Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two more cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Zambia


Two more cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Zambia in the last 24 hours bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 45.

This is out of the 123 tests conducted in the country in the last 24 hours, Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya has announced.

Dr Chilufya said Kafue has so far recorded three cases, among them the daughter of the adult male from Kafue who died from Coronavirus on 8th April 2020 making Kafue a hotspot for COVID-19.

He said the other case involves the wife of a man from Makeni who yesterday tested positive for the virus.

Dr Chilufya said of the 45 cases recorded in Zambia, 25 had history of travel to COVID-19 hot spot countries while 20 are local transmissions.

He said the high number of local transmissions should remind Zambians to corporate with health officials and security wings as they work hard to defeat Zambia’s newest enemy.

Dr Chilufya said in the last 24 hours, two people have been discharged with 13 cases under the care of health authorities while 30 have recovered in Zambia.

He said health personnel continue to observe high risk persons that came into Zambia adding that Kafue remains in the limelight.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu says he has reports that some members of the public are defying public health regulations by “socialising” in carparks and other such places.

He reminded Zambians that COVID-19 is deadly and no one will be allowed to endanger lives of other people or indeed his or her own life.

President Lungu said this level of irresponsibility will not be tolerated by authorities on the ground.

He has since called on all members of the public to take personal responsibility by adhering to the measures he announced in his address to the nation.


  1. You see, Lusambo methods are not working. His team are spreading coronavirus.
    How many have hospitalized or injured from brutality of coronavirus enforcers led by Lusambo?

  2. Looks like the Christian nation will be disappointed by their white Jesus AGAIN!!

    Some id!ots were saying corona niyaku bazungu kweka!! In two weeks time you will start digging mass graves if you haven’t done it yet.

  3. Some id!ots were saying corona niyaku bazungu kweka!! In two weeks time you will start digging mass graves if you haven’t done it yet.

  4. When we tell you pudding-heads that his case numbers are a fallacy, you think I am doing it out of malice…imagine if this chap Chilufya was doing a thousand tests a day? You can not do 50 tests a day and sit back saying zero cases for 5 days its preposterous. What did I tell you about Chilufya’s sampling techniques this time last week???
    Wake up …get a professional to head this Task Team not this crook .. the way MMD used to it during Cholera outbreak. This bigger than any pandemic we have had.

  5. Honestly speaking, can president Lungu if he’s really worth the salt come out and talk directly to us and not on Facebook

  6. Brother don’t wish Zambians to start digging mass graves, pray that Our heavenly father be with Zambia and the pandemic get rid off in the name of Jesus Christ.
    We have seen how people are dying like flies. I’m not expecting you to wish Zambians to start digging mass graves.
    Let’s encourage each other to follow what the ministry of health are advising us,by following social distancing, washing your hands and stay at home….
    May God forgive you for you don’t know what you are talking about.

  7. Fwebene – But he Edgar Lungu is not worth his salt…you can take a donkey to a pond to drink but you can not force it to drink…that’s the same as leadership, Generals are exposed during war for lack of it.

  8. EX-MAROON – Go to your fictitious character Jesus and get a cure…if religious establishment are so essential why are they closed.
    Wake up from your folly and take your silliness to the toilet!!!!

  9. The makeni family acted very irresponsibly by hiding, so whatever they tell authorities about who they have been in contact with must be counter checked. They are not trustworthy and had exposed weakness in the so called “aggressive surveillance” system. It just takes one nut head to circumvent well intended efforts. That said, well done to our medics, this is not an easy job with limited resources and an “open calendar” coz we simply don’t know when this scourge will end. Well done once again but be hard on that makeni family.

  10. And Dunderhead Kaizar Zulu was saying we are doom sayers when we criticise the fake and inaccurate testing….COVID 19 is infecting Zambians every day and people are dying…guess what…its malaria…ok lets wait and see

  11. Government doing a good job and yet they’re lying so that Bandit President Lungu can use it for his 3rd term propaganda….Chitalu Chilufya is a very dull health Minister…

  12. A PF aligned youth wing headed by a Ndoyi has broken the directives of Stay home, they are in Eastern province sensitising people on the divisive bill 10. Can you imagine during this time when every effort and attention is toward the Covid-19 Pandemic. The police have done nothing to stop them. In any case who are they sensitising when everyone has been directed to STAY HOME. They have moved from Lusaka the epicenter to Eastern province and even covered by the State House aligned Smart eagles.

  13. We’re having to choose btwn spiritual health, economic health and public health. Publuc health comes before the other two. That’s why churches are closed, mosques are closed and some workers hv been sent home. Let’s use sober language. Zambia is under a severe test.

  14. These are very dark days.

    I am afraid it will even get darker in Zambia, and Africa as the cold season is next.

