cement their unholy grip on power and control.

Revelations that a serving IBA Board Member, Chalimba Phiri, is actively in bed and screwing around with the PF by actively providing them with “consultancy services” principally aimed at undermining our democracy by silencing the media, should be a wake up call for any sane Zambian, that our public institutions of governance are under a hostile, state capture takeover.

These institutions, such as the IBA, do not exist to serve the public and national interest as purported under the law that creates such creatures. The IBA is a working arm of the PF regime and will act and only act for and on behalf of the PF regime, and only in the interest of the PF regime.

How does an individual, who is either in the process of soliciting for work from the PF, or actively receiving payment from the PF, act impartially and professionally when his impartiality and professionalism can harm the people who are paying him?

Chalimba Phiri is NOT the only reprobate on the IBA board. They all are. If any one of them disagrees with my tagging them REPROBATES actively working to strangle our democracy by shrinking the private media space, and therefore working for the PF regime, let them come out in the open and justify their immoral conduct exercised in the closure of Prime Television.

This is the problem we currently have in Zambia: all frontline institutions of governance, including the courts, Electoral Commission of Zambia, the police, the IBA and several others are peppered with PF operatives and cadres who ensure that the agenda of the PF regime goes unchallenged.

The country witnessed an unplanned, unauthorized protest on the Copperbelt calling for Mopani Copper Mines to leave and the police allowed it. The reason is simple: the plan of the PF led cartel is to force the closure of not only Mopani but other viable mining corporations so that the cartel can take over. The takeover of the mines will NOT be for the benefit of Zambians. Any takeover will be for the benefit of the state capture cartel with PF at the heart of it.

Zambian workers will be worse off if and when we allow state capture cartels takeover our mines because our people will have no recourse to justice.

The reason I have mentioned protests on the Copperbelt against Mopani is to demonstrate that any protests against the closure of Prime TV will never be tolerated because it will fly in the face of the agendas of the PF regime.

This is why K13 million from City Market can be plundered without consequences because that money ended up at the PF Secretariat, and the market is under the leadership of known PF operatives.

And this is the sort of country we have been creating since 2011. And this is the sort of country others want to continue with post 2021.

This is not a Zambian Republic.

This is a PF mafia state.


  1. I feel pity for you. This system of the government operations has come where it is because of HH and his regime change imperialists who want Zambian minerals in particular.Since 2015 Zambia has faced many challenges that are orchestrated by HH and his imperialists to arm twist PF. Did you know why Gerald is quiet can’t say anything to closure of Prime tv? Anthony understand your pay master very very my young brother maybe tomorrow you will understand politics in details.

  2. Ichi chena chi nangwa. This twit is so deep in his lies and hate he even believes himself. What a loser, LT stop publishing this’s articles please.

  3. I was wondering where this foolish biased constipated horse was. Hanthony habwalya. We know you chaps are desperate to get power. However, let me be honest with you and this is coming from some one who has won elections and managed to outseat a ruling party in Africa, the upnd will never lead this country and not especially with its current leadership. You jokers have a lot to learn about this country. You are naive and too arrogant for the zambian people to hand over instruments of power to you. Dont say I didn’t tell you ,when you are 90 years old unable to go to toilet by yourself and still blogging as opposition.

  4. One thing that caught my attention by IBA statement is that they did it “in the interest of the public” don’t the public include the workers both direct as well as indirect beneficiaries of Prime TV too? Will govt employ those people? Was the closure of the post news paper in public interest too? Were it’s employees not part of the public?
    So in whose interest did IBA cancel the license? Are those that subscribe and prefer watching Prime TV not part of the public too? Clearly this behavior is not different from a witch, we killing fellow zambians because of a few individuals in power. If our mindset doesn’t change this very moment I feel sorry for Zambia in the near future. I think people who are timid and scared are partly to blame, how do you let a few bunch of ingrates steal…

  5. Anthony can you for moment explain the behaviour of Gerald at the meeting called by Govt. to sensitize the public on Covid19? You have every right to belong to any political party of your choice but please put your country first. What kind of children would you like to bring up in Zambia with that behaviour of your heroe in the name of Gerald? It is a shame. PF would be full of geniuses to have planned that Shawa was really going to behave worse than a UPND Cadre like yourself and then close his prime television station. Anthony what away to kill a party that was once a national political party but turned into a regional grouping?

  6. IBA,ECZ,Courts,Anti Corruption Commission,The Police are all under state capture see how this PF Government has silenced FIC the only government institution which was good this government is brutal only a blind person can’t see there are ready to put anyone who comes there way down this is the time we need strong men in Zambia to face these demons this is not the time to be cowards i heard Chief Chitimukulu said umwaume afwile ne chishiki kumala a man died with a piece of wood in his stomach no time to be scared but to fight for our country.

  7. Marubbish article. Hanthony is a nasty nut.
    Don’t waste reading articles from !d!ots like him.
    ECL will wipe your @$$€$ clean politically not by tricks and juju. Just clean game.
    “Social media is for all, while journalism is for trained communicators (Professionals). But if you allow all and sundry to masquerade as journalists, your profession will perish and you will have yourselves to blame”, ECL, POTROZand CICOTAFs.

  8. The writer is full of bitterness not reality. Prime tv was also under capture by upnd. This is a fact. Besides prime tv was just a hate breeding station.

  9. UPND and its cadres will always call names like insane, dull, uneducated to every person that does not agree with them. Why does Anthony write with such a bitter tone?

  10. This Thorn in the Flesh

    Lungu can never win any free and fair elections, look what happened in Chilubi, a PF stronghold , lungu had to bribe voters with free meal meal and ban all opposition

  11. I personally think, it’s very unfair for the Author to pick up just one name. Are you out there just to tarnish our Eastern image and standing in the society? Name all the members please !

  12. “I woke up to a message, impossible to fathom, yet not exactly unusual in a country like Zambia, where every action and decision made in the public arena is anchored on corruption, deception and manipulation; and all for the sole purpose of assisting the Patriotic Front (PF) cement their unholy grip on power and control,”WELCOME TO ZAMBIA…….!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Why are we wasting taxpayers money on this Unindependent Broadcasting Authority? Where in the structures of a democratic society does this IBA fit in? Why is there no equivalent of it in the print press?

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