    Leaving this matter in the hands of God is being irresponsible and reckless. Did God tell you to leave it in his hands? Even God himself does not allow that type of reasoning and laziness.

    Prepare hospital beds in mass.

    Make sure enough life support equipment is available.

    Prepare for increased mortuary space, and burial grounds.

    And please stay at home.

    God have mercy on Zambia, and the rest of the world.

  15. The problem with oreos( white on inside but black on outside) like tarino and his fellow immigrants is that they lack any confidence in their own kind. You see no one said that no one will get infected. We are dealing with a global pandemic, so to criticise and blame government whenever a new case is transmitted is very dull and petty. The country you run to are experiencing thousands of death with all those resources you claim they have. We are not seeing any such fatalities in our country and are proud with the work our men in uniform are doing. You sit at home all day criticising Zambias handling of global pandemic which has only led to 2 deaths instead of going out to volunteer for the NHS there as you swore allegiance to your queen that side when they granted you asylum. Leave us…

  16. Nemwine – You are not having to choose ..covid-19 clearly shows you what is important or essential to you. If you not sitting down and thinking about this you seriously need to get yourself checked urgently. Africans do not need religion they never have …we have something older than a two thousand social-cultural system its called Spirituality.
    Wake up from your docility!!

  17. Tarino orange what you are saying to ex-maroon if you believe in word of God is like the two criminals at the closs when Jesus was dying for us if you think you will enjoy your life by failing to believe Jesus that he is above all things today that disease can meet you and find your self in hell faster than ever .if the president stay away from grouping it is the government direction extracted from the Bible word (Jesus) because this is not the first time it happened know your self that it happened in old time lock down is not the first time it is there in the Bible exodus. So just prepare your self and repent

  18. Continued : Leave us alone, we are ok here and don’t need advice from mere keyboard critics. Kz

  19. Thank you doctor. We are thankful for keeping us well informed and for all the hard work our men and women in uniform are doing. We humbly request people to follow presidential directives to avoid unnecessary spread of this virus. The government does not spread the virus, careless individuals do. Let us take personal responsibility. We are doing very well so far in comparison to the richest nations in the world so let us work together to beat this virus and keep us all safe and alive. Prayer and science is what will keep us going. Even scientists believe in God so please do not be deterred by those evil spirits in diaspora. They are still angry even after going for greener pastures. How sad.

  20. Abamano – How can you base an argument using a book called bible that is written in third person tense….really laughable…how can one repent if he is a non believer. You ask yourself why the slave-master took everything from the slave but religion.
    I end here as this impostor will start populating the thread with fake aliases.

    Wake up from your docility

  21. Traditionally, systems wait for patients to go to the hospital. With covid this cant work, as is currently.the case.

    If u look at most hard hit countries, people are dying before they reach the hospital.

    The approach must be emphasized on these two areas,

    1. Government must clearly explain the symptoms to people so that they tell the difference with a common flu. Not once, but every time they give briefs.

    2. People with flu like infections must call the toll free lines so that medical staff can visit them immediately for testing.

    3. Government must bark onassis production of masks, home made ones but meeting standards and distribute them, ayleast a million, in the next ten days.

    I was in tow today and am.sad to say that social distancing has failed. Closing bars may…

  22. Tarino Orange: I don’t want to despise religion; in fact I don’t despise religion. Many people find religion important in their lives and I want to respect that. We’re under a severe test and some bloggers, me included because I don’t consider myself special, may not be around this time nxt yr. That possibility alone is enough to listen to Dr Chitalu Chilufya and follow govt orders.

  23. The rising number of local transmissions is of course alarming but we shouldn’t forget that a good number has recovered. All virologists agree that eventually, it’s not the number of new cases that matters but the rate at which this number doubles. In Germany, we’re now aroung 19 days (for around 2000 cases a day) to double. It means there are more people recovering than are getting infected, which is a sign of progress.

    In Zambia, I would say we’re relatively in the early stages of local transmissions and that is why it is highly important to observe the guidelines in order to break/slow down the rate of infection. If things go well, these numbers could only be restricted to one or two hotspots (clusters) and may perhaps even go down after a week or so if these spots are locked…

  24. …down. Comparatively, SA is the hardest hit country in the region has already started seeing a reduction in new infections. That should give us hope.


  26. The numbers in Zambia far exceed what we are being told. Let us for just a moment go to a mall and the masses of people window shopping! Until true numbers of cases and deaths are revealed, people will not take this seriously. Buses from RSA were seen dropping people in Kafue the week of lockdown.

  27. Keep on testing the people and don’t assume the number of infections….korona ali unpredictable, Noti ka red olo ka black


